January 8, 2025
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., January 8, 2025. POW/MIA Chair placement was conducted by Sergeant-at-Arms Pam Sinsel. Vice-President Loretta Palensky offered the opening prayer. Ten members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The November minutes were approved as read. There was no December meeting. A pot luck was held instead.
Loretta motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Jolene seconded the motion. Motion carried. Loretta motioned and Billie seconded that the ALA repay the SAL $92.50 for our share of the drink tickets from the Christmas pot luck. Motion carried. Charlie gave a recap of the 2024 income and expenditures.
Membership Report: Barb has called those members who haven’t yet paid their 2025 dues. 33 members haven’t paid.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Amber has kept the Facebook page current. Members may submit new photos to her.
Communications: Carmen emailed the District 6 newsletter to members.
The January recipient of a $50 gift certificate was Vicki Cyboron. Congratulations!
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in January and February.
687 were served at the Veterans’ Day Breakfast. All went well, and the high school helpers from Central Catholic and Northwest High School did an excellent job!
Even though only 20 children attended the Children’s Christmas Party, everyone had fun, and there are supplies left for next year.
Gifts for Yanks went well. They had a full house for Bingo and all enjoyed the prizes and gifts.
VA Gift Shop Days was also successful, and Local 4 News was there to share the day with a wide audience.
Wreaths Across America had a good turnout. Each grave received a wreath. Picking up the wreaths will be held on January 18 at 10:00 a.m. Wear gloves.
Applications for Girls’ State are due March 1. Interviews for local candidates will be held February 23. Amber will contact the history and government teachers at the local high schools to encourage junior girls to apply.
Mid-Year Convention will be held in Norfolk on January 17-19. On January 18, there will be a joint session and then separate sessions for training.
Bingo will be held at the VA Hospital on January 18. All ALA members are welcome to help out. Be there at 1:00.
The District 6 Spring meeting will be held in Grand Island. We are responsible for making dessert and for the sign-in table. More details will be given later.
Tracking sheets will be collected in February.
Veterans’ Day at the Races will be on Saturday, February 22. Loretta motioned and Amber seconded that the ALA sponsor a race. Motion carried.
POW/MIA Closing was conducted by Pam Sinsel.
Being no further business, Charlie motioned and Billie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on February 5, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
November 6, 2024
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., November 6, 2024. POW/MIA Chair placement was conducted. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer. Fifteen members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The October minutes were approved as corrected.
Billie motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Linda seconded the motion. Motion carried. No new bills were presented.
Membership Report: Barb sent out 8 membership cards today with several more to mail.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Amber has kept the Facebook page current. Members may submit new photos to her.
Communications: Carmen emailed the District 6 newsletter to members. Dues must be paid by January 1, 2025 if members want in on the benefits of membership. Girls’ State will be held June 1-7, 2025 in Lincoln. A thank you note from Nancy Klimek was read.
The November recipient of a $50 gift certificate to Wusabi is Avis Pike. Congratulations!
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in November and December.
Members should arrive at the UVC on Sunday, November 10 at 5:00 p.m. to set up for the Veteran’s Day Breakfast and should arrive at 5:30 a.m. on Monday, November 11 to work the breakfast. Four members of the Central Catholic Student Council and 4 members of the Northwest FCCLA will help serve.
The Children’s Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 7 in Memorial Hall from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Several local businesses are contributing to the event. The event is open to children of veterans and active-duty military including the National Guard and Veterans from Central Community College. There will be games, story time, cookies, and a visit from Santa. Members of the ALA and VFWA should arrive a little before 12:30 p.m. to help set up.
The ALA will be contributing $25 for Dollar Days Cookies.
The Sons and ALA Christmas Potluck and lighting of the Christmas Tree will be held at the UVC on December 4th at 6 p.m.
The District 6 Spring meeting will be held in March in Grand Island. More details will be shared later.
Tracking sheets for May 2024 through December 2024 are due at the January 2025 meeting. Tracking sheets for January 2025 through April 2025 will be due at the May 2025 meeting.
There will be no business meeting in December due to the Christmas Potluck. Members are asked to bring a donation for the Food Pantry at the Veterans Hospital. A donation box will be available at the UVC.
Avis motioned and Ronda seconded that the ALA donate $40 to the slider meal at the Veterans Hospital on November 9. Motion carried.
POW/MIA Closing was conducted.
Being no further business, Linda motioned and Avis seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next business meeting will be held on January 8, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
October 2, 2024
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., October 2, 2024. POW/MIA Chair placement was conducted. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer. Eleven members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The September minutes were approved as read.
Terri motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Avis seconded the motion. Motion carried. No new bills were presented.
Membership Report: Barb sent out 20 membership cards today and collected dues from several members present at the meeting.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Amber has kept the Facebook page current. Members may submit new photos to her.
Communications: District 6 Fall Roundup will be held on October 13 at the St. Paul Legion Post. The morning session begins at 10:00 and the afternoon session begins at 1:30.
The October recipient of a $50 gift certificate is Nancy Klimek. Congratulations!
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in October.
Flyers for the 21st Annual Veterans’ Day Appreciation Breakfast were handed out so they could be displayed at businesses around town. The breakfast will be held from 6:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. on Monday, November 11, at the UVC. ALA members should arrive no later than 5:30 a.m. to help. Members of the Northwest High School FBLA will also help. Food has been ordered. Set-up will be after Bingo around 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 10. Kayleen was added to the list of those bringing banana bread. They should bring their bread sliced and on a tray, to be refrigerated, on the 10th .
The hall has been booked for the Children’s Christmas Party to be held on December 7. There are funds still available from last year. More members are needed for the committee to plan the party that is held jointly with the VFW Auxiliary. Discussion of volunteers was tabled until the next meeting.
A Flag Retirement Ceremony will be held on October 12 after the car show on ball field #3. Over 300 flags are scheduled to be retired. The event is hosted by Boy Scout Troop 119 and Betsey Hager Chapter of the NSDDAR.
Avis motioned and Liz seconded that the ALA donate $170 to Wreaths Across America. Motion carried.
The joint Christmas Party Potluck with the SONS will be held at 6:00 p.m. on December 4 at the UVC.
POW/MIA Closing was conducted.
Being no further business, Charlie motioned and Terri seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on November 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
September 4, 2024
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., September 4, 2024. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer. Ten members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The July minutes were approved as corrected. The August minutes were approved as read.
Liz motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Avis seconded the motion. Motion carried. Avis motioned and Loretta seconded that Charlie be reimbursed $22.40 for the POW chair cover. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Barb has not received any membership information in the mail yet. Dues will be $35 this year.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Amber has kept the Facebook page current. Members may submit new photos to her.
Communications: District Assessments and volunteer donations are due. Gifts for Yanks is short on funds and is asking for additional donations, though not mandatory. Charlie motioned that the ALA donate to the same organizations with the same amounts as last year. There was no second. After a brief discussion, Sandy motioned that the Fisher House be added to the list of donations from last year. Liz seconded the motion. Motion carried. Sandy motioned that $100 be donated to the following: Grand Island VAMC-GIVAMC, Central Nebraska Vets Home-CNVH, Veterans Dollar Days, Women Veterans; and that $50 be donated to the Fisher House. Avis seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The September recipient of a $50 gift certificate is Billie Heron. Congratulations!
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in September.
A recap of the national convention was given by Avis.
The Veterans’ Day Breakfast will be held on Monday, November 11 at the UVC. The ALA will set up on Sunday, November 10 after Bingo. The following volunteered to bake four loaves of banana bread with no nuts to bring to the breakfast: Liz, Sandy, Carmen, Pam, Loretta, Charlie and possibly Sue and Linda.
The dedication of the new Hall County Warriors Memorial will be held on Saturday, September 21 at 1914 West Capital Ave. Reservations are suggested.
Being no further business, Charlie motioned and Avis seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on October 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 met in Memorial Hall for a dessert social on August 7, 2024. No regular meeting was held.
The next business meeting will be held on September 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., July 10, 2024. Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offered the opening prayer. Eleven members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The June minutes were approved as read.
Avis motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Terri seconded the motion. Motion carried. A bill of $92.96 for ALA grave markers and a 70 years membership pin was presented. Pam motioned and Avis seconded that the bill be paid. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Four members haven’t paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Amber has kept the Facebook page current. Members may submit new photos to her.
Communications: All Legion Family organizations will now have a POW/MIA chair at each meeting. Charlie will order a new chair cover for the ALA.
The July recipient of a $50 gift certificate to Freddy’s is Carmen Larson. Congratulations!
The August recipient of a $50 gift certificate to Texas T-Bone is Lisa Hunnicutt. Congratulations!
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in August.
A recap of the state convention was given by attendees. There was a good turn-out. State officers were elected, and Avis was chosen as alternate for Chaplain for the national convention in New Orleans. The new Legion building in Lincoln is paid for.
The District 6 picnic will be held at the GI VA Medical Center on July 20. Volunteers should be there by 8:30 a.m. to set up. The American Legion Riders will go through the grounds at 10:00 a.m. as part of their Poker Run. The picnic will end around 1:00 p.m. when Bingo for the veterans begins.
Volunteer servers for the Riders’ Poker Run should be at the UVC at 4 p.m. with the meal beginning at 5 p.m.
A Tea to celebrate longevity membership awards and the Girls’ State attendee will be held on August 7 in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club. There will be no business meeting for the month of August. Four recipients of longevity awards have been invited to the tea as well as the Girls’ State attendee. Charlie, Carmen, and Lisa volunteered to bring a dessert. Members should arrive at 6:00 p.m. to set up for the celebration.
The VA Medical Center has a new wish list. Carmen will email it to members. If anyone has an item on the list that they would like to donate, they should bring it to the August gathering or contact Billie.
Being no further business, Avis motioned and Charlie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next gathering will be the Tea on August 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall. The next business meeting will be held on September 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., June 5, 2024. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer in honor of Flag Day. Twelve members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The May minutes were approved as corrected.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Terri seconded the motion. Motion carried. There were no new bills presented.
Membership Report: Two new members have joined and five have yet to pay their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Members should forward the Easter Egg Hunt and Memorial Day pictures along with any other pictures of activities to Amber to be posted on the Facebook page.
Communications: Carmen has emailed the District Newsletter to members. State convention is in Kearney at the Holiday Inn on June 21-23.
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in July.
Charlie shared a picture of an ALA stake placed for Memorial Day. Charlie will be starting a scrapbook of the stakes put out at the graves of members.
Thank you to Amber for donating the materials and talent to create a new ALA wreath to be used at the Memorial Day Service.
Everything is on schedule for the Girls’ State attendee to attend Girls’ State this week.
The structure of Celebrating Women of Service was finalized. Recognition will be given to a female for her service to others in the community. Members will submit names of nominees with a short description of the reason for nomination along with contact information. A name will be drawn each month to receive a $50 gift. New nominees will be added each month, and the names will be kept in nomination until they are drawn. The first Celebrating Women of Service winner is Leisa Garcia. She will receive a $50 gift certificate to Baristas.
The Legion Riders Poker Run will be held July 20. They need a couple of volunteers to help serve the meal. Volunteers should be at the UVC at 4 p.m. with the meal beginning at 5 p.m.
Avis motioned and Billie seconded that Charlie be reimbursed $19.34 for the new wreath purchased to hang on the ALA wall at the UVC. Motion carried.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Loretta seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on July 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
May 1, 2024
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., May 1, 2024. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer. Twelve members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
Officer elections were held with the following being elected for the 2024-2025 year:
President Carmen Larson
Vice-President Loretta Palensky
Secretary Lisa Hunnicutt
Treasurer Charlette Becker
Membership Barb Brettman
Historian Amber O’Reilly
Chaplains Liz Cline & Avis Pike
Sergeant at Arms Pam Sinsel
Girls’ State Amber O’Reilly & Liz Cline
The April minutes were approved as read.
Pam motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Liz seconded the motion. Motion carried. Avis motioned and Terri seconded that Diane Geiger be reimbursed $40 the for Easter candy used for the Easter Egg Hunt. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Two new members have joined and fewer than ten have yet to pay their dues since last month.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Members should forward the Easter Egg Hunt pictures and any other pictures of activities to Amber to be posted on the Facebook page.
Communications: A thank you note was received from the Grand Island Quilts of Valor Committee for the donations of material, thread, etc. Carmen emailed District and State information to members. The Department Convention will be held at the Kearney Holiday Inn on June 21-23. We may send seven delegates. Charlie, Loretta, Avis, and Carmen will be attending. Bring your membership card and $10 registration fee. Linda motioned and Terri seconded that the ALA reimburse members for attending the convention. Those attending must submit an application for reimbursement. Motion carried.
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in June.
The cost of the Easter Egg Hunt was $555.92. After donations of $250 each from the Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion, the ALA paid $55.92 with several extra items to be used next year. The tentative date for the Easter Egg Hunt in 2025 is April 19.
Charlie, Loretta, and Sue reported on Auxiliary grave markers. The markers are an 18inch plastic stake that will cost $9.99 each to be set out every Memorial Day. The only requirement is that family members must be asked before placing the marker on the grave. Only verified members may have the ALA emblem engraved on a headstone. Six stakes will be ordered to preview before ordering more.
To Celebrate Women of Service members may submit names and why they are being nominated each month. A new member will be drawn each month to receive a gift of gratitude. Terri motioned and Avis seconded that $50 be spent on the gift. Motion carried. More discussion will be held at the next meeting to finalize details.
Sue reported that the ALA had over 1,000 hours of volunteer service last year.
The Memorial Day program will begin at 10:00 a.m. with lunch served afterward. Flags will be raised at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24.
Amber motioned and Pam seconded that the ALA donate to the Hometown Heroes Banners project. Motion carried. Kayleen motioned and Liz seconded that the donation be in the amount of $250. Motion carried.
Being no further business, Avis motioned and Terri seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. The next meeting will be held on June 5, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
April 3, 2024
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., April 3, 2024. Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offered the opening prayer. Twelve members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The March minutes were approved as read.
Avis motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried. Jerry Neidfeldt donated $100 for the Children’s Christmas Party. The American Legion donated $250 for the Easter Egg Hunt. New bills were presented. Loretta motioned and Avis seconded that $88 be paid for the Easter Eggs and that a gift card be given to the Easter Bunny to thank him for his help during the Easter Egg Hunt. Motion carried.
Membership Report: 11 members have not paid their dues. A committee was formed to gather information about Auxiliary grave markers. Charlie, Loretta, and Sue will be on the committee. Members welcomed Connie Ward who transferred her membership from Ord.
Historian/Webmaster Report: The Facebook page will be updated with pictures from recent events.
Communications: A thank you note was received from the Grand Island Fire Department for the donation toward Fire Safety Packets for school children.
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in May.
The Easter Egg Hunt was a success! Approximately 36 children attended. They especially liked the drawing for prizes.
Several ideas were shared for Celebrating Women of Service. No action was taken.
An update was given on the Hometown Heroes Flag project.
Olivia Madison will be this years’ Girls’ State attendee.
Volunteer Hours were turned in. If you were unable to do this at the meeting, you should email them to Sue.
Election of officers will be held next month.
There are four members who will receive certificates of recognition for their many years of membership in the American Legion Auxiliary. A tea will be held to recognize the longtime members and the Girls’ State attendee in August.
Avis will attend National Convention this year.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Loretta seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on May 1, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., March 6, 2024. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer. Sixteen members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The February minutes were approved as read.
Avis motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Kayleen seconded the motion. Motion carried. The SONS donated $250 for the Easter Egg Hunt. New bills were presented. Sue motioned and Liz seconded that $337.92 be paid for the Easter Egg Hunt favors and prizes. Motion carried. Dora moved and Kayleen seconded that the ALA pay $41.49 for the new charter and frame and $29.95 for the medallion/certificate frame. Motion carried.
Membership Report: 15 members have not paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: The Facebook page will be updated with pictures from recent events.
Communications: A thank you note was received for the donations to the VA & R food pantry. Both the District and State need the names of those who have passed away. Information was shared about the Stop the Bleed class, the RED store, and Vet’s get Pets.
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in April.
Avis, Carmen, Loretta and Charlie gave a recap of the District 6 Convention.
There will be one Girls’ State attendee this year.
Both the Veterans’ Day at the Races and the Mountain Oyster Feed went well.
Scholarships are due April 1.
Regan from Girl Scout Troop 8438 asked for support for the Cookies for Veterans program where Girl Scout Cookies will be shared with those in the Veterans Home in Kearney and those in the Veterans Hospital in Grand Island. Charlie motioned and Avis seconded that the ALA donate $100 to buy 20 boxes of cookies for the program. Motion carried.
Information was shared about needed items for the Veterans Hospital food pantry and Celebrating Women of Service.
Easter Egg Hunt final preparations are on schedule. Members should be at the UVC at 1:00 p.m. on March 30 to decorate and make final preparations. Diane will purchase candy for the Easter Bunny to hand out.
Charlie motioned and Ronda seconded that the ALA participate in the Veterans’ Day at the Races in 2025. Motion carried. Those wishing to attend should let Loretta know by January 1, 2025 to ensure enough tickets are provided.
The ALA and the SONS will switch meeting rooms starting in April. The ALA will meet in Memorial Hall.
The possibility of getting a CD with money from the treasury was tabled until the next meeting.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Sarah seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on April 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall at the United Veterans Club.
February 7, 2024
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., February 7, 2024. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer. Fourteen members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The January minutes stood as corrected.
Avis motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried. Liz motioned and Linda seconded that Pam be reimbursed for three extra ALA shirts in the amount of $55.39. Motion carried.
Membership Report: 30 members have not paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: The Facebook page will be updated when necessary.
Communications: A thank you note was received for the donation to Wreaths Across America. The District 6 convention will be held on March 3rd in Doniphan.
Members volunteered to help with Bingo in March.
Avis gave a recap of the Mid-Year Convention.
Dora submitted a recap of District 6 activities from June-December 2023. Carmen will email a copy to members.
The Girls’ State Committee is waiting to hear from the school counselors.
The Tom Wilcox scholarship applications are due April 1.
Caitlin Bartz from the Grand Island Hometown Hero Committee gave a presentation about the possibility of hanging banners on Capital Avenue from Memorial Day through Veterans’ Day each year to honor veterans and those currently serving. Action is pending approval from the city.
Loretta will deliver the last donations to the Quilts of Valor organization. Further donations can be made online.
The ALA donated over $150 worth of items to the VA & R food pantry.
Linda motioned and Loretta seconded that the ALA donate $80 to the National Fire Safety Council through the Fire Prevention Division of the Grand Island Fire Department for fire safety materials shared with Grand Island schools. Motion carried.
Veterans’ Day at the Races is February 24 beginning at 1:30. The ALA will give its blanket to the winner of the race it sponsors.
The Mountain Oyster Feed is March 2. Members should be here at 4:30. Doors open at 5:00.
The Easter Egg Hunt is March 30. The bunny suit and easter eggs have been ordered. Six members volunteered to bring a dozen white cupcakes for the participants to decorate.
Tracking Sheets are due at the April meeting.
Being no further business, Liz motioned and Avis seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on March 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club.
January 3, 2024
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., January 3, 2024. Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offered the opening prayer in remembrance of Reva O'Brien and Joan Schleicher. Fourteen members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The November minutes were corrected pertaining to the names of the American Legion Riders events held this past summer for which the ALA received a donation. Those events were the Freedom and Independence Run for which the Riders donated $250, and the State Romp for which the Riders donated $250. The corrected minutes were approved.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Barb seconded the motion. Motion carried. There were no new bills, however, there were several donations received. The Children’s Christmas Party received a $300 donation from the Sons of the American Legion and a $100 donation from Jenny Weightfeld. The party costs were able to come in under budget. Liz donated multiuse note cards.
Membership Report: 42 members have not paid their dues. Barb will call them.
Historian/Webmaster Report: The Facebook page will be updated when necessary.
Communications: The Mid-year conference will be held January 20-21 at the Kearney Holiday Inn. Loretta, Charlie and Avis will attend. Liz could possibly attend also. Any donations of noncash items to the VA & R need to include a value and time spent shopping and traveling on the tracking form. The tracking form will be due to Sue at the April meeting so that the information can be turned in to the state in May. Cash donations should be sent to the department for their auditing. In legislative news, two bills have passed and six more are still being considered. Governor Pillen will sign the “Be The One” initiative on January 8 for Veteran suicide prevention. A thank you note was read from the family of Richard Simpson for helping to serve at his funeral dinner.
Linda motioned that the ALA continue to help with bingo. Dora seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Children’s Christmas Party was a success! 35 children attended and enjoyed the activities.
The Veteran’s Day Breakfast was a success! Serving will begin later next year since the breakfast will be held on a Monday.
Four members of Unit #53 and four district/state representatives attended the District 6 Information Tour held at the UVC in December. The meeting was very informative. Liz will donate her door prize to the
Thank you to the members that helped with the giftshop at the VA Hospital for Gifts for Yanks. The VA Hospital would like applications from various groups of the UVC to help with activities.
Thank you to the members that helped with Wreaths Across America.
Members are reminded to bring supplies for the Quilts of Valor so that Loretta may get them to the organization.
District 6 needs a report of Unit #53s activities from June-December 2023. Dora will send in the report.
Dora, Sue, and Amber will work on Girls’ State activities. Interviews of candidates will be held in February.
Carmen reimbursed Terri for the purchase of eight wreath boxes. Loretta motioned and Kayleen seconded that the ALA pay $10.47 to Carmen for our wreath box . Motion carried.
The Tom Wilcox Scholarship applications are due April 1, 2024.
Sue motioned and Dora seconded that the Unit #53 dues remain at $35. Motion carried.
Dora motioned and Liz seconded that the Unit order a new charter for display. Motion carried.
Kayleen motioned and Barb seconded that the Unit purchase a black drape to be placed over the charter to honor the members who have died.
The VA Medical Center has a food pantry for all veterans. Those wanting to donate non-perishable items should bring them to the next meeting so that Billie can deliver them to the food pantry.
The date for the Easter Egg Hunt will be March 30, 2024.
Avis motioned and Dora seconded that the ALA donate $150 for a blanket for Vets’ Day at the Races on February 24. Motion carried.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Sandy seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on February 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club.
The December meeting was a pot luck with the Sons of the American Legion.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30 p.m., November 1, 2023. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 16 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The October minutes were corrected pertaining to the date of the Children’s Christmas Party which will be held on December 2. The corrected minutes were approved.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried. There were no new bills.
Membership Report: When renewing online, the state sends out the membership cards. Since Barb also has the membership cards, she will no longer be sending them out through the mail, but she will keep them incase someone doesn’t get theirs from the state.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Pictures from recent ALA events have been posted to the Facebook page. Pictures of the new t-shirt design are also posted on the Facebook page.
Communications: Thank you notes from Reva Obrien’s family and the Quilts of Valor members were passed around. A thank you note and donation of $500 from the American Legion Riders was received in appreciation for help received from the ALA during several events held this summer. The District 6 Information Tour will now be held on November 19 at 1:00 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. Six or seven Units are scheduled to be here. Charlie and Loretta will help with the event. Carmen and Liz will furnish desserts.
Members were reminded to sign up to help with Bingo during November and December.
Most of the new t-shirts have arrived; the rest will be here Friday. Pam handed out the shirts and received payment for their purchase.
Details for the Veterans’ Day Breakfast were finalized. The banana bread will be baked at 1:00 p.m. on November 9. Members should be to the UVC at 4:00 p.m. on November 10 to help cut the bread and set up and decorate for the breakfast. The breakfast will be held from 5:00-10:30 on November 11. Veterans eat free. Members serving should be to the UVC at 4:30 a.m. Those helping should wear their new t-shirts.
The Children’s Christmas Party will be held at the UVC on December 2 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Volunteers should be there between 12:30-1:00 to help set up. Santa and Mrs. Claus will attend, and the same activities as last year will take place. LaVonne Catron will furnish the cookies for decorating.
Members are reminded to bring supplies for the Quilts of Valor so that Loretta may get them to the organization.
Dora motioned and Rhonda seconded that the ALA donate for the purchase of a dozen cookies for the Veterans Home on November 7. Carmen will attend.
Flags will be raised at the UVC on November 7 at 5:00 p.m. and will be taken down at 5:00 p.m. on November 14 (tentatively).
The ALA/Sons Christmas Tree lighting and potluck will be held on December 6 at 6:30 at the UVC. There will be not December meeting.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Charlie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on January 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30p.m., October 4, 2023. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer in memory of Reva O’Brien, and 17 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The September minutes were approved as read.
Sarah motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Dora seconded the motion. Motion carried. Charlie submitted a bill for pins and postage from the August recognition ceremony in the amount of $47.36 and a bill for stamps for Barb to pay for membership correspondence in the amount of $66.00. Dora motioned and Liz seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Membership Report: 33 members have paid their dues this month.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Pictures from recent ALA events have been posted to the Facebook page.
Communications: The District 6 Passport program was discussed. All units in District 6 will report on activities in their unit so that everyone in the district will know what others are doing. Dora will send in the form. The District 6 president has begun a District 6 Information Tour where she will meet with several units at different locations to discuss various topics. Our group will meet in Central City on November 9 at 1:00 p.m. The unit received a certificate from the Grand Island Fire Department for the donation toward fire safety classroom materials. A thank you note was received from the Quilts of Valor organization for the donation.
A joint venture was held at the Veterans Hospital for a tailgate party. Kaylene gave a recap of the event. 26 patients attended the tailgate party and all enjoyed the food and football game.
Terri has finished the replacement POW/MIA wreath. Six groups will share in the costs. Our share is $10.00.
Members were reminded to sign up to help with Bingo. Each Sunday in October is now covered.
Pam presented three designs from the T-shirt Committee. Design #2 was chosen and orders were taken. The design and ordering information are also on the Unit #53 Facebook page.
The Veteran’s Day Breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 11, from 5:00-10:30 a.m. The banana bread will be prepared on November 9. Decorating and other preparations will begin at 4:00 p.m. on November 10. Members should be at the UVC at 4:30 a.m., November 11.
The Children’s Christmas Party will be held December 3. The committee has already received donations. Gifts will be given to participants. More details will be given at the November meeting.
Information about the ALA Scholarships has been emailed to the members. They are due in March. There are three scholarships for a Nebraska college. Each unit will approve one application from each category to be sent on the state to make the final decision from each unit’s recommendations.
Sue passed out the tracking form for volunteer hours, money, and mileage.
Billie announced several volunteer opportunities for the month of October.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Liz seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on November 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club.
September 6, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson at 6:30p.m., September 6, 2023. Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offered the opening prayer, and 14 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The July and August minutes were approved as read.
Avis motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Terri seconded the motion. Motion carried. There were no new bills presented.
Membership Report: One person in Unit 500 (the state unit) switched membership to Unit #53. A reminder was given that dues are $35.00 and may be paid at any time.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Pictures from recent ALA events have been posted to the Facebook page.
Communications: Assessments were discussed. The ALA pays a Gift Shop and a Gifts for Yanks assessment. Additional donations were discussed. Terri motioned and Kaylene seconded that the ALA donate to Veteran’s Dollar Days, Women Vets, Grand Island VAMC-GIVAMC, and the Central Nebraska Veterans Home. Motion carried. Sandy motioned that $100.00 be donated to each of these groups, and Liz seconded the motion. Motion carried. Kaylene motioned and Avis seconded that a donation of $100.00 be given to Quilts of Valor. Motion carried. Personal donations of material, batting, thread, etc. may be brought to the October meeting, and Loretta will make sure they are delivered to the appropriate people.
Positive feedback was given for the reception held in August, and for the Vets Hospital joint venture with the VFW.
Terri has crafted a replacement POW/MIA wreath. Charlie motioned and Liz seconded that the ALA contribute its fair share to pay for the wreath once costs are determined. Motion carried. Perhaps other groups can help to defray costs as well.
Members were reminded to sign up to help with Bingo.
Members are reminded to track their activities. Sue will be giving a more detailed report on the tracking sheets at the October meeting.
The Veteran’s Day Breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 11, from 5:00-10:30. Members should be at the UVC at 4:30 that morning. Decorating for the event will begin at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 10. More information will be given at the October meeting.
Dora, Carmen, and Pam volunteered to form a committee to gather ideas for group t-shirts. More information will be presented at the October meeting.
Being no further business, Liz motioned and Charlie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on October 4, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
August 2, 2023
On August 2, 2023, instead of a regular meeting, the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 hosted a tea to honor long-time members of the organization at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. The evening began with Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offering a prayer and those present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present to receive their honors include the following: 30 years – Pamela Grossart, Tabatha Harders, Dona Hawks; 40 years – Paige Gibreal, Carmen Larson, Colleen DeLeon; 50 years – Verna Arnall; 60 years – Elizabeth Cline, Diane Ditter, Mitzi Stinson. Also present for the ceremony was the District 6 President of the American Legion Auxiliary Justina Birkel along with guests of the honorees.
After the ceremony, tea and cake were served.
The next meeting will be held on September 6, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
June 7, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30p.m., June 7, 2023. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer along with a tribute to D-Day, and 15 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The May minutes were approved as read.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Amber seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Membership Report: A list of those receiving membership pins and certificates will be compiled within the next two weeks.
Historian/Webmaster Report: no new information to report.
Communications: Payment of the new yearly dues of $35 can start on July 1.
The raffle grossed $2,210 giving the ALA a profit of $1,480 after expenses. Lois Christiansen was the raffle winner. Members may consider a different raffle product later in the year.
August 2, 2023 was set as the date for the membership pins/certificates ceremony. Loretta motioned and Terry seconded that the ALA serve a dessert and drinks for the ceremony. Motion carried. An invitation for the ceremony will be ready for the July meeting.
Dora motioned and Avis seconded that the ALA continue to help with bingo for the rest of the calendar year. Motion carried. The continued help with bingo for next year will be revisited in December. Be sure to sign up with Billie for a time to help with bingo during the month of June.
Kayleen motioned and Amber seconded that the next meeting be held on July 12 instead of July 5. Motion carried.
Loretta motioned and Dora seconded that the ALA volunteer to visit the VA Hospital on the morning of July 29 to assist with lawn games, watermelon, soda, etc. for the veterans. Motion carried.
Members discussed the possibility of updating the main flower bed at the United Veterans Club using a red, white, and blue theme. This would be a group effort of several organizations upon approval by the board.
Avis, Loretta, and Carmen will attend the Annual Convention in Kearney June 23-25.
Charlie motioned and Dora seconded that the ALA make our own new wreath for the Memorial Day ceremony next year. Motion carried.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Loretta seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on July 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
May 3, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30p.m., May 3, 2023. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 18 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
Election of officers for 2023-2024 were held. Dora nominated Carmen Larson for President and Barb seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Sue motioned that Carmen be retained as President and Dora seconded the motion. Motion carried. Amber nominated Loretta Palensky for Vice-President and Terry seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Terry motioned that that Loretta be retained as Vice-President and Barb seconded the motion. Motion carried. Loretta nominated Lisa Hunnicutt as Secretary and Dora seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Dora motioned that Lisa be retained as Secretary and Terry seconded the motion. Motion carried. Amber nominated Charlette Becker for Treasurer and Billie seconded the nomination. As there were no other nominations, Linda motioned that Charlie be retained as Treasurer and Terry seconded the motion. Motion carried. Terry nominated Liz Cline and Avis Pike for Co-Chaplains and Sarah seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Charlie motioned that Liz and Avis be retained as Co-Chaplains and Dora seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dora nominated Sarah Martin for Historian/Webmaster and Avis seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Charlie motioned that Sarah be retained as Historian/Webmaster and Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried. Sue nominated Dora Wolfe for Sergeant at Arms and Kim seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Amber motioned that Dora be elected Sergeant at Arms and Sarah seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dora nominated Barb Brettman for Membership Secretary and Amber seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Terry motioned that Barb be retained as Membership Secretary and Avis seconded the motion. Motion carried. Amber nominated Dora for Girls’ State Chairman and Sara seconded the nomination. Amber O’Reilly volunteered to help the chairman and Liz Cline volunteered to train the chairman. As there were no other nominations, Sue motioned that Dora be elected Girls’ State Chairman with Amber helping and Liz training the chairman. Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dora nominated Sue to be the Tracking Secretary and Amber seconded the motion. As there were no other nominations, Dora motioned that Sue be elected Tracking Secretary and Terry seconded the motion. Motion carried. Avis Pike, Loretta Palensky, Carmen Larson, and Liz Cline (possibly) volunteered to be Delegates to the Department Convention on June 22-25. Charlie motioned that the delegates be accepted to attend the convention and Dora seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The April minutes were approved as read.
Sue motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Avis seconded the motion. Motion carried. Amber motioned that Charlie be reimbursed $323.03 for the cost of membership pins. Terry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman reported that the ALA does have another new member.
Historian/Webmaster Report: no new information to report.
Communications: A new Department/District building has been purchased in Lincoln and the old building has been sold. The District Convention will be held June 22-25 at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney. Present Carmen Larson read the Call to Convention. Unit 53 is one of the few that have turned in the year-end impact numbers.
The ALA made 50 gift bags for the Easter Egg Hunt and paid $81.81 after donations. Next year’s hunt will be held on March 30, 2024.
The list of those receiving membership pins and certificates will be ready for the next meeting. The presentation will be held in August.
Be sure to sign up with Billie for a time to help with Bingo during the month of May.
The drawing for the raffle will be held in the bar area at the United Veterans Club during the Mothers’ Day Breakfast Buffet at 10:00 a.m.
The VA Hospital is open for volunteers.
Being no further business, Avis motioned and Sarah seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on June 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
April 5, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30p.m., April 5, 2023. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 17 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The March minutes were approved as read.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Pam seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dora motioned that the bills for the Easter Egg Hunt be paid and Sandy Seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman reported that 15 members have not yet paid their dues. The ALA does have one new member.
Historian/Webmaster Report: no new information to report.
Communications: ALA Unit #53 is currently in third place for dues payment in District 6. A thank you from the SAL for our help during the Mountain Oyster Feed was read.
The Mountain Oyster Feed on March 4 was a success. Next year, the ALA will try to get more volunteers to help with picking up plates.
The Easter Egg Hunt will be April 8 beginning at 2:00. Members should be here at 1:00 to decorate and prepare for the hunt. Raffle tickets for the Arts and Drafts certificate will be available.
Be sure to sign up for a time to help with Bingo during the month of April.
Membership pins will be given to those who have belonged to the ALA for 40/50/60 years in recognition of their membership. Members for 10/20/30 years will be given a certificate. Dora motioned and Avis seconded the motion to purchase a pin for $12.95 each for those with 40/50/60 years of membership. Motion carried.
The Tom Wilcox Nursing scholarship applications are due May 1.
Continue to record volunteer hours, mileage, etc.
The Children’s Christmas party will be held December 2 and on the first Saturday of December from now on. Save the date notifications will be handed out at the Easter Egg Hunt.
Election of officers will be held at the May meeting.
Being no further business, Avis motioned and Charlie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on May 3, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
March 1, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30p.m., March 1, 2023. Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offered the opening prayer, and 13 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The February minutes were approved as read. Tracking forms are due in March.
Loretta motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman reported that 15 members have not yet paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Pictures from Veterans’ Day at the Races have been posted on the Facebook page.
Reminders of events occurring between meetings will be sent to members.
Communications: The District 6 convention is March 4 at 9:00 a.m. in Kearney.
No applications were received for Girls’ State this year.
The SAL Mountain Oyster Feed will be held March 4. Volunteers should be at the UVC at 4:00 p.m. for a group picture.
The room is reserved and planning is on track for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 8. The committee will shop for goodies for gift bags. Members should arrive between 1-1:30 on April 8 to stuff the bags. Sue will purchase the candy for the Easter Bunny who will be in attendance. The Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 2:00 p.m.
Raffle tickets for a year’s worth of sessions at Arts and Drafts are available for $5.00 each. The prize is a certificate that will include paint for two and a bottle of wine for each month for a year. The winner may transfer the certificate to another person if the winner is unable to attend a session during a particular month; otherwise, the certificate for that month will be forfeited. The drawing will be held on May 14 (Mothers’ Day) and tickets are due the Friday before (May 12). Dora motioned that Sarah be reimbursed $50.00 for the cost of printing the tickets. Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Dora motioned that the ALA continue to help with bingo during the second quarter. Amber seconded the motion. Motion carried.
After a brief discussion of the fire safety program, Sue motioned and Barb seconded the ALA help the Grand Island Fire Department with the program. Motion carried. Dora motioned and Avis seconded that the ALA donate $80.00 for the Fire Safety Program. Motion carried.
A discussion concerning membership pins for the length of time as a member of the ALA was held. Currently, there are 5 with 60+ years of membership, 1 with 50+ years of membership, and 7 with 40+ years of membership. Further discussion was tabled until the April meeting.
Being no further business, Charlie motioned and Sarah seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on April 5, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
February 1, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:32p.m., February 1, 2023. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 9 members and one guest recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The January minutes were approved as read. Tracking forms will be due in April in order to get them sent in early May.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved with a correction, and Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dora motioned that Charlie be reimbursed $60 for the purchase of stamps, and Liz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman reported that 24 members have not yet paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Contact Sarah Martin with any news to be put on the Facebook page.
Girls’ state will be held June 4-11 in Lincoln. Interviews of the applicants will be held Sunday, February 26 at the United Veterans Club at 2:00. Dora, Carmen, and Sandy volunteered to interview the applicants and Barb volunteered to greet the applicants. Volunteers should be at the Club between 1:00 and 1:30.
The signing of the Bylaws and the Constitution was held at the end of the meeting.
Barb, Loretta, and Charlie attended the luncheon in St. Paul with the National President of the ALA. The visit was very informative.
The room is reserved and planning is on track for the Easter Egg hunt on April 8.
The fundraising committee will continue looking into possibilities for a raffle in connection with Arts and Drafts; more details to come at the March meeting. Loretta motioned and Barb seconded that each raffle ticket be sold for $5.00. Motion carried. Charlie motioned that 500 tickets be up for sale, and Liz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Bingo went well in January. Set up a time with Billie to volunteer in February.
Charlie and Barb will check the registration of members to arrange for Longevity Awards to be given at ten-year intervals to those who qualify.
February 26 is Veterans Day at the Races. Dora motioned and Billie seconded that the ALA sponsor a race through the purchase of a $150 banner. Motion carried.
The City of Grand Island National Fire Safety Council requested a sponsorship of $4 per child with a minimum of $80 for fire safety information to be given to children in Grand Island. Discussion was tabled until the March meeting.
The Sons of the American Legion Mountain Oyster Feed is March 4. ALA volunteers to help will be taken at the March meeting.
The Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship applications are due May 15.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Loretta seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on March 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
January 4, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:32p.m., January 4, 2023. Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offered the opening prayer, and 14 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The November minutes were approved as read. There was no December meeting.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Loretta seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Treasurer Charlette Becker reported that all t-shirts have been sold and that ALA pins are $3.25. Money collected for pins is kept as cash-on-hand.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman reported that 34 members have not yet paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Contact Sarah Martin with any news to be put on the Facebook page.
Communications: The district as a whole is behind on membership payment. The National President will visit Kearney on January 24 at 5:30 p.m. and St. Paul on January 25 at noon.
Thank you notes were read from the Hero Flight Association for the donation to the cemetery and from the CNVH for the donation for cookies.
Turn in tracking sheets for the rest of the year to Loretta in May.
Sue reported on the Children’s Christmas Party. Sandy motioned and Barb seconded that the ALA reimburse Sue $32.04 for their share of expenses for the party. Motion carried.
Over 700 were served at the Veterans’ Day Breakfast.
The fundraising committee will continue looking into possibilities for a raffle with more discussion to come at the February meeting. The ALA will help with Bingo on Sundays for the first quarter. The ALA will receive $300 if at least one member helps each time throughout the quarter. Contact Billie to set up a time to work in January.
The discussion of the Bylaws and the Constitution was held at the end of the meeting. Amber motioned and Dora seconded that five days advance notice be given for special meetings. Motion carried. Liz motioned and Loretta seconded that seven members must be present at meetings to represent a quorum. Motion carried. Since next year’s state/national dues will be $30.25, Linda motioned and Amber seconded that total dues be $35 for next year. Unit 53 will keep $4.75 of that amount. Motion carried. Dora motioned and Loretta seconded that the Jr. ALA dues be $7 next year. Motion carried.
There is a Chaplin Tracking Form to track members who pass away.
Those interested in keeping up with current legislation regarding veterans’ health care, program funding, and troop and family support are encouraged to sign up at
The Easter Egg Hunt committee will consist of Charlie, Loretta, Amber and Lisa. Charlie motioned and Dora seconded that the Easter Egg Hunt be held on April 8th. Motion carried.
The Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship applications are due May 15.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Loretta seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on February 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
November 2, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30 p.m., November 2, 2022. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 16 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The October minutes were approved as read.
Loretta motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Terri seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Treasurer Charlette Becker reported that a donation of $40 was received from Patrick Sayre.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman reported that out of 138 members, only 61 have not yet paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Contact Sarah Martin with any news to be put on the Facebook page. The Wreaths Across America flyer has been shared.
Communications: According to the District 6 newsletter, 43% of our dues pay for state/national meetings and 57% pay for administration costs.
Pay current year dues of $25 ASAP. There is a Paid up for Life dues application; however, you cannot pay ahead for next years’ dues because the state cannot accept dues for future membership.
Turn in tracking sheets through October to Loretta.
Sue reported on the planning committee’s progress regarding the Children’s Christmas Party. All fundraising monies that were solicited were received. The ALA will pay $20. Liz volunteered to make 5 dozen cookies and Barb volunteered to make 1 dozen cookies. Several members volunteered to help set up for the party to be held on December 3 from 2-4 in the Memorial Room. Mrs. Santa will be appearing along with Santa at the party.
Charlie motioned to table the discussion of the Bylaws and Constitution until the next meeting. Bec seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Plans for the November 11 Veterans’ Breakfast were discussed. Banana bread will be baked on November 9 and decorating and other preparations will take place on November 10 after 1:00 p.m. The breakfast will begin at 5:30 a.m. on November 11. Those helping should be here at 5:00 a.m. or whenever you can make it.
Many fundraising ideas were discussed. Dora, Kim, and Amber volunteered to form a committee to gather information on ideas for fundraising.
CNVH allows up to 12 volunteers in the building at this time. Each must be pre-approved.
The Paid up for Life dues chart was shared with the group.
The Christmas party with the SONS will be held on December 7 at the club. The 2nd annual lighting of the Christmas tree for the club will be held at 6 p.m. which includes the singing of Christmas Carols. The potluck will begin at 6:30. There will be no meeting in December.
Liz motioned to donate $25 for cookies during Veteran’s Dollar Days at CNVH. Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Terri motioned that the ALA donate $150 to Wreaths Across America. This would pay for 15 wreaths. Sarah seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Dora suggested that the ALA help with burger night for the club. More discussion will be held at the January meeting.
Being no further business, Charlie motioned and Amber seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on January 4, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
October 5, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30 p.m., October 5, 2022. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 16 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The September minutes were approved as read.
Loretta motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Barb seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman has sent several emails to remind members to pay their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Contact Sarah Martin with any news to be put on the Facebook page. Information about the Wreaths Across America Car Show and the children’s Christmas Party have been shared.
Communications: District 6 has sent a reminder for members to pay their dues.
Pay current year dues of $25 ASAP. Discussion of next years’ dues was tabled.
Turn in tracking sheets through September.
Sue reported on the planning committee’s progress regarding the Children’s Christmas Party. The next committee meeting is October 19. Liz and Sandy volunteered to bake 2 dozen cookies each for the party. More volunteers are needed to bake cookies. Carmen volunteered to help set up for the party.
Loretta motioned that the ALA donate to the signage project. Sandy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Linda motioned that the ALA donate $250, and Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Fund raising was briefly discussed and tabled until the next meeting.
The Bylaws and Constitution were discussed. The discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Plans for the November 11 Veterans’ Breakfast were discussed. Banana bread will be baked on November 9 and decorating and other preparations will take place on November 10.
Donations for the CNVH wish list should be given to Carmen by October 13 so that items may be taken to the Fall Roundup in St. Paul on November 16.
Being no further business, Linda motioned and Loretta seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on November 2, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
September 7, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30 p.m., September 7, 2022. The Chaplain offered the opening prayer, and 11 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution. Mike Ponte was a guest.
The August minutes were approved.
Sandy motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Sarah seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Membership Report: There are 138 members and the dues are coming in.
Historian/Webmaster Report: Contact Sarah Martin with any news to be put on the Facebook page.
Communications: A thank you note from the Craig Bykerk family for the memorial was read.
Tracking sheets are to be turned in to Loretta no later than the October meeting. Avis gave a report on the national convention. Bylaws and the Constitution were discussed.
Mike Ponte explained the signage project on the outside of the building. This will include new signs over the room entrances. Donations are needed for the project. Sarah motioned and Loretta seconded that the project be tabled for more discussion at the October meeting. Motion carried.
Sue motioned and Charlie seconded that the ALA not participate in the Harvest of Harmony parade this year. Motion carried.
Fund raising was discussed and tabled until a future date.
The Christmas party for children to be held with the VFW Auxiliary was discussed and a committee was formed to plan the event. There will be three members from each organization. Sue, Linda, and Sarah will represent the ALA.
Dates to Remember:
October 1 – Legion Homecoming and Training in Seward
October 16 – District Fall Conference in St. Paul
November 8 – Veterans’ Dollar Days
November 11 – Veterans’ Breakfast at the club
Being no further business, Sandy motioned and Sarah seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on October 5, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. RECORDING SECRETARY: Lisa Hunnicutt
August 3, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 7:02 p.m., August 3, 2022. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 11 members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The July minutes were approved.
Dora motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved, and Sarah seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Loretta motioned that two chaplain prayer books be purchased, and Avis
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Membership Report: Barb Brettman will begin accepting payment for dues on September 1.
Historian/Webmaster Sarah Martin has uploaded pictures and a letter from the state commander to the Facebook page.
Communications: Assessments and donation requests were discussed. National Convention is August 26-September 1. It will be live-streamed @ALAforVeterans. Legion/ALA homecoming/training will be October 1 in Seward. State Fair Veterans Day will be on Tuesday, August 30 with the program from 3-5 p.m. and the parade at 6 p.m. Dues are now $25 but will be increasing for the 2024 year. Activity reports will be due by October 21. Members should track hours, mileage, and money spent on ALA projects. Loretta will collect and compile the forms for the district office. Thank you notes were read.
Christa Barker was the recipient of the Tom Wilcox Scholarship. Beginning next year, applications for the scholarship will be due in May in order to avoid a penalty on the CD.
Members agree that the Girls State tea was a success.
Dora motioned and Avis seconded that the discussion of the By-Laws and Constitution be tabled until the September meeting. Motion carried.
Veterans Administration Volunteer Services (VAVS) opportunities will be discussed at the September meeting.
Sandy motioned and Dora seconded that the invitation to hold a children’s Christmas party with the VFW Auxiliary be accepted. Motion carried.
Being no further business, Dora motioned and Sarah seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on September 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club.
July 6, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was called to order by President Carmen
Larson at 6:30 p.m., July 6, 2022. Co-Chaplain Liz Cline offered the opening prayer, and 10
members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the ALA Constitution.
The June minutes were approved as amended.
Sue motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved. Dora seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Dora motioned that Liz be reimbursed for the donation she gave for the District 6
Picnic at the VA Hospital on behalf of the ALA once the check clears. Sarah seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
Membership Report: 9 members have not yet paid their dues. Barb Brettman has the new
membership cards. This year’s membership dues are $25.
Historian/Webmaster Sarah Martin clarified that there is a Facebook page for the ALA, but no
webpage. Flags will come down at 5:00 p.m. July 8.
Communications: A thank you note was shared. Liz reported that all Girls’ State attendees
enjoyed the experience.
There was only one applicant for the Tom Wilcox Scholarship.
Information about the State Convention was shared by those who attended. This led to a
discussion about the by-laws for the ALA Unit #53. More discussion to be held at the next
Volunteers for serving the meal at the American Legion Riders event should arrive at 4:00 p.m.
on July 16.
Avis motioned that the ALA host a tea for the Girls’ State attendees and their families and
sponsors at 6:00 p.m. on August 3 with the regular meeting of the ALA to follow. Dora
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Volunteers were taken to provide desserts/drinks
and help set up at 5:30.
There will be a discussion on VAVS at the next meeting.
Being no further business, Charlie motioned that the meeting be adjourned, and Sarah
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on August 3, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club.
June 1, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened with Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offering the
opening prayer and 11 members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the
ALA Constitution.
The May minutes were approved as amended.
Avis motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be approved. Sandy seconded the motion. It carried.
A Membership Report was given. 18 members have not yet paid their dues.
Historian/Webmaster Sarah Martin has created a web page and Facebook page for the ALA.
Communications: Liz reported that she has sent texts to the Girls’ State attendees wishing them
an enjoyable experience at Girls’ State.
The donation check to the Veterans Outreach Program approved at the May meeting had not
yet been written due to a lack of documentation or invoice. Documentation was provided by
the American Legion Riders Commander, and the check was written.
The American Legion Auxiliary will provide volunteers to help with the meal for the American
Legion Riders annual poker run fundraiser to be held on July 16. Silent auction items
donated by the ALA will benefit the ALA.
Convention will begin at 9:00 a.m. in Columbus on June 24-26. The cost is $10.00.
The Tom Wilcox Scholarship applications are due June 30.
Check the Facebook page for information about flag folding on June 3.
Phone numbers for members were updated.
Sarah motioned that the future meeting time be changed to 6:30 p.m. starting with the July 6
meeting. Sandy seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Co-Chaplain Avis Pike offered the closing prayer.
Being no further business, Avis motioned that the meeting be adjourned, and Sarah seconded
the motion. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be held on July 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Veterans Club.
May 4, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened with 13 members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance followed with Prayer.
Minutes were read approved followed by Treasure Report read and approved.
Commander of American Legion Riders #53 was our guest.
Our Easter Egg Hunt was well attended with 43 very excited kids.
District 6 convention to be held June 23 thru June 26 2022 in Columbus was discussed.
Carman announced that articles and pictures have been sent to Miles for Miles.
The following girls will be attending Girls State in Lincoln in June. Oliva Stava, Madelyn Weyer, Hanah Madison. Congratulations to all
A discussion was held on donating to the Veterans out Reach Program to help a Veteran in need. A motion was made to donate $200, seconded and approved.
Election of officers was held: President- Carman Larson
Vice President- Loretta Palensky
Secretary- Lisa Hunnicutt Treasure- Charlette Becker
Membership- Barb Brettman Chaplin- Liza Cline (Avis Pike)
Historian- Sarah Marten
Being no father business a motion by Charlie and seconded by Avis to adjourn motion carried.
Next Meeting June 1 2022 6:00 P.M at the United Veterans Club
March 2, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened with 11 members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes were read followed by Treasures report. Motion was made and second to stand approved all. Motion carried.
The District #6 Spring Convention which was held at the United Veterans Club. The Auxiliary had 7 attending members. Thank you to all that attended.
Discussion of the Annual Sons of Legion #53 which will held on April 2, 2022 was held. All positions that were needed have been filled. Our time to be there is 4:30 P.M
American Legion Auxiliary Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held April 16th at 2:00 P.M at the United Veterans Club. Weather permitting it will be held outside if bad weather we hold it inside.
Set up will start 1:00 P.M for those planning on helping.
There being no new business a motion was made by Loretta and seconded by Liz to adjourn. Motion carried.
February 2, 2022
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened with 11 members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes were read followed by the Treasure report. Motion made by Charlie and seconded by Liz. Motion carried.
Liz reported on Girls State packets are out and to be returned by February 15, 2022 . Orientation will be held at the United Veterans Club on February 20, 2022 at 2:00 P.M. Committees were selected for Greeters and Interviewers. Any one that would like information on sponsoring a girl may contact Liz Cline at 308-382-9018. This is a great learning experience on ways are state government is run.
Discussion of the District #6 Spring Convention to be held in Grand Island March 5, 2022 registration will be at 8:30 A.M Meeting at 9:30. We were asked to provide the desserts. Further discussion at next meeting.
The Annual Sons of the American Legion #53 Mountain Oyster Feed will be held on April 2, 2022 we will help with Admissions Selling Raffle and Scholarship tickets.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened with 10 members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes were read followed by the Treasure report Motion made by Sara and seconded Barb. Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: Report was given that 575 people attended the Veterans Day Breakfast.
A thank you note received from the Sons OF The American Legion for our help at the breakfast.
A thank you note was sent for the donation of our Christmas Tree in front of the club. Thank you all that helped.
Members of the Auxiliary, the Sons and spouses had a Tree Lighting Ceremony. Carols were sung, led by Scott Sahling and followed by a carry in dinner.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion for the District Convention to be held in Columbus Nebraska on January 22 thru January 23 2022.
Girls State was discussed packets will be sent out around January 8, 2022.
Being no farther business Loretta motioned meeting be adjourned Sara seconded motion carried.
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53 meeting opened with 12 Members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. We welcomed a new member Dora Wolf.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read followed by the Treasurers report. Motion made by Becky and seconded by Terri to approve. Carried
Committees were assigned for our help with the Veterans Day Breakfast. Baking bread, cutting bread and decorating. All members will assist the Sons on November 11 with whatever. Be at the Breakfast by 5:00 AM.
Wreaths Across America was discussed. We will donate $150.00 for 10 wreaths. Motion made by Sandy and seconded by Barb. Carried
Helping with Dollar Days at the Veterans Home in Kearney was discussed and was decided not to participate this year.
Our meeting on December 1, 2021 will be followed by a Pot Luck with the Sons Post #53 and the lighting of the Christmas tree that will be placed in front of the United Veterans Club
A motion was made by Sarah and seconded by Val to adjourn. Carried
Recording Secretary: Loretta Palensky
OCTOBER 6, 2021
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53 meeting opened with 10 Members present.
Minutes were read and approved. Treasure report was given and all was approved
Motion made by Terrie and second by Liz.
A Certificate and Medal was received for our donation To the Nebraska State Cemetery.
Veterans Day Breakfast will be held November 11, 2021 serving from 5:30 to 10:30.
Monday November 8, 2021 we will bake banana bread at 11:00 a.m. at the club.
Wednesday November 10, 2021 we will be cutting banana bread at around 3:00. Those helping with cutting if you have an electric knife please bring. Gloves will be worn. Following the bread we will set up tables and decorate. Help is welcomed.
Sara made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Becky seconded the motion.
Recording Secretary: Loretta Palensky
September 1, 2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53 meeting opened with 8
Members present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes were read and approved. Treasure Report was given bills were presented for Postage. Motion made by Liz and Seconded by Terrie motion carried.
Charlie mentioned donation for Gift for Yanks motion was made to donate by Terrie and seconded by Avis motion carried.
Veterans Day Brekfeast to be held on November 11 2021 was discussed. Our Auxiliary will be making the banana bread and help serving the breakfast. Setting up for the 11th will be discussed at our next meeting.
A thank you note was read from the Nebraska State Cemetery board for our donation.
A thank you note was also received from Krista Barker for the nursing scholarship. Being no other business a motion was made by Liz and seconded by Lisa to adjourn motion carried.
Our next meeting will be October 6 2021 at 6:00 P.M AT THE UNITED VETERANS Club.
Recording Secretary: Loretta Palensky
August 4, 2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53 meeting opened with 7
members present.
Minutes were read and approved. Followed by Treasurers Report read and approved.
The Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship of $2000 was given to MaKenzie Carlson.
Thank you to the American Legion Riders #53 for raffling A Military Wall Hanging that
was donated for that purpose.
Harvest of Harmony Parade was discussed. A motion was made by Sara and seconded by Avis not to enter this year due to the entry fee. Motion carried.
A donation of $25 was given to the Veterans Home for a picnic.
Being no other business a motion was made by Avis and seconded by Sara to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Recording Secretary: Loretta Palensky
July 7, 2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53 meeting opened with 10 members present.
Minutes were read and approved.
The treasure report was given and approved
It was announced that the winners of the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship
Both Ladies received $2000. Congratulation Ladies
The veteran cemetery was discussed and A motion was made by Terri and seconded by Liz to donate a $1000 all approved motion carried.
Being no other business a motion was made by Terri and seconded by Sandy to adjourn.
Next Meeting will Aug. 4 2021 6:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club.
Recording Secretary: Loretta Palensky
_JUNE 2,2021 THE American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53 meeting opened with 11
members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
minutes were read and approved ..The Treasure Report was given by Charlie and was approved.
Thank you note was read from the SAL Unite #53 thanking our group for helping with
the Mt. Oyster feed. Scholarship’were sent to the girls that were to attend Girl State in 2020. Those who received the scholarship were Grace Herbek Maria Albers Carly Gartner Elizabeth Alberts and Regan Gellatly. Memorial Service was well attended.
Setting up a Web site for ALA #53 was discussed and tabled to a later date. Flag Day is June 14 2021, The Flags will go up June 11 at 8:00 A.M and will come down Tuesday June 15 at 5: 00 P.M All help is greatly appreated
Being no other new business Liz made a motion to adjourn and it was 2nd by Terri.
Next Meeting will be July 7, 2021 6:00 P.m. at the Veterans Club.
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY May 5, 2021 May 5,2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Legion Unit #53 meeting opened with 11 members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes were read and Regan Gellatly name was omitted in list of Girl Staters, she was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. OLD BUSINESS: The 100th Anniversary of the Unknown Soldier marker will cost $64.00. An American flag for the park has been donated by Gun Range. Girls that were to attend girl state in 2020 will receive a $290.00 scholarship from their sponsor. Sandi made a motion and seconded by Loretta to round out the amount to $300.00 for each girl. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Elections were held with Carmen Larson as President; Loretta Palensky as Vice President; Bard Brettman as Membership; Charlie Becker as Treasure and Loretta Palensky as Secretary. Legion Riders will have a Poker Run on July 17, 2021 and ask if any Auxiliary members could help serve Bar-B-Q for them. Loretta and Charlie said they would help. Charlie made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Loretta 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Next meeting June 2, 2021 6:00 p.m. at Veterans Club.AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY May 5, 2021 May 5,2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Legion Unit #53 meeting opened with 11 members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes were read and Regan Gellatly name was omitted in list of Girl Staters, she was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. OLD BUSINESS: The 100th Anniversary of the Unknown Soldier marker will cost $64.00. An American flag for the park has been donated by Gun Range. Girls that were to attend girl state in 2020 will receive a $290.00 scholarship from their sponsor. Sandi made a motion and seconded by Loretta to round out the amount to $300.00 for each girl. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Elections were held with Carmen Larson as President; Loretta Palensky as Vice President; Bard Brettman as Membership; Charlie Becker as Treasure and Loretta Palensky as Secretary. Legion Riders will have a Poker Run on July 17, 2021 and ask if any Auxiliary members could help serve Bar-B-Q for them. Loretta and Charlie said they would help. Charlie made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Loretta 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Next meeting June 2, 2021 6:00 p.m. at Veterans Club.AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY #53 March 3, 2021 March 3,2013 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened by members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes were read. With no correction or additions to the minutes the minutes were approved. Treasures report was given by Charlie. Old Business: April 3, 2021 members will meet to set up for Easter Egg Hunt at 12:30 pm. Egg hunt is for ages 1 to 10. New Business: The District 6 Legion Convention will be held in Grand Island on March 6. The Auxiliary group was asked to bring desserts enough to serve 50 to 60 and we need to have them there at the club by 11:30 am. April 17, 2021 the Sons of the American Legion will be hosting their Annual Mountain Oyster Nut Fry. Glen Polinsky donated a Faith, Family & Freedom wooden cross which he had made. Auxiliary will hang it along with the other items on the wall. Being there was no other business Liz made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jeannie 2nd the motion. Next meeting will be April 7,2021 at the United Veterans Club, 6:00 pm.
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY February 3, 2021 February 3,2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with seven members present. No minutes were read due to the absence of the secretary. Treasures report given by Charlie Becker. Old Business: Liz Cline gave a report on Girl State. Discussion was held on having a scholarship for the girls who did not get to attend 2020 Girl State. Liz has contacted all sponsors and counselors about what is happening with 2021 Girl State. New Business: The State Legion Convention will be held March 6,2021 at the Grand Island Veterans Club. Registration will start at 8:30 to 9:30 am. See Legion state news letter for information. All Legion and Auxiliary members are welcome. The dead line for theTom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship is due by June 15, 2021. Scholarship forms are to be turned into Charlie Becker of the Legion Auxiliary or Karen Linden of the VFW Auxiliary. Easter Egg Hunt is being planned for April 3,2021. Next meeting will be March 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Loretta made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Charlie seconded the motion. Smitted by Liz Cline
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT #53 January 6, 2021 January 6, 2021 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting opened by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Those members in attendance were Carmen L., Barb B., Amber O., Charlie B., Loretta P., Liz C., and Sandi T.. Legion members Mike Ponte and Ron Hitch showed the group a Military Bible which they would like to be displayed on the Man Missing table. The group agreed it would be appropriate Bible to display on the Missing Man table. The Treasure report was given by Charlie B. Old Business: None at this time. New Business: Liz C. reported on Nebraska Girl State for 2021. She stated that it will be done virtually. Girl State dates are June 13 - 19 2021. After some discussion Liz C. will send a letter to Nebraska Girl State to find out more details. It was then discussed that we could offer a scholarship $400.00 instead of paying for a virtual week at girl state 2021. No action was taken until we find out more information from Nebraska Girl State. Legion State Convention is being held in Columbus, NE. The state auxiliary is having a intimate party for women who need undergarments due to the virus pandemic. Charlie made a motion to donate $100.00 to the cause. Loretta seconded the motion. Motion carried. A note was received from Wreaths Across America thanking us for our help and donation. No further business meeting adjourned with a motion made by Liz and seconded by Loretta. Next meeting February 3, 2021. Recording Secretary - Sandi Towne
OCTOBER 7, 2020
October 7 the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 meeting was opened by resiting the Pledge of Allegiance. Those members in attendance were Jeannie C, Liz C, Charlie B, Barb B, Lisa H, Sandi T, and Loretta P.
Loretta P, presided over the meeting due to the absence of our President Carmen L. who was ill.
Minutes from August 5, were read and approved. Treasures report was given by Charlie B.
Old Business: Dues are are due for 2021.
New Business: The Auxiliary was asked if we would help the American Legion Riders when needed. The response was yes.
Wreaths across America asking if we like to purchase wreaths for the Veterans graves. Sandi T made a motion to purchase 12 wreaths. Barb B seconded motion. Motion carried. Wreaths will be placed on the graves on 12-19-2020.
Veterans Day Breakfast will be held 11-11-2020 from 5:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. We will be making banana bread Dec, 8, cutting the bread on 11-10 at 1:30 p.m. and then decorate afterwards.
Liz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jeannie seconded the motion.
Next meeting will be November 4, 2020.
Pizza was purchased and enjoyed by members before the meeting.
Recording Secretary - Sandi Towne
August 5, 2020 the Auxiliary opened the meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:00 p.m.. Those members in attendance were: Liz, Carmen, Charlie, Lisa, Loretta, Bard and Sandi. Minutes from July 7, 2020 were read approved. The Treasures report was given by Charlie. OLD BUSINESS: There will be no Harvest of Harmony Parade in 2020. Dues for 2021 are now due. NEW BUSiNESS: Election was not held due to there was not a quarm. Sandi made a motion not to have a September meeting, it was seconded by Loretta . Motion passed. The October meeting will be held on October 7, 2020 at 6:00. Pizza will be served . Being there was no further business Liz made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Lisa. Motion carried. Recording Secretary Sandi Towne
American Legion Auxiliary #53
MARCH 4, 2020
Five members were present to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. President Carmen then called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Minutes from the previous were read by Liz Cline. Being that there were no corrections or additions to the minutes were approved as read.
The Treasures report was given by Charlie Becker.
Liz Cline gave a report on Girl State and the winners that will be attending are
as follows:
Elizabeth Alberts is representing Central Catholic High School and is sponsored by the Sons of the American Legion Auxiliary #53
Regan Gellatly is representing Central Catholic High School and she is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club.
Carly Gartner is representing Grand Island Senior High and she is sponsored by the Lions Club.
Maria Albers is representing Grand Island Senior High and is sponsored by Caring Women Jr. Women’s Club.
Orientation for the Girl Staters is scheduled for April 5, 2020 at 1:00 pm at Centura High School.
The Easter Egg Hunt will be April 11, 2020 at the American Legion beginning at 2:00 sharp
Next meeting will be April 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Loretta made motion to adjourn the meeting and Jeannie seconded the motion.
Submitted by Liz Cline.
FEBRUARY 5, 2020
February 5, 2020 the Legion Auxiliary open the meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Those members in attendance were: Loretta, Liz, Carmen, Charlie, Bec, Jeannie, Barb and Sandi. President Carmen then called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m..
Minutes from the January meeting were read and approved.
Treasures report was given with no bills being presented.
We were asked about putting a Bible on the MIA table. After some discussion a motion was made by Bec and seconded by Liz not to have a Bible placed on the MIA table. Motion carried.
Raffle: Carmen has not gotten a response from her brother-in-law on making a plaque for a raffle to raise money for the Auxiliary.
Girl State: Liz reported that there are only 2 to 3 girls interested in going to Girl State. Interviews will be held on February 23 at the Legion Club.
NEW BUSINESS: We will look in to another fund raiser for the Auxiliary such as but will need to check with Don Shuda first to see if there will be a Hamburger Feed on the 4th of July at the Legion. Ice Cream Social for the Car Show on the 4th of July.
Dates to Remember:
March 4, 2020 next meeting at 6:00 p.m.
April 11,2020 - Easter Egg Hunt set up will be at 12:30, egg hunt begins at 2:00 p.m.
Motion was made by Sandi to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Charlie
Submitted by Sandi Towne Recording Secretary

American Legion Auxiliary #53
December 4, 2019 meeting was opened by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Those members in attendance were, Becky, Charlie, Liz, Janet, Loretta, Karen, Carmen and Sandi.
Minutes from the November were read, no corrections were needed.
Treasures report was given. No bills were presented. There $3.74 left from a collection that was taken at the November meeting to purchase goodies to send to troops in NC.. The remaining amount of $3.74 was given back to put into the Auxiliary funds.
Gifts for Yanks was held Dec 4 at Grand Island VA Hospital and Kearney VA Home. Carmen helped at GI and Kearney, Sandi was at GI.. Dec.10 we will be helping with wrapping help gifts for the Yanks. Please come and help at 10:00 if you can.
FYI - Check out happenings on Facebook at Nebraska American Legion Dist. 6.
Dec.14 Wreaths Across America will meet for a program at 11:00 at Legion Club then at 12:00 we will be dismissed to place wreaths on Veterans graves. Need volunteers.
Loretta made a motion to adjourn meeting, was seconded by Janet.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Sandi Towne
Group then enjoyed a potluck dinner.
November 6, 2019
Meeting open by saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were Liz, Lisa, Barb, Becky,Loretta, Charlie, Jeannie, Carmen and Sandi.
No minutes were read.
Treasures report was given. No bills were presented.
Jeannie, Carmen and Sandi attended dollar day at Vets home in Kearney on Tuesday November 5. Val, Dutch and Loren send their greetings.
- An article from the paper was read that Chef Anthony is gathering snack items to send to troops in NC. A collection was taken from the members that were present at the meeting. Jeannie and Sandi will get the snack item and then deliver them.
- Veterans Day Breakfast will be held Monday November 11, 2019 serving from 5:30 to 10:30.
- Saturday November 9, 2019 we will bake banana bread at 1:00 p.m. at the club.
- Sunday November,10 starting at 3:00 pm we will begin to cut potatoes and banana bread. When bingo is done we will begin to set up the other room.
- Fold Flags November 11- 4:00
Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates.
- December 3 - Gifts for Yanks 10:00 at Vet Hospital in Grand Island.
- December 3 - Gifts for Yanks 2:30 at Kearney VA
- December 4- ALA Meeting - Pot Luck dinner following meeting. NO GIFT EXCHANGE
- December 10 - Wrap gifts for yanks at Grand Island Hospital 10:00 a.m.
- February- 22, 2020 - Mountian Oyster Feed
Loretta made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Becky seconded the motion.
Smited by Recording Secretary - Sandi Towne
Regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held on September 4, 2019. Nine members stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance . President Carmen Larson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. other members that were present are Liz, Barb, Loretta, Charlie, Jeannie, Karen, Sandi and a new member Lisa Hunnicutt.
Ron Hitch from the SAL presented to the Auxiliary some monies from Traveling Wall Committee. Ron also asked if someone would help Billie Hernn of VFWA with the folding of the flags. Volunteers that put the flags up like to have the flags folded a certain way after they are taken down. Sandi Towne volunteered to help Billie.
Minutes and treasure's report were given and approved as read.
Old business: A thank you note was read from Avery Kalvoda who represented the Auxiliary at Girl State. Liz and Carmen attend the Picnic at Veterans Home in Kearney.
New Business: On Nov. 6,2019 we are to furnish six doz cookies for Dollar Days. Charlie will order the cookies. October 3,2019 float for the Harvest of Harmony Parade will be decorated at Loretta's garage at 5:00 p.m. Bring an extra pair scissors. Loretta address is 4340 Aster Dr. We will order in pizza after we are done decorating. Veterans Day is Nov. 11,2019. We will make banana bread on 11-9-19 around 1:00 the Legion. We will cut the bread and decorate the hall on 11-10-19 after bingo at 4:30. Being there was no more business Charlie made motion to adjourn, Loretta seconded the motion. Next meeting will October 2, at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by Sandi Towne Recording Secretary
UNIT #53
August 7,2019
Nine members stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. President Carmen Larson then called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.. Those members present were Carmen Larson, Jeanette Cornell, Charlie Becker, Loretta Palensky, Janet Ewoldt, Karen Schrader, Barb Brettmann, Liz Cline and Sandra Towne.
Treasures report was given by Charlie. A bill was presented by Loretta for items to the ice cream social held on the 4th of July.
A good returns was reported on proceeds from the Ice Cream Social.
Membership chairman Barb said there were a number of members who have not paid dues yet. Barb has called these members too reminded them their dues are past due.
OLD BUSINESS: The following are recipients for 2019 Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship, They are Nicolle Nellson and Cherokee Reinhart. They each received $2000.00. Congratulations girls!
NEW BUSINESS: Harvest of Harmony Parade will be October 5, 2019. Theme this year is Building Dreams,Friendship and
Memories. Entry fee is $50.00. Motion was made by Sandi T. to enter the parade and all were in favor.
District 6 Picnic will be August 18 in Kearney at Veteran Home. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Nebraska State Fair is having parade on Veterans Day which is September 2, 2019. We were asked to be in the parade. We will carry banners that we have used in the Harvest of Harmony Parade.
December 14,2019 is Wreaths across America. These wreaths are $15.00 each and will be placed on the Veterans graves. Charlie made a motion to give $90.00 to purchase wreaths. Janet seconded the motion.
Being there was no further business meeting was adjourned. Next meeting September 4, 2019 at 6:00 p.m..
Submitted by Sandra Towne
July 3, 1920
Six members recited the pledge of allegiance. Those members present were Carmen, Charlie, Loretta, Liz, Barb and Jeanette.
Carmen called the meeting to order. Carmen read the minutes from the last
meeting. Charlie gave the treasure report and Barb reported on membership.
Final plans were gone over for the ice cream social on the 4th of July at the Vets Club.
Girl State Tea will be held on August 7th at 7:00 pm. Carmen, Jeannie, Barb will bring desserts.
Charlie made a motion to adjourn and Loretta 2nd the motion. Carmen called the meeting adjourned .
Next meeting will be August 7,2019 starting at 6:00 pm.
Submitted by Sandi Towne
Special Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary
June 19, 2019
Special Meeting was called to order by President Carmen Larson. Pledge if Allegiance was recited by these members Barb, Charlie,Liz, Carmen & Sandi.
The special meeting was called due to the up coming Ice Cream Social for the 4th of July.
Price of ice cream will be 1 dip - $2.00, 2 dips - $3.00, 3 dips - $4.00. Flavors will be vanilla and neapolitan. Toppings of chocolate and strawberry. Bottled water will be $1.00.
Set up time will be at 12:00 on the 4th of July and start serving at 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Item needed: 2 black tubs from Legion to keep bottled water in.
Liz will bring a canopy.
1 table from Legion
2 or 3 #8 ice cream scopes from kitchen
3 coolers to keep ice cream in while serving
rags and buckets to use for clean up
We do have extra Auxiliary T-Shirts available to buy. Please check the glass cabinet in the lounge.
Meeting adjourn. Submitted by Sandi Towne
American Legion Auxiliary, November 7, 2018
On November 7, 2018, American Legion Auxiliary meeting was held. Eleven women stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and a total of 13 attended the meeting.
Minutes of the last meeting was stated and the treasurer read her report.
Old Business: Gift certificates for $40.00 to Glenn Palensky and Don Schritt were discussed and a motion made by Sandy Stewart and seconded by Janet Ewoldt.
New Business: The ladies were baking banana bread on November 7th for the Veterans Day Breakfast. Decorating Memorial Hall and cutting the banana bread would be done on Friday at 2:00 p.m. Serving would be Sunday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The POW table would be set up in the Hall. Clean up of the hall would be at 10:30 to prepare the room for bingo. Trenna Edwards will be singing the National Anthem at 8:00. Next meeting is December 5th. We will have a pot luck supper after 6:00. We will pass the pot for Xmas Cheer. Heritage House going to be giving pins for Veterans on Friday, November 9th. Gift shop at the hospital is December 11th at 10:00 a.m. and Gifts for Yanks is December 4th at 2:00 for anyone who would like to help.
Motion to close was made by Janet Ewoldt and motion seconded. The meeting was adjourned.
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53;
On May 2, 2018, eleven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President, Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order. She asked for the reading of the minutes of the March meeting. The treasurer’s report and the membership secretary. All reports were read and approved by those present.
Old Business: Charlie Becker gave a report on the Easter Egg Hunt. Liz Cline reported on Girl State orientation that was held at Centura High School. Six of the eight girls going to Cornhusker Girls State were in attendance. Charlie Becker reported she went out to Central Community College and talked to their financial advisors about the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship. This is available to daughters, sons, and granddaughters who have a member in the VFW and VFW Auxiliary, Legion and Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of the Legion and are members of the club. Applicants must have plans to be a nurse. The deadline is June 15th, 2018. We also vote to donate $300.00 to the Relay for Life committee. Liz Cline made a motion to give $300.00 to Relay for Life and it was second by Jeannie Cornell, it was approved.
New Business: Liz Cline volunteered to take salads to the picnic put on by District #6, held at the Grand Island Veterans Medical Center on Sunday June 3, 2018. All and any member can attend and help. Sandy Towne read a couple of articles from the ALA National Magazine pocket prayers for active service members and an article on how to keep our finances safe. Election of Officers was then held. They were voted on by the members present and will be as follows. Membership Secretary, Barb Brettman; Treasurer, Charlie Becker; Recording Secretary, Sandy Stewart; Vice President, Amber O’Reilly; President, Carmen Larson. Congratulations to New and Old Officers for 2018-2019.
Amber O’Reilly made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Trina Emken. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be June 6th at the Veterans Club at 6:00 p.m.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Seven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag on April 4th, 2018. President, Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. She asked for the reading of the March minutes and a treasurer’s report. Both were read and approved by members present.
Old Business: We had a very successful Easter Egg Hunt on the 31rst of March. The day was cold and windy, so we had the hunt inside the building. This prevented eggs ending up in South Dakota and having some very cold children. We had a count of 48 hunters along with parents and grandparents. We would like to thank all for their help and donations for again making this successful. Girl State Orientation will be held on Sunday, April 8th at 1:00 p.m. at Centura High School north of Cairo, NE. We should be having election of officers at the May meeting so please be in attendance on May 2nd.
New Business: Liz Cline checked in with the state of how to order poppy kits that were mentioned in the newsletter. We might check this out later in the year. Charlie Becker mentioned the Tom Wilcox Scholarship applications can be picked up. This is for any members of the club’s child or grandchild that will be attending school in nursing. Please get in touch with Charlie Becker.
It was made into motion by Loretta Palensky to adjourn the meeting and a second by Trina Emken and Judy Dunbar. The meeting was adjourned by the president at 6:50 p.m. The next meeting will be held at the club on May 2nd at 6:00 p.m. This is an invitation for all members of the Unit #53 to attend.
Submitted, By Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On March 7, 2018, five members stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Recording Secretary, called the meeting to order, at 6:10 p.m. The minutes of the meeting were read. Then Loretta Palensky read the Treasurer’s report. Sandy Towne said members took names to call on outstanding dues not being paid. She still has to hear from one member who took names. Old Business: Girl State 2018, the interviews were held at the Veterans club on February 18th with nine girls being present from all four high schools. We had six ladies present to do the interviews from four different organizations. We had eight sponsors this year so eight young ladies were chosen, and one alternate. It was hard because they were all very outstanding young women representing their high schools. On March 7th we received confirmation that all eight young ladies were accepted to attend Cornhusker Girl State 2018. They are Shannon Woodward, Grand Island Senior High School. Abigail Straehr, will be representing Heartland Lutheran High School. And representing Central Catholic High School will be Taylor Mues, Maggie Keslar, McKenna Reilly. And Northwest High School will be Ashlyn Sutherland, Alexia Schulte and Katelyn Douglas. The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 31, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. This is open to all members and their families. The horn will sound at 2:00 p.m. so be prepared, please bring an Easter Basket for your child.
New Business: They are having the District #6 meeting in Kearney, NE, on Sunday March 11th. March 25th Amber O’Reilly would like someone to run the concession in the Bingo stand. The call committee is still a work in process for the elections to be held in April or May. The election results should be turned in by June.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Sandy Stewart second the motion. It was adjourned by the Recording Secretary at 6:35 p.m. Next meeting will be held on April 4th at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Cline
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, Grand Island, NE
February 7, 2018, eight members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President Janet Ewoldt then called the meeting to order, at 6:00 p.m.
She asked for the Treasurer’s report, Charlie Becker, treasurer turned in a bill for the plaque to be put on the POW/MIA table on display in the club. Loretta Palensky made a motion to reimburse and Amber O’Reilly second the motion. The recording secretary read the minutes to the last meeting. Sandy Towne gave a report and handed out names for members to help in calling outstanding dues that have not been paid for 2018. These were due by December of 2017.
Old Business: The Sons of the American Legion will have their annual Nut Fry on February 17, 2018. The auxiliary will help with the raffle, head count and taking the money, and any other tasks that need to be done to help. We should be at the club by 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Elizabeth Cline then gave a report on Girl State 2018. The interviews are set for the 18th of February starting around 2:00 p.m. At this time we have a count of 11-12 young ladies interested in attending. Then the Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the club on March 31, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. Janet Ewoldt volunteered to purchase the bag of candies for the Easter Bunny to hand out to the children. We are asking again for donations of gently used stuffed toys. You can leave at the club or get in touch with Janet Ewoldt or any Auxiliary member. We will show up around 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. to start setting up for the hunt. Charlie Becker made a motion to give a gift certificate to the East Bunny and it was second by Loretta Palensky.
New Business: Starting in March, Jeannie Cornell will be calling members to hold an office in the Auxiliary. If you are interested please let Jeannie know.
Charlie Becker made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Amber O’Reilly. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting at around 7:00 p.m. Next meeting will be held at the Veterans Club at 6:00 p.m. on March 7, 2018.
Submitted by Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53 - Grand Island, NE
Eight members stood to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag on January 3, 2018. President, Janet Ewoldt then called the meeting to order around 6:05 p.m.
The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were read and approved by those in attendance. Sandy Towne, membership secretary is still collecting the 2018 dues for the Auxiliary.
Old Business: Janet will call and ask some more questions on the joint Easter Egg Hunt. She will get back to us at the February meeting. It was made into motion by Sandy Towne and a second by Carmen Larson to cancel our volunteering with Bingo at the club. She will write a letter and send to the Bingo Board.
New Business: February 17th is the Mountain Oyster Feed being sponsored by the Sons of the American Legion. It will start around five but members should show up around 4:30 p.m. to decide where they would like to help. More details will be worked out at the February meeting.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was made into a second by Jeannie Cornell. The president adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 7, 2018.
Submitted by Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, Grand Island, NE
On December 6, 2017, 10 members and three guests stood for Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
President, Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order around 6:06 p.m. She called for the reading of the minutes from November and the treasurer’s report. These were approved by members present. Sandy Towne said she is getting dues and turned money into the treasurer. She also announced we have two new members. They are Sheila Agaftine, and Linda Addison.
New Business: We had a guest, Billie Herron, asking us if we would like to combine our talents for the Easter Egg Hunt at the club. She was reporting for Lori Skala from the Readiness Family Group. This is organizations from the Veterans Club, and the community. We will discuss and get back to this group and let them know in a month. Liz Cline sent an e-mail to Lori Reimer, district 6 president, of all the activities we did in the last year for her report.
Old Business: We donated six dozen cookies to the Grand Island Veterans Home for Gift for Yanks, which is held at Christmas time. Charlie Becker thanked the group for all that helped with the Veterans Breakfast. We also had a discussion on Bingo and will set up a time to talk to members. Charlie Becker made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Carmen Larson. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting, at around 6:45 p.m. We later had a holiday meal with the Sons of the Legion members. It was enjoyed by all and you missed out from some yummy food. Next meeting will be held January 3, 2018 at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted Elizabeth E. Cline, recording secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On November 1, 2017, six members stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Vice President, Carmen Larson, called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
She asked for the reading of the October minutes, a motion to approve by Sandy Towne and a second by Barb Brettman. The treasurer gave her report. Outstanding bills from the Harvest of Harmony Parade were presented. Loretta Palensky made a motion to pay and it was second by Barb Brettman. Membership secretary reported that she is getting money for 2018 dues.
Carmen asked for any Old Business, she passed around the Bingo calendar for members to sign up for. She announced there would only be three Bingo Sundays in December, because of the holidays.
New Business is the Veterans Day Breakfast being presented by the Veterans Club and their organizations, on November 11th. Our group will again be doing banana bread and decorating the club. We will bake bread on Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon starting at 2:00 p.m. Then will be at the club on Friday around 4:30 p.m. to decorate and cut the banana bread. Members can help whenever possible. Hours for the breakfast will be from 5:00-10:30 a.m. on November 11th. We ask if you are able to show up at 4:30 a.m. to help with serving. Cost for non veterans will be $6.00. The following donations for December were brought up that was donated to a year ago. We will give Christmas Cheer $100.00 and Wreath across America $200.00. It was made into motion by Liz Cline and a second by Sandy Towne. We also voted to have a plaque made for the MIA table display at the Veterans Club. This was made into motion by Liz Cline and a second by Carmen Larson. Our next meeting will be held on December 6th and it was decided to have a small luncheon afterwards, to celebrate the holidays.
It was made into motion to adjourn the meeting by Charlie Becker and a second by Loretta Palensky. Vice President, Carmen Larson adjourned the meeting, around 6:30 p.m. Next meeting will be December 6th at 6:00 p.m. Note we will have a holiday luncheon after the meeting, bring a holiday item or whatever makes you happy.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
Eight members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at the beginning of their September 6, 2017 meeting. President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order. Minutes of the last meeting read by Carmen Larson acting secretary. The minutes were approved by a motion made by Loretta Palensky, and a second by Barb Brettman. Charlie Becker gave the treasurer’s report and bills were turned in for the MIA table. This is a very nice and welcome addition to the club. There was no new memberships turned in and the 2018 dues are payable now.
New Business: A thank you was read from Natalie Gibbs, a Girl State delegate from Grand Island Senior High School. The hand soaps, tooth paste and toiletries that were donated to the Auxiliary, was given to a group going down to Houston, Texas from hurricane Harvey. Items were sent along with donations from, many people and businesses including medical supplies from Aurora Medical, Family Practice and Aurora Co-Op filled up the vehicles with fuel. Items collected were given to two churches in the devastated area and it was shown on Channel eight news. This was started by Loretta and Glenn Palensky’s grandson, and member Lori Nellson’s son. Dylan Hostetler and two other young men, Lorn Barras and Jake Peters who ended up taking down three pick-up trucks and trailers loaded with items. It started out to be one pick-up truck but more vechicles were needed with everything that was donated. We should be proud of these young men. Several members were in attendance at the State Fair on Veterans Day and took advantage of the free gate pass. Barb Brettman worked the whole day in the ice cream area.
Old Business: The float for the Harvest of Harmony Parade will be getting together at our next meeting on the 4th of October. This will be held at Glenn and Loretta Palensky’s home, at 811 Redwood. We will start at around 5 p.m. but feel free to come late if you are working. Pizza will be served for all members. The theme will be the 150 years of Nebraska, along with it being 80 years for Girl State. If you have extra scissors please bring. Veterans Day will be on Saturday, November 11, 2017. More plans will be made at our next meetings, in October and November.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, by Charlie Becker and a second by Loretta Palensky. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be October 4, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at 811 Redwood, Grand Island, NE. The meeting was adjourned around 6:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Cline along with note taker Carmen Larson
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, August 2017 Minutes:
On August 2, 2017 the American Legion Auxiliary, stood up to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President Janet Ewoldt then called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. with nine members and one guest present.
Reading of the minutes for the last meeting were read. Sandy Towne made a motion and it was second by Judy Dunbar to approve the minutes of the July meeting. Charlie Becker, treasurer then gave a report on our funds. Sandy Towne, membership secretary will send a report to the state office to have names deleted from our roll from 2015 and 2016. We have tried several times to get these dues paid. These names will be taken off of our roll call. We will not be obligated to pay our share of their dues.
New Business: Janet read a letter about a membership workshop to be held in Gretna, NE on September 30, 2017. This is with the Homecoming event for new the State President, Kathy Mazur. She then read and noted that Veterans Day will be September 4, 2017 at the State Fair. The auxiliary will be able to get in for free if you show your membership card. This is along with veterans and their organizations also. Judy Dunbar announced she would be moving and would be giving up her office as Vice President. She nominated Carmen Larson, Sandy Towne nominated Jeannie Cornell and Charlie Becker nominated Loretta Palensky. The nomination was won by Carmen Larson as our new Vice President. We all wished Judy good luck and told her to visit any time.
Old Business: We will be doing the Harvest of Harmony Parade with a float again this year. The theme will be 150 years of Nebraska. Harvest of Harmony Parade will be held October 7th. Bingo sheets were passed around for the rest of August to be filled out. A thank you from Katelyn Hill was read and shared. She was one of our Girl State delegates for 2017.
Sandy Towne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and it was second motion by Loretta Palensky. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting, at 7:40 p.m. Next meeting Sept. 6th @ 6:00 pm.
We had an informal tea before our meeting with the Girl State Delegates, their guest and sponsors. We had Shayla Steenson and her mother Kara from, Central Catholic, Katelyn Hill from Grand Island Senior High, Liz Gerberding from Caring Women of WC, and Connie Osterman from Altrusa. We always learn something new from these young ladies each year and they seem to really enjoy their experience.
Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Cline
Eight members and one guest, of the American Legion Auxiliary, stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. It was followed by President Janet Ewoldt calling the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. She then requested the reading of the June minutes and June treasurer’s report. These were both read and approved. Sandy Towne, membership secretary reported she had the 2018 membership cards available and dues could be paid anytime.
Thank you cards were read from Relay for Life, group United Vets 4 a Cure, the Cancer Society and from the Hall County Hero Flight for the Auxiliary’s donations.
New Business was we will be hosting a tea for the Girl State girls, and their families, to be held on August 2, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. We will also invite the organizations that helped with sponsoring a young lady. This will be held at the Veterans Club. Charlie Becker brought up if we wanted to participate in the Harvest of Harmony parade, and after a group discussion, we decided to again make a float. We are going to see if we can get alumni girl state representatives to participate this year.
Old Business, Carmen Larson passed out the Bingo schedules for July and August for members to sign up.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Loretta Palensky, and it was second by Charlie Becker. The meeting was adjourned by the President around 6:40 p.m.
Next meeting will be at on August 2, 2017 being held after our Girl State Tea. Please come and listen to the girls talk about their experiences at Girl State 2017.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On June 7th, ten members stood up to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and one guest.
President Janet Ewoldt, then called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. She asked for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, the treasurer’s report. They were read and approved by those in attendance. Sandy Towne had another membership dues turned into her.
Old Business: President Ewoldt thanked Loretta Palensky, on the MIA table that is set up in the Veterans Club bar area. She is still working on it but looks really nice. She also welcomed Vice President, Judy Dunbar back. Judy had been out for heart surgery and rehab. She also announced that Amber O’Reilly would be gone on August 6th. She would not be able to work bingo at the club. Charlie and Janet will run the concession, but if anyone is interested to learn, please come that day and shadow. Liz Cline reported all the Girl State girls were in attendance at Girl State 2017 and it was reported in the Grand Island Independent.
New Business: Sandy Towne requested that the Auxiliary donate $300.00 to the Hall County Hero Flight. This was made into motion by Sandy and a second by Loretta Palensky. The motion was carried by those in attendance. We were reminded that Flag Day is the 14th of June. Janet is going to find out if there is a way to let the groups know the times that the flags are taken down.
Carmen Larson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. This was second by Loretta Palensky. The president then adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m. Next meeting will be July 5th, 2017. Please note, the times that we had for our meeting, could you spare 30 minutes. Then please join us late or early. We are a very relaxed group and would enjoy welcoming you.
Respectfully Submitted
Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Cline
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On April 5th, 2017 at around 6:00 p.m. seven members and one guest stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. President Janet Ewoldt then called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. The treasurer gave her report and it was approved. Our membership stands at 87.12% of members who have paid their 2017 membership dues.
New business was then read. Janet read a letter from the district president, for the following events. On June 4th, district six will host a picnic held at the Grand Island Medical Center. She read what units would furnish for this event. One June 13th there will be a Hawaiian Luau at the Veterans Home in Grand Island starting at 2:00 p.m. Members are more than welcome to help and attend.
Old Business, Loretta Palensky is getting the material for the POW table being set up at the Veterans Club. We had three members attend the district sixth meeting in Aurora, NE. on April 2nd. Our Easter Egg Hunt being held at the club, on April 8th at 2:00 p.m. is ready for fun. Members who wish to help should be there around 12:30 p.m. to help set up and help the Easter Bunny hide his eggs. Carmen Larsen made a motion to send a check to the Veterans Home for $30.00 to go into their bingo fund. It was second by Amber O’ Reilly.
The meeting was made into motion to adjourn by Loretta Palensky and a second by Carmen Larsen. The president adjourned the meeting at around 6:44 p.m. Next meeting will be held at the Club on May 3rd at 6:00 p.m. We encourage all paid up members to attend. The meetings do not last long and we need all your ideas.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth E. Cline recording secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Eight members and one guest stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. President, Janet Ewoldt, called the meeting to order at approximately 6:04 p.m. She asked for the reading of the minutes from the February meeting and the treasurer’s report.
She asked for New Business: The president read a letter from the district president Vicky Cyborn, about the upcoming District convention being held in Aurora, NE at the Bremer Community Center. Registration will be from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. She also told about Girl and Boy state orientation being held in Cairo, NE at Centura High School, 201 NE Hwy 11 on April 2, 2017 starting at 1:00 p.m. She read a thank you for our donation to the Grand Island Medical Center for their coffee fund.
Old Business: We received donations from the American Legion, VFW and the Sons of the Legion for the Easter Egg Hunt being held at the Veterans Club on April 8th at 2:00 p.m. The treasurer has ordered the eggs and candy for it and reserved the Easter Bunny costume. We will have more plans at next meeting but we will show up at the club around 1:00 p.m. to decorate and set up. Carmen Larson passed the March and April calendar’s out for Bingo. Liz Cline reported on Girl State 2017. We have three girls that have been accepted. They are as follows, Shayla Steenson, Grand Island Central Catholic, Katelyn Hill and Natalie Gibbs from Grand Island Senior High School. All three girls were very intelligent, and completely impressed the interviewers. We had women help the interviewing from Kiwanis, Altrusa, and Caring Women of Nebraska Women’s Club and of course our Auxiliary.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Judy Dunbar. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held on April 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, Grand Island, NE
On February 1, 2017, seven members stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. She asked for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and treasurer’s report.
She read a newsletter that recognized our unit for helping at the registration desk at the Mid-Winter Conference, held in Grand Island, in January. Charlotte Becker, showed the members, Auxiliary pins that were being sold at the conference. We will order and have enough on hand for each member that would like to have one. This was made into motion that the Auxiliary pay for and reimburse Charlotte by Judy Dunbar and a second by Carmen Larson. She also read about the February 12th Valentine’s Day being held at the Grand Island Medical Center. She also read about the district 6 meeting held in Aurora, NE on March 5th at the Bremer Community Center. Registration will begin at 8:30 and go until 9:30 A.M. And Girl and Boy State orientation and Girl and Boy law cadet interviews on April 2, 2017 at Centura High School.
Old Business: The Sons of the Legion will be holding their Nut Fry on February 11th, 2017 at the United Veterans Club. Auxiliary members that are helping should be at the club around 4:00 p.m. This is a major fund raiser for the Sons of the Legion. It helps support scholarships for local youth. We are also invited to attend a thank you supper from the Bingo Committee being held at the club on February 10, 2017. Members have until the 7th of February to RSVP. Liz Cline reported that all packets were delivered to all four schools for Girl State candidates. She has also gotten in touch with all the sponsors. The interviews will be held on the 12th of February starting around 2:00 p.m. in the United Room of the Veterans Club. More plans were made by those in attendance about the Easter Egg Hunt being held at the club for members and their families on April 8th, 2017. We are asking for anyone who has gently used stuffed animals to be donated to the Easter Egg Hunt. All those who attend seem to enjoy.
New Business: Janet Ewoldt purchased a patriotic wreath that we will be displayed on our wall. It was made into motion by Liz Cline and a second by Judy Dunbar that we reimburse her for this purchase.
Judy Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Carmen Larson. The president called the meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be held at the Veterans Club on March 1, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Even if you are running behind please free to join in on the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, Grand Island, NE
On January 3, 2017, ten members of the Auxiliary stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
At 6:00 p.m., president, Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order. She asked for the reading of last month’s minutes and the treasure’s report. All were read and approved by those present. She then asked for the membership secretary’s report. Sandi Towne reported we had two new members. They are Trenna Edwards and a transferred member, Patricia Wagner. She is still waiting on some members to pay their dues, for 2017.
The president then asked for New Business: We were asked by Department secretary/treasurer to be in charge of registration for the Mid-Winter Conference being held in Grand Island, NE the weekend of January 13th-15th at the Hotel Grand. We will have three members work on Friday from 9-3:30 p.m. and three members work Saturday 8-2. We should wear our auxiliary shirts and pins. Janet Ewoldt will do the greeting at 8:10 Saturday morning. Liz Cline reported on Girl State for 2017. She will have all packets delivered to each school by Thursday the 5th of January. She has made up a flyer, either the counselors can hang up or have them scan and put in their e-mail messages. Hopefully we will have more candidates to apply for Girl State. She will pick up on February 8th and interviews will be at the club on February 12th. She will also write and inform all sponsors this information. Carmen Larson passed out the Bingo schedules for January and February 2017 for members to sign for their day to help. We also set a date for our Easter Egg Hunt to be held at the club on April 8th, 2017.
Old Business: We will put together material for the POW table to be displayed in the Veterans Club, if the board of the Club allows. This was put into motion by Charlie Becker and second by Liz Cline. Loretta Palensky will write the board to get their approval. The Sons of the Legion will be having their Nut Fry on February 11th, 2017. We will again help with collecting money, selling raffle tickets, counting and checking Id’s. We should be at the club by 4:30 to get our areas set up. The request to adjourn the meeting was made into motion by Loretta Palensky and a second by Charlie Becker. President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be held on February 1, 2017, starting around 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, Grand Island, NE
On December 7th, 2016, nine members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Approximately at 6:00 p.m. President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order.
She then asked for the reading of November’s minutes, plus the treasurer’s report. We have six members that we will check to see if they still want to be members of the auxiliary from 2015. This is an improvement over the last few years.
The president read a thank you from the director of the Veterans Home, Alex Willford, for our recent donation,
New Business: She read a letter from the district president about events coming up at the home and the VA medical center in Grand Island, for December. They are also planning on the Mid-Winter Conference being held in January, at the Hotel Grand, on the 13th-15th, in Grand Island, NE. They also let us know the dates for Girl State which will be June 4th- 10th of 2017. Liz Cline made a report for the district president for the highlights of our unit from 2016.
Old Business: We will again donate $200.00 for Christmas Cheer. This was made into motion by Loretta Palensky and a second by Judy Dunbar. The banana bread that was not served at the Veterans Day Breakfast was donated to the Grand Island Veteran’s Home to be used at their bingo.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Trina Emken second the motion. President Janet Ewoldt, adjourned the meeting. We then enjoyed our small gift exchange and pot luck supper with the Sons of the American Legion and guests. The next meeting will be on January 4th, 2017, at six p.m. We would to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On November 2, 2016, the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53 held their meeting at the Veterans Club. Six members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Vice President, Judy Dunbar, called the meeting to order around six p.m.
She asked for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, treasure’s report, and the membership secretary report. All were read and approved by members present.
Old Business: The Veterans Day Breakfast being held at the club on November 11, 2016. Members will meet on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to bake banana bread for the breakfast. Then meet at 3:00-4:00 to cut bread and get table items ready for the breakfast. They will be having bingo Thursday evening so we will not be able to decorate until Friday. So we will meet at 4:30 a.m. to finish up. We were notified that a Veterans Day Parade will be held in Grand Island with the area schools on Tuesday the 8th of November. Charlie Becker took six dozen cookies up to the Veterans Home for their Dollar Days event, on November first.
New Business: It was brought to the attention of the Auxiliary, about donating to the Wreaths Across America program. They will put Christmas Wreaths on veteran’s graves at Christmas time in the Grand Island, area plus across America. This group started out of Maine, Worcester Wreath CO. Grand Island Express will transport and there will be a Remembrance Ceremony on Saturday, December 17th to lay the wreaths at the Veterans Cemetery. A motion was made by Charlie Becker to donate $200.00 to this cause and it was second by Barb Brettman. It was voted and passed by those present. We will also be participating in at our next meeting, December 7th, joining a pot luck dinner with the Sons of the American Legion. Bring your favorite hot or cold dish and enjoy the friendship. The auxiliary will have $5.00 gift exchange before the meal. Sympathy cards were mailed to the families of Jim Sidel and Ron Hitch, from the Auxiliary.
It was made into motion by Sandi Towne to adjourn the meeting and second by Charlie Becker. Vice President, Judy Dunbar adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be our Christmas exchange party, starting after the meeting. Meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. on December 7th. Please bring your favorite dish and gift for the exchange. Special thanks to Carmen Larsen for taking notes for the absent recording secretary.
Submitted by Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, Grand Island, NE
On October 5th, 2016, nine members and one guest stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. President Janet Ewoldt then called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. She welcomed a transferring member to our group, her name is Lynn Gipe. The unit then presented Glenn Palensky with a thank you for helping with and driving our Harvest of Harmony Float in the parade.
Minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were read and approved by those present. It was made into motion for Loretta Palensky and second by Carmen Larson to pay all outstanding bills. She then asked for the membership secretary’s report. We are receiving money for 2017 dues and according to the state we should have an objective of 158 members.
New Business: Liz Cline passed out copies of the schedules of activities being held at the Grand Island Medical Center and the Veterans Home for the holidays. We had a letter from the state concerning that they are in a need of more donations for four of the activities. Each unit has a portion of their dues going to these projects but there has been a greater need. It was made into motion by Liz Cline to give each $100.00 and it was second by Sandi Towne. This was voted on by those in attendance and carried. They are Gifts for Yanks, Dollar Days, Gift shop and the General Activity fund. Charlie Becker then updated the group on the Veterans Day Breakfast being held on Friday, November the 11th. We will make the banana bread on November 9th at 2:00 p.m. at the club. We will plan on either Thursday late or early Friday to decorate the hall. We will have another meeting in November to finalize the plans.
Old Business: we are still collecting pill bottles of money for the 3-three wheel bikes to be used by veterans at the Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home. We will collect them and send it in at the next meeting. This is a project from the State Dept. Secretary. Janet then read a letter asking her to talk at the Mid-Winter Conference being held in Grand Island, in January.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Loretta Palensky and a second by Carmen Larson. The president then adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be on November 2, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club.
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
President Janet Ewoldt asked that all nine members in attendance to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. She then called the meeting to order, at 6:07 p.m. on September 7, 2016. Minutes of the last meeting were read, and the treasurer’s report was read, both were approved. She then asked for a report on the Membership Secretary, dues are due now for 2017 and can be paid to Sandi Towne for $25.00.
New Business: we were asked if we would like to be in charge of collecting toiletries to be used by either those serving in the military now, or the Veterans Home, the Veterans Medical Center, etc. We decided this was something we would like to further pursue. We were then asked by the Department Secretary to collect our change in old pill bottles and turn in for the purchase of three wheel bicycles for the Veterans in the Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home. Our group has elected to participate in this cause also. It was also decided to send $25.00 for our contribution to the January 23rd Coffee Hour held at the Medical Center at 10:00 a.m. We will try to attend when the dates get closer. The president read the schedules for November through December for Dollar Days, Gift Shops and Gifts for Yanks. The secretary will copy and hand out to each member at the October meeting.
Old Business: Carmen Larson passed the bingo schedules around for October and November. Charlie Becker, announced that four young women received $2000.00 each from the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship. They are as follows, Holly Petzoldt, daughter of Steve and Sandy Petzoldt and granddaughter of Myrna Petzoldt. Nicolle Nellson, daughter of Lori and Brett Nellson and granddaughter of Loretta and Glenn Palensky, Loretta and Myrna are both members of ALA and Glenn is a member of Sons of American Legion. The other two are Amy Lewis and McKayla Obermiller both members of Veteran of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Congratulations to all four. We tossed around ideas for the Harvest of Harmony Float. The parade is Saturday, October first. Our first meeting will be held Sept. 14th at the Veterans Club. Members are asked to bring things from home to help decorate the float. We will need tissue paper, chicken wire, glue, and etc. The next date to meet will be Tuesday, Sept. 27 at the Palensky’s. Both meetings will start approximately at 6:00 p.m. The theme again is Our Diamond Jubilee, Lustrous Past and Bright Future.
President Ewoldt then asked for someone to make a motion to adjourn the meeting. Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn and it was second by Carmen Larson. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held October 5, 2016. Time will be 6:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On August third, 2016, nine members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Vice President, Judy Dunbar, called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. She then asked for the reading of the last minutes for July, and the treasurer’s report. Outstanding bills were turned into the Treasurer. Sandi Towne made a motion to pay the bills and it was second by Carmen Larson. Sandi Towne made a motion to send Tami Jansen a check for $40.00 for the Scout’s Legacy Service Dog organization. It was second by Carmen Larson and carried with a unanimous vote.
Old Business: Ideas for the Harvest of Harmony Parade. The theme this year is Our Diamond Jubilee, Past and a Bright Future. More ideas will be made at our September meeting.
New Business: Judy read a letter from the state department for activities coming up. They are as follows, December 13, Gifts for Yanks at the VA Medical Center at 10:00 a.m. and at the Veterans Home at 2:00 p.m. January 13-15, 2017, Mid-Year conference to be held in Grand Island, NE. Liz Cline mentioned she had an e-mail from the District #6 President, Vicky Cyboron, the Veterans Home Picnic will be August 21. She needs volunteers to be at the home by 3:00 p.m. to help peel eggs.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and a second by Charlie Becker. The Vice President adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
We then had our Girl State Tea. We had ten members from auxiliary in attendance, four ladies from Altrusa. Then three of the girls, Hannah Kier, Cherokee Reinhart and Maricela Paramo, came with their mothers, grandmother and sister. They all three gave a wonderful talk about their week at Girl State 2016, held in Lincoln, NE. We thank all three young ladies and their parents for showing up and talking to our group.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On July 6, 2016 at 6:05 p.m., Vice President Judy Dunbar had all members stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. She then called the meeting to order with seven members in attendance.
The Vice President called for the reading of the last meeting, and the treasurer’s report. These were read and approved by those present. All outstanding bills were paid, by a motion from Judy Dunbar and a second by Liz Cline. Sandi Towne, membership secretary, said the 2016-17 dues are due now. They are $25.00, please see Sandi.
Old Business: A thank you note was read from the Relay for Life, United Vets 4 a Cure group for our donation. It was decided to have a tea after our next meeting on August 3, 2016 at seven p.m. for the girls and their parents who participated in Girls State 2016 at Lincoln, NE in June. All members are invited to attend, to hear these young ladies speak of their experience. Carmen Larsen passed the bingo schedule around for members to sign up for August and September.
New Business: Sandi Towne came across a report for Veterans Project Report for 2014-2015. We have not seen the new one for 2016-2017. This was tabled until we find out what and when this has to be turned into the state office. Charlie Becker brought up if we would be participating in the Harvest of Harmony Parade, which will be October 1, 2016. Sandi Towne made into motion for our group to participate again and it was second by Loretta Palensky. The cost for each entry is $40.00. All ideas would be appreciated.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Sandi Towne and a second by Charlie Becker. Vice President, Judy Dunbar then called the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be August 3, 2016 starting at 6:00 p.m. There will be a tea following with Girl State Delegates and their parents around 7:00 p.m.
We had a guest speaker, Tami Jansen and her service dog Miles. She was a veteran of the Operation Iraqi Freedom, and she was explaining her service dog to our group. This group trains dogs for any Veteran for ½ the cost. The group is the Scout’s Legacy Service Dogs. We all learned so much and appreciated her time explain all that goes into training a service dog to help a veteran out, regardless if it is PTSD or a disability.
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On June 1, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. President Janet Ewoldt and all seven members stood for the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. She then called the Wednesday night meeting to order.
She asked for the reading of last month’s minutes and the treasurer’s report. Both were read an approved, by those present. Sandy Towne, membership secretary, announced we had one new member join, her name is Becky Padroza.
President Ewoldt, then asked for New Business: There will be a picnic at the Veterans Hospital on June 5th around 4-4:30 p.m. This will be hosted by District #6, and our group was asked to provide a dessert. Jeannie Cornell will deliver and help with the picnic. She then read a letter informing us of the American Legion and Auxiliary convention being held June 24-26, 2016 in Kearney, NE at the Ramada Inn. She handed out a reservation sheet for those wishing to attend. We were also invited to attend a Hawaiian Luau at the Veterans Home on June 9th, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. She also read a letter, inviting us to watch Tractors’ Across America. They will start June 3 in Nebraska and will be in Grand Island, at the Veterans Club on June 6th around noon. They will also be at the Grand Island Veterans Home. They are sponsoring Operation Comfort Warriors, with a showing of vintage tractors.
Old Business: Girl state reminders in the form of e-mails and texts were sent to all four young ladies representing Grand Island for the week of June 5-11, 2016. Graduation cards were signed for the 2015 Girl State delegates.
Note: President Janet Ewoldt, requested an invitation to any person or organization that would enjoy speaking, and sharing their story, we would like you to attend one of our meetings. The meeting was made into a motion to adjourn by Sandy Towne and a second by Judy Dunbar. The meeting was adjourned by President Ewoldt. Next meeting will be held at the Veterans Club on July 6, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Seven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Then Vice President, Judy Dunbar called the May 4, 2016, meeting to order. She asked for the reading of the minutes from the previous meeting, these were read and approved. She asked for the treasurer’s report and that was read and approved by all present.
Old Business: Members discussed ideas to have more girls apply for Girl State from the area schools. Liz Cline said next year girls would have to have proof of citizenship sent in with each application. She also reported two of the delegates going this year went to orientation at St. Paul on April 10th. The other two girls were informed by e-mail on notes that Liz Cline had taken. Carmen Larsen passed the next three months bingo schedules around for members to sign up.
New Business: Charlie Becker brought up the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship needs to be turned in before June 15, 2016. Those that qualify should have parents that are members of the Veterans Club, or Sons of the American Legion, DAV, and the American Legion and Auxiliary. Last year three young ladies applied and each received a scholarship of $1000.00. You can reach Charlie Becker at her home phone, 308-383-8767. They will be having a picnic at the GI Medical Center on June 5th, 2016. Our group has been asked to donate a dessert. Liz Cline will try and get it up to the picnic. Relay for Life requested that we donate to this years’ walk. We will again donate $300.00. This was made into a motion by Liz Cline and a second by Janet Ewoldt. It passed by those present. We also received donation from the Sons of the American Legion for next years’ Easter Egg Hunt. We then had Election of Officers for the 2017 year. They are as follows, President, Janet Ewoldt, Vice President, Judy Dunbar, Treasurer, Charlie Becker, Recording Secretary, Liz Cline, and Membership Secretary Sandy Towne. We would love having all paid up members and new members to participate in meetings and events. New ideas will be gladly appreciated. Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Carmen Larsen. Vice President, Judy Dunbar adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be June 1, 2016.
Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth E. Cline
American Legion Auxiliary-Unit #53
Five members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag on April 6, 2016.
President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order. She asked for the reading of the minutes, treasurers and the membership secretary reports. All three were read and approved by the President and those present.
Old Business: Charlie Becker gave a report on the Easter Egg Hunt held at the club. We had a good turn out even though the weather was brisk. The smaller children, hunted inside the club while the older children went outside. All and all everyone had a good time and we appreciated the extra help. Liz Cline reported she will be taking a girl to St. Paul on April 10th for Girl State orientation. All of the others have been notified. We also got the April Bingo schedule filled out.
New Business: Janet read from a letter about the Veterans Home Volunteer appreciation day being held at the home on April 23. This will be a 60’s and 70’s theme event with social time from 1-1:30, concession 1:30-3:30. You can dress up in your 60’s or 70’s outfit if you would like. They will have live entertainment from 2-4 with the Revival Band performing. She also announced the state convention will be held in Kearney, NE at the Ramada Inn, June 24-26. Also as a ways and means members can sign up subscriptions for Nebraska Life magazine as a way to make money for their unit. Sandy Towne made into motion that we have a nominating committee for next year’s officers. They will contact various members to see if they would be willing to hold an office. This was second by Liz Cline. President Janet Ewoldt made a motion to vote on it and it passed by those being present. Sandy Towne and Jennie Cornell will be on the nominating committee. Be prepared to vote for next year’s officers at the May 4th meeting.
Charlie Becker made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was second by Sandy Towne. President, Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted
Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Four members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
President Janet Ewoldt, then called the March 2nd meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting was read by Carmen Larson, for the absent secretary, Elizabeth Cline. Charlotte Becker gave the treasurer’s report. Then a report was read for Sandi Towne, membership secretary. There are 24 members that have not paid their dues for this last year. All reports were approved by the President and the members that were present.
Old Business: We made final plans for the Easter Egg Hunt that will be held on March 19th for members of the club and their families. Members that can help set up should be at the club around 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. It will start at 2:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club. The horn will sound for all children to hunt for eggs. We are still looking for donations of refurbished stuffed animals to be used for the Easter Egg Hunt.
New Business: District 6 meeting will be held in Boelus, NE on March 6, 2016. Registration will be $3.00. Orientation for Girl State will be held in St. Paul, NE on April 10, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Carmen Larsen passed around the bingo schedule for April.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and it was second by Charlotte Becker. The President then called the meeting adjourned. Our next meeting will be April 6th, 2016.
Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Cline with the help of Carmen Larson.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Four members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
President Janet Ewoldt, then called the March 2nd meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting was read by Carmen Larson, for the absent secretary, Elizabeth Cline. Charlotte Becker gave the treasurer’s report. Then a report was read for Sandi Towne, membership secretary. There are 24 members that have not paid their dues for this last year. All reports were approved by the President and the members that were present.
Old Business: We made final plans for the Easter Egg Hunt that will be held on March 19th for members of the club and their families. Members that can help set up should be at the club around 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. It will start at 2:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club. The horn will sound for all children to hunt for eggs. We are still looking for donations of refurbished stuffed animals to be used for the Easter Egg Hunt.
New Business: District 6 meeting will be held in Boelus, NE on March 6, 2016. Registration will be $3.00. Orientation for Girl State will be held in St. Paul, NE on April 10, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Carmen Larsen passed around the bingo schedule for April.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and it was second by Charlotte Becker. The President then called the meeting adjourned. Our next meeting will be April 6th, 2016.
Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Cline with the help of Carmen Larson.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
The February third meeting was canceled due to the blizzard of 2016. We did not reschedule because we did not have real pressing issues. The Auxiliary will still plan on helping the Sons of the American Legion with their annual Nut Fry Supper that is held on the sixth of February. We will again count, take money, and sell raffle tickets for the Sons. We will be conducting Girl State interviews on the 21 of February, held at the Veteran Club in the United Room around 2:00 p.m. All members that can should be able to help with that process also. Liz Cline purchased Valentines and the group signed and she and anyone else who would like to help will take to the Veterans Hospital to be passed out to the Veterans in the hospital on February 7th at 1:30 p.m. We still volunteer our time with Bingo on Sundays.
Our next meeting will be the on March 2, 2016. We will finalize Girl State and plan for the Easter Egg Hunt for members of the club and their families. This will be on March 19th at 2:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Cline
Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
On January 5, 2016, American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 met at 6:00 p.m. at the United Veterans Club. All members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Janet Ewoldt, called the meeting to order. She asked for the reading of the minutes and the treasurer’s reports. All were approved by all six members present.
Old Business: Our unit donated $200.00 to the Christmas Cheer fund in December. Liz reported she had written letters to all Girl State sponsors informing them of the increase in sending a girl to Lincoln. This went out on December 3rd, 2015. At the time of the meeting only one organization had gotten in touch with her. They were still interested in sponsoring a girl. Girl State 2016 will be June 5th through the 11th. Carmen Larson passed around the Bingo schedule for February and March. We are again being asked to help the Sons of the Legion, in their annual Mountain Oyster Feed being held on February 6th. More information will be brought up next month. We will again be holding our Easter Egg Hunt, for members of the club. The tentative date was decided on March 19th at 2:00 p.m. This is tentative until we see if it is available. We will again take donations for used stuff animals, and these can be given to any member.
New Business: Janet read a letter from the district #6 President, Vicky Cyboron. She was letting us know about the Mid-Year Conference being held in Nebraska City, NE, at the Lied Lodge. The dates are January 15-17, 2016. She informed us that all District #6 Girl State delegates will have orientation on April 10th at 1:00 p.m. at Saint Paul, NE in their high school. It was brought up to donate to the Vietnam Hero Flight, and it was made into motion by Charlie Becker and a second by Loretta Palensky to donate $200.00. It was again approved by those present.
It was made into motion by Carmen Larson and a second by Judy Dunbar to adjourn the meeting. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be held on February 3, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Please feel free to attend even if you are late.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On December 2, 2015, eight members and one guest stood up and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President Janet Ewoldt then called the meeting to order.
The president asked for the reading of the minutes from November, the treasurer’s report and the membership secretary’s membership count. All were read and approved by those present.
Old Business: Carmen Larsen, passed the bingo schedule around, again as one date was still open for January. It was filled for the next two months. President Janet Ewoldt, received a letter from the Girl State Chairman and they will be raising the price of delegates fees for the 2016 year. They are raising fees from $300.00 to $375.00. The increase is because of the 13% annual fees going up from the University. They were told 90% of the expenses were for use of the university facilities. Boy State and Girl State are working together to find a more reasonable place but as of this time have not found one. Liz Cline will be writing letters to all sponsors to inform them of this increase in the fees. Charlie Becker reminded members that Easter this year will be the 27th of March. We should be thinking about it by our next meeting, as it will be here before we know it.
New Business: President Janet Ewoldt, shared with members that there is a sign- up sheet for bell ringers from the club. This would be a charity deed for the Salvation Army. The date is the 19th of December from 10-4 at Shopko. Please check it out and sign a time that you would be able to help.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Judy Dunbar. The president then adjourned the meeting.
After the meeting we had a Christmas gift exchange among the members. This was followed by a pot luck supper with the Sons of the Legion. We wish to express a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for all members and their families. Our next meeting will be the sixth of January 2016. Start your New Year right and come join in on a meeting. We welcome all members and we do not frown on tardiness.
Respectfully Submitted
Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
All members of the ALA Unit #53 stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Vice President, Judy Dunbar called the meeting to order for the November 4th meeting. Five members and one guest were in attendance.
The Vice President then asked for the reading of the minutes and the treasurer’s report. These were read and approved by those present.
Old Business: We made final plans for the Veterans Day Breakfast being served at the club by the Sons of The Legion on November 11th. We will make banana bread on Sunday the eighth of November starting at 2:00 p.m. Charlie Becker handed out baking schedules. We will cut the banana bread on Tuesday the 10th of November at around 5:30 p.m. and afterwards decorate the tables and have them ready. We need to be at the club before 5:00 a.m. the day of the breakfast. But will take any and all help. Carmen Larson handed out the December and January bingo schedules, so we could sign up.
New Business: On November 3, 2015, Sandi Towne delivered eight dozen cookies at the Veterans Home to be used on their Dollar Days. We also discussed having our gift exchange for Christmas at our next meeting on December 2nd. We will have a short meeting then exchange gifts. We decided to have a $10.00 limit. Afterwards we will again join the Sons of the Legion for a pot luck meal. Each member is asked to bring a pot luck dish of their choice. It was made into motion by Carmen Larson and a second by Loretta Palensky to adjourn the meeting. Vice President, Judy Dunbar adjourned the meeting. We hope to see you in December to participate in holiday fun.
Next meeting will be held on December 2, 2015.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Six members were present for the October 7, 2015 meeting. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Vice President, Judy Dunbar called the meeting to order. She then asked for the reading of the minutes and the treasurer’s report. Outstand bills were turned in and a motion was made to pay these bills by Judy Dunbar and a second by Carmen Larson.
Old Business: Carmen Larson passed the November Bingo schedule around as there were two dates still open. Liz Cline passed thank yous’ around for members to sign, for the help on our Harvest of Harmony Float. We then discussed and made tentative plans for the Veterans Day Breakfast that will be held on November 11, 2015, at the Veterans Club. We will again bake the bread on Sunday, November 8th, 2015, cut the bread the day before and decorate tables. More plans and schedules will be available at our next meeting. All help will greatly be appreciated.
New Business: Membership secretary, Sandi Towne reported that, 45 members have paid their dues for 2016. She will get those sent in.
As there was no other business it was made into motion to adjourn the meeting, by Sandi Towne and it was second by Charlie Becker. The meeting was then adjourned by Vice President, Judy Dunbar. Our next meeting will be held on November 4, 2015.
Respectfully submitted; Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary.
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
Six members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to start out the September 2, 2015 meeting. President Janet Ewoldt, called the meeting to order. She asked for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report. They were read and approved by all that was present.
Old Business: Mindy Ward will e-mail a schedule for the Junk Jaunt to Janet for the Veteran’s Club sale. This will be held on September 25th-26th. The schedule is for help to mark items and to work during the sale. Members should check their e-mails being sent out from Janet. She would like items to be sold into the club by September 16, 2015. Proceeds will go for repairs at the club. The packages being sent to active troops from Grand Island and Lincoln, by the Central Community Task Force, will be put together on Veterans Day the State Fair. This is on September 7, 2015. They had more than enough items to fill all 150 boxes being sent. We were happy to hear about all the response in supporting their efforts. Charlie Becker, handed a thank you for all members to read from McKayla Obermiller for her scholarship fund from the Tom Wilcox Scholarship. There is also a state nursing scholarship available from Lincoln, NE. This can also be for a technical school applicant. Please see Charlie Becker or any member in regards to information.
New Business: We will again participate in the Harvest of Harmony parade on October 3, 2015. We will meet at the home of Glenn and Loretta Palensky to see what all needs to be done on September 15, 2015. Liz Cline will contact all girl State delegates to see if any have time to help. We will meet around 6-6:30 p.m. The president, read a letter from Vicky Cyborn, District 6 president. She was giving us a schedule for the coffee hours being held at the Grand Island, VA Medical Center around 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. She also read about a Veterans Home Volunteer Appreciation at 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on September 27, 2015. We also discussed the Veterans Day Breakfast which is held at the club on November 11, 2015. We will again bake banana bread for the breakfast on November 8th. Charlie Becker will work out a schedule for members. More information will be available at the next meeting. Carmen Larson passed calendars for October-November Bingo Schedules.
Our Next meeting will be held on October 7th. Liz Cline made a motion to adjourn the meeting and a second was made by Carmen Larson. President, Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. We would love seeing all of you at our meeting, come late if the times doesn’t work.
Respectfully submitted; Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
Seven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, to start out their August 5, 2015 meeting. President, Janet Ewoldt, then called the meeting to order.
The recording secretary, read the minutes to the last meeting. The treasurer, Charlie Becker gave her report. Sandi Towne, membership secretary reported that dues for 2016 should be coming in.
President Janet Ewoldt, then asked for Old Business: Charlie Becker read a thank you from Kylie Rocca a recipient of the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship. Girl State spokes person, Liz Cline, passed around thank you’s she had received from Girl State delegates. We discussed on having another float for the Harvest of Harmony Parade being held on October 3, 2015. The theme for this year is Super Hero Adventures, What’s Your Super Power?! We will ask Girl State delegates if they would want to participate and decide in September. We will donate to the Central Community Task Force, for military support packages. It was made into motion by Sandi Towne that the auxiliary donate $300.00 and it was second by Carmen Larsen. President Janet then asked for a vote and it was carried by those present. This will be a community and state effort for two National Guard troops from Grand Island and Lincoln, serving in the East. It will be put together at the State Fair.
New Business: Janet Ewoldt brought up that Mindy Ward from the Veterans Club, would like volunteers to help during Junk Jaunt, to either price items or help during the Veterans Club Garage Sale. We asked if there would be a schedule and this will be planned more in September. The proceeds goes to repairs in the club, donations will be accepted. Tami Jansen will be our guest speaker at the September 2nd meeting. Hope members will be there to hear her story. She is a disable veteran from the wars going on in the East.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Charlie Becker. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting.
We held a tea for the 2015 Girl State delegates. We had four girls, present. They were as follows, Taylor Kool and her father, Heather Pohlmeier and her parents, Alexandra Carlini, and Sarah Salman. We also had two members from Altrusa present Alice Bartlett and Bev Redwine. We also had nine members present. The girls all told about their experiences and we were glad to hear they all had ran for an office. Not all won but enjoyed the chance and experience to see what politics was about. Thank you to the young ladies for the excellent talk.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53, Grand Island, NE
Seven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag on July 8, 2015 before the start of the meeting. President, Janet Ewoldt, then called the meeting to order. She asked for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, treasurer and the membership secretary’s reports. Judy Dunbar made a motion to pay all outstanding bills and a second by Sandi Towne. Charlie Becker turned in the membership packet to Sandi Towne that was picked up by members going to the Legion and Auxiliary convention in Kearney, NE.
Old Business: Thank you from the Cancer Society and the Relay for Life Group, United Vets for a Cure, for the donation. Also a thank you from Girl State delegate, Kelby Vieth. It was decided by those present, that we would invite all Girl State delegates and their parents, plus all sponsors for an informal tea to be held on August 5th, 2015 at seven p.m. We can hear how the week of Girl State went for each delegate. Carmen Larsen passed Bingo schedules around for August and September.
New Business: A letter was read by President Janet Ewoldt from the retiring District Six President, Barb Meyers. Carmen Larsen brought up that a group would be collecting items for two active military groups from Grand Island and Lincoln, Nebraska, serving overseas. They are working with gathering items for care packages to be sent to the active service people and they would be put together at the State Fair. There will be donation barrels at all Pump and Pantry’s plus the City Library. Carmen will keep us informed and will send a list of items to each member through e-mails. Charlie Becker was asked to write a letter from our group, to help keep the land west of the Veterans Club, for the club. She also reported on the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship to be used for nursing education. The VFW auxiliary and American Legion Auxiliary decide on who will receive them. This year, they are as follows, McKayla Obermiller, Kylie Rocca, and McKenzie Hays, each will receive $1000.00. Congratulations to these scholarship winners. A young lady veteran will be our guest speaker on September 2, 2015. Her name is Tami Jansen and she will be talking about her experience overseas.
Sandi Towne made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Carmen Larsen. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order and asked all members present to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The minutes of the last meeting, treasurer’s and membership secretary gave their reports. Judy Dunbar made a motion to pay all outstanding bills, and Carmen Larson second the motion.
Old Business: Thank you cards were read from Loretta Palensky and Heather Pohlmeier. Liz Cline stated that Girls State, was going on this week. She was hoping all girls gained from the experience.
New Business: Our group was asked to donate a salad for the picnic for Veterans being held at the GIVA Med Center on Sunday, June 7th. Liz Cline volunteered to purchase potato salad and take to it in, by four that afternoon. It was requested that we change our July meeting from the first until, July 8th. All present voted to change the date of the meeting. It was requested that we donate to Relay for Life from our organization. Sandi Towne made a motion we would donate $300.00 and it was second by Carmen Larsen. Janet then requested that we vote for new officers for the 2015-2016. There were three members voted on for the position of president. Janet Ewoldt would still be president. It was voted on by those present to retain the other offices. The 2015-2016 officers are as follows, President, Janet Ewoldt, Vice President, Judy Dunbar, Recording Secretary, Liz Cline, Membership Secretary, Sandi Towne, and Treasurer, Charlotte Becker. Other offices, Poppy Chairman, Sandi Towne, Girl State, Liz Cline, Bingo Scheduler, Carmen Larsen, and Chaplin, Judy Dunbar.
Judy Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Loretta Palensky. The president, Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. Just a reminder the next meeting in July will not be held the first, but instead has been changed until the 8th. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
The May 6th, 2015 meeting, of the American Legion Auxiliary, was canceled due to bad weather. It was decided to wait until June 3, 2015 to have our next meeting. Election of officers will be held at this time. So please come and show your support for the next year’s new officers. We would like to remind members that we should be at the club on the 25th of May around five p.m. to help fold the flags that will be put up for Memorial Day. This really helps out everyone involved. Anyone else, who would like to volunteer are more than welcome to help.
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On April 1, 2015 Vice President, Judy Dunbar, had all members stand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. She then called the meeting to order.
She asked for the reading of the last minutes, treasurer’s report and the recording secretary’s report. Sandi Towne, membership secretary, reported we still have 49 members that are on our roster for membership and have not turned in their dues for 2015. It was suggested we would get together on April 13, 2015. Members, who are able, need to show up and call on these members at the Veterans Club at 3:00 p.m.
Old Business:
Girl State for 2015 orientation will be held in St. Paul, NE on April 12th at 1:00 p.m. in the high school. Please use the east side of the high school to enter. Liz Cline passed around the bingo schedule for May. The Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the club on the 4th of April at 2:00 p.m. Hunting for eggs, the Easter Bunny will be in attendance, decorating cup-cakes and youngsters picking out stuffed animals will be on the agenda. It was made into a motion by Liz Cline and second by Judy Dunbar, that the auxiliary purchase two large bags of candy for the Easter Bunny to hand out to the children. This was agreed by all members present. Sandi Towne volunteered to purchase the candy. All members should show up around 12:30-1:00 p.m. to help set up and decorate the room and hide the eggs.
New Business:
The American Legion and Auxiliary, state convention will be held in Kearney, NE at the Holiday Inn. The 26th through the 28th of June. They are asking for representatives to send in their reservations. We also received a copy of the original Charter for Auxiliary Unit #53. Our unit was created November 10-12, 1919. Charlie Becker had a copy made and put in a frame. Those who are interested may see it on our wall at the Veterans Club.
Vice President Judy Dunbar, then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. This was made into motion by Loretta Palensky and a second by Charlie Becker.
The next meeting will be held on May 6th, 2015. We are asking for a record attendance as the election of officers will be the main agenda for the evening.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth E. Cline
Recording Secretary for Unit #53
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
President Janet Ewoldt asked all members to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. She then called the March 4th, 2015 meeting to order.
The recording secretary read the minutes to the last meeting. The treasurer gave her report. All were approved by those present.
She then asked for old business, and the first was a donation to the sign for the Veterans Club. It was made into motion by Carmen Larson and second by Loretta Palensky to donate to the new electronic sign. The next business was the Easter Egg Hunt that will be held at the Veterans Club on April 4, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. This is for members of the Veterans Club kids and grand kids. All members should show up around 12:30-1:00 p.m. to help set it up. We will need extra sacks for children who forget their own. Also anyone who would like to donate gently used stuffed animals, see an auxiliary member and we will come and pick up. Girl State interviews were held on March 1, 2015. Six sponsors showed up to help interview applicants for the new Girl State, being held May 31-June 6, 2015. We will get them mailed into the state this week before the March 15th deadline.
Carmen Larson made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Charlie Becker. The meeting was adjourned by President, Janet Ewoldt. Next meeting will be held, April 1, 2015, please come and help make final plans for the Easter Egg Hunt.
Respectfully Submitted
Elizabeth E. Cline,
Recording Secretary for ALA Unit #53
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
On February 4, 2015 the American Legion Auxiliary, held their meeting at the United Veterans Club at 6:00 p.m. Six members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President, Janet Ewoldt then called the meeting to order.
The recording secretary, treasurer and the membership secretary gave their reports. Treasurer, Charlie Becker reported the group had received a donation from the family of Derald (Pinky) Stalnaker in his memory. We will decided on a special way to honor him in a memorial. Sandi Towne, membership, reported she had received a letter from the state office in regards of delinquent memberships. As of this year, if a member has not paid their dues by the thirty first of January, their membership would be delinquent, and would not be entitled to any benefits by being a member and they would have to start over on their years of being a member. Dues are due, according to the state, every July. This July will be due for 2016.
Old Business: Loretta Palensky, chairman of the Easter Egg Hunt committee, confirmed that the hunt will be held on April 4th at 2:00 p.m. She has asked for volunteers from the Sons of Legion, to help monitor around the Veterans Club park because of the construction. We are also asking for donations of gently used stuffed animals, to be used for the hunt. Please see a member of the Auxiliary for your animal donation. Girl State packets were delivered to all four counselors at the high schools. Liz Cline will pick up entries by the 20th of February. We will again have eight possible nine sponsors for Girl State. Interviews will be held at the Veterans Club in the United Room on March 1, starting around 2:00 p.m. Bingo schedules were passed around for March and April.
New Business: We will again be helping the Sons of the Legion with their annual Nut Fry, being held at the club on February 7th, 2015. We will need volunteers for counting, money, and selling raffle tickets for the Sons. Members should be there before five p.m.
Charlie Becker made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Sandi Towne. President, Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to adjournment. Our next meeting will be held March 4, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53
Auxiliary Unit #53, met on November 5th at the United Veterans Club. Nine members and one guest, stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice President, Judy Dunbar called the meeting to order, she then asked for the reading of the minutes, treasurer’s report and the membership secretary report. It was made into motion by Carmen Larsen and it was second by Liz Cline to pay all outstanding bills.
Old Business: Bingo schedules were passed out for the months of November and December. Charlie Becker passed around two thank you cards that the auxiliary had received, from Marcia and Mike Ferguson and Dwight and Janet Donahey families.
New Business: Plans were made for the Veterans Day Breakfast being served on November 11, 2014. We will get together on Sunday, November 9th around 1:30 p.m. to start making banana bread at the club. Then on Monday, November 10th at 5:00 p.m. we will meet to decorate tables for the breakfast and cut the banana bread. Members should bring their electric knives. We will need members to show up between 4:30-4:45 A.M. on Tuesday to help serve, count, take money and anything else to help serve the many veterans that come into the breakfast. Veterans eat free, guests $6.00 and children under the age of 4 will eat free. Charlie Becker then announced that through the state auxiliary, scholarships are available for nursing and vocational tech students. A family member must be from the military and scholarships need to be sent to the state before the first of March, 2015. Janet Ewoldt made each member a copy of a calendar she received from the state office. We will also have our Christmas party and gift ex-change at the next meeting, held on December third. Each member is requested to bring a present for no more than $5.00 and an appetizer of their choice. This can be something homemade or a gag.
Vice President Judy Dunbar, requested to adjourn the meeting. It was made into motion by Sandi Towne and second by Trina Emken. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be December 3rd and remember it is our gift exchange. Please come and enjoy the fun.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary ALA Unit #53.
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
The American Legion Auxiliary, met on October first, at the home of Glenn and Loretta Palensky. Glenn Palensky held the flag of the United States of America, while seven members and three guests, said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Our guests were, Glenn Palensky, Meile Rosenlund, and Trevor Larson.
Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order, the secretary, treasurer and the membership secretary gave their reports. Loretta Plalensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and this was second by Barb Brettman. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting.
All members stayed and we made our float for the Harvest of Harmony Parade to be held on October 4th. The theme will be, Fun Pages to Parade, Making Characters Come Alive. Our character will be Uncle Sam. We will have three girls from the 2014 Girls State delegates riding on the float. Other members will either ride or walk by the float handing out candy.
Our next meeting will be held at the Veterans Club on November 5, 2014. Please come and join in the fun.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Cline
Recording Secretary
President Janet Ewoldt called the September 3, 2014 meeting to order. Seven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The secretary and treasurer read their reports. Judy Dunbar made a motion to pay the bills for the World War II plants for the planters. This was approved by those present.
Old Business: A thank you from Alex Willford for the donation for the Veterans Home Activity Fund was read. Gift for yanks schedules were read. Dollar Day Distribution will be on November 4 at 10:00 and at the Veterans Home at 2:00. December 2, 2014, the gift shop will open at 10:00 AM at the VA Medical Center. On December 9, 2014, at 10:00 at the VA Medical Center and 2:00 at the Veterans Home in Grand Island, will be the Gift for Yanks along with their cookie exchange. We also had more planning on the Harvest of Harmony parade with our float. We will meet on October 1, at 4:00 p.m. at the home of Glenn and Loretta Palensky, 811 Redwood Rd to start putting the float together. This will also be our October meeting. We need red, white, or blue buckets for candy to be distributed with our float. We will be using an Uncle Sam theme along with patriotic decorations. Vern Hill also showed us the picture of the new sign that will be put up at the club. They are asking for donations in help paying for this sign. It will be controlled inside and all done on the computer and you will be able to read both sides.
New Business: Charlie bought some frames to go up on our wall at the club. We also discussed making banana bread for the Veterans Day Breakfast on November 9th starting around 2:00 p.m. We will have another meeting to finalize the plans.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting it was second by Jeanette Cornell. Meeting was adjourned by President Janet Ewoldt. Next meeting will be held on October 1, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. at the home of Loretta and Glenn Palensky.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
On August 6th, President Janet Ewoldt, called the meeting to order. Eight members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the last meeting, treasurer’s and membership secretary read their reports. We have two new members, one who was present at the meeting, Barb Brettman, and we welcomed her to the meeting.
Old Business: There were five young ladies who received scholarship money for the, Tom Wilcox Scholarship, each will receive $500.00. They are as follows, Lindsay Grudzinski, McKayla Obermiller, Kylie Rocca, Makenzie Hayse, and Cheyenne Reinhart. Congratulations to all five in becoming future nurses. It was made into motion by Loretta Palensky and a second by Carmen Larsen, that our group would participate in the Harvest of Harmony Parade and if the Girls State, girls would be interested. The parade will be held on October 4th. The Theme is fun pages to parade, making characters come alive. The girls said they could help, and give us new ideas, and maybe some could ride on our float. The first meeting will be held August 20th at 6:00 p.m. Lori Skala said they would need help with the last Korean War Veterans supper being held on Wednesday August 13th, hours would be 4-7 p.m.
New Business: Vern Hill approached Janet about the frontage in front of the Veterans Club. It would be taken out when they do the Capital Avenue construction. He has asked if our group would like to contribute to a new digital sign for the club. This could be changed from inside the club as new events come up. Both sides of the sign would shine. We tabled it for now until we find out more information. Janet also handed out brochures to some of the officers from the Department President of American Legion Auxiliary. We were also were asked by the Sons of Legion, if they would put plant containers around the WWII bench in the Veterans Park, would the auxiliary purchase the flowers and plants. It was made into motion by Elizabeth Cline in favor of this idea with a second by Barb Brettman. This was carried by those present.
It was made into motion by Loretta Palensky and a second by Charlie Becker to adjourn the meeting. President, Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. We enjoyed hearing from three of the Girl State, girls about their experience in Lincoln. Those in attendance were Megan Canfield, Meile Rosenlund, and Rebecca Riley. Our next meeting will be held on September 3, 2014.
Respectfully submitted: Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary ALA #53
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
President Janet Ewoldt, called the July 2, 2014 meeting to order. All members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. She then asked for the reading of the last minutes of the meeting and the treasurer’s report. All were read and approved.
Old Business: Thank yous were read from Relay for Life and from a 2013 Girl State, Angelica Carlini. The Relay for Life congratulated the Vets 4 a Cure as being a member of the society. We will also hold a Girl State Tea after our August 6th meeting at 7:00 p.m. We will invite all 2014 Girl State girls and their families plus the sponsors. The Bingo schedules were passed around and members signed up. We also reminded members to be at the club on July 4th to fold the almost 400 flags. Anyone is encouraged to help. We also were asked to help with the Korean War Veteran Coney Dogs on July 9th and we should be there before 4:00 p.m.
New Business: District #6 President wrote to our group and we stand in 5th place with a 91% in membership. Dues are due starting in July and we remind members they will increase to $25.00 this year. On August 17th, District #6 will host a hamburger and melon feed at the Veterans Home starting at 3:00 p.m. and they are asking for help in preparing the food.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Charlie Becker second the motion. Janet called the meeting to be adjourned. Next meeting will be held August 6, 2014 with the Girl State Tea to follow. All members are encouraged to attend, to hear the girls talk about their experiences. We also ask all members even if you can’t be at one our meetings by six p.m. come in at any time. We are very relaxed.
Respectfully Submitted
Recording Secretary
Elizabeth E. Cline
On June 4, 2014 six members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President Janet Ewoldt, called the meeting to order. She had the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, the membership secretary gave her report and the treasurer, gave the treasurers report. All were approved by those in attendance.
She then called for any old business. Liz Cline read a thank you from Carolyn Bergdolt, a girl state candidate from 2013. She also said, she talked to all eight girls before they left to attend Girl State in Lincoln, NE on the first of June. We talked about the bingo schedule, asking for two members to help on the eight of June. Three members volunteered to attend the state convention in Kearney on June 28th, which is Saturday. We can have nine delegates and nine alternates attend.
New business was Lori Skala, asking for volunteers from our group to help with the Korean War Veterans hamburger nights. There will be six left, two in June, two in July and two in August. She would love help from anyone and everyone from our group. Sandy, and Judy volunteered to help the first Wednesday and Liz would also join them the last Wednesday of June. Janet turned in another scholarship candidate for the Tom Wilcox nursing scholarship.
We would like to remind members that we have, two more days of flag folding for the 14th of June and the 4th of July. Unless otherwise noted it will be at 5:00 in the evening unless it rains. They did start at 4 on Memorial Day, and we were able to get a hold of members. Please, we need as many people as possible to help fold nearly 400 flags.
Sandi Towne made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Judy Dunbar, second the motion. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting.
Next meeting will be held on July 2, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club, all members are encouraged to attend.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53
The American Legion Auxiliary held their meeting on May 7, 2014. Seven members and two guests stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order, the recording secretary, treasurer’s report and membership secretary all gave their reports. All outstanding bills were handed into the treasurer. All memberships were turned in by the membership secretary. All were approved.
Old Business: Carmen Larson talked to Nancy Klimek from the Grand Island Veterans Home. She reported they would like sweat pants and flannel bottoms for veterans. She said these would work better at the home in Grand Island. At this time there is no need for them. But they would like snacks for their birthday parties each month, but cannot be homemade. It was made into a motion by Charlie Becker to donate $ 50.00. Sandi Towne and Loretta Palensky second the motion. We will try to do this quarterly. Janet brought up the Easter Egg Hunt, it was huge success, and we had a firsthand report, that they enjoyed it very much. We will try to make this happen each year. Liz Cline reported on Girl State. She had sent letters out to all eight girls, as a reminder, to get their information into to Lincoln. The 2015, election of officers was put on hold at this time. Janet reminded us, that State Convention will be held on June 26-29th, in Kearney, NE. We are eligible to send 9 delegates and 9 alternates.
New Business: Carmen Larson made a motion and Judy Dunbar second the motion that the auxiliary donate to Relay for Life. It was suggested by Sandi Towne to donate the amount of $300.00 and Liz Cline second the motion, this was carried by all those present. Janet asked for a volunteer to help with the Memorial Day ceremony at the Veterans Club. Carmen Larson volunteered to present the wreath during the ceremony. She was also going to ask volunteers from the Boy Scouts to help fold flags that evening. We need to fold flags for Memorial Day, May 26th, and June 14th, Flag Day and the Fourth of July. All members and other volunteers are always welcome to help fold almost 400 flags. Time would be around five that evening unless it rains it could be earlier.
Sandi Towne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and it was second by Charlie Becker. President, Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be held, Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at the Veterans Club.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
President Janet Ewoldt called the April 2nd meeting to order. Eight members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The secretary, treasurer and membership secretary gave their reports. All was approved by those in attendance. District President Barbara Meyer, noted that our group was at 77.89% membership milestone and were in second place in the district with a rating of #2.
New Business: District president asked members to save old jeans for residents in the Veterans Home. We will check with Nancy Klimeck, on sizes for the one in Grand Island. We will also check to see what other items they are in need. The state convention will be held in Kearney, NE June 26-29, 2014. Janet will find out from the state office when we do a first round of call, for the election on next year’s officers. Old Business: Charlie asked for volunteer hours. Sally checked on the cost of t-shirts from T-Shirt engineers, so if you need a new shirt get in touch with Liz Cline or Charlie Becker. Bingo sheets for May and June were handed out to members present. Members need to be at the club by 12:15 p.m. on April 12 for the Easter Egg Hunt. We will need volunteers to help with each age group. Bring plastic bags or baskets for the hunt. Any member that is good with a camera please bring to take pictures. An information meeting for Girl State will be held on April 13, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in St. Paul, NE.
A motion was made by Sandi Towne to adjourn the meeting and a second motion made by Charlie Becker, President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting.
There was an informal tea held for members present and guests for the presentation, honoring Elizabeth Cline for 50 years of membership to Auxiliary. Two other members were noted but not in attendance.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Vice President, Judy Dunbar called the March 5th meeting to order. Seven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The recording secretary read the minutes of the last meeting with one correction, the time of the Easter Egg Hunt will be at 1:00 p.m. on the 12th of April at the Veterans Club. The treasurer gave her report all outstanding bills were turned in. The above reports were approved by those present.
Old Business: Loretta Palensky thanked Elizabeth Cline for all the hard work for setting up interviews with Girl State. We had twelve girls from all four schools apply. We had eight girls names submitted to the state for Girl State to be held the first week of June. Orientation for Girls State candidates will be April 13th at 1:00 p.m. in Saint Paul, NE. Other old business was the Easter Egg Hunt the Auxiliary is holding for all club members and their families. This will be held on April 12th at 1:00 p.m. Charlie had made flyers that will be put up in the club. She has also ordered more Easter eggs. Sandy volunteered to purchase the punch and Carmen volunteered to get the cups, napkins and plates, and Liz the candy. Sally volunteered to see if she could get some publicity for the Easter Egg Hunt. We will also have to check and see if signs we used need repaired. Age group goes at follows, babies-2, 3-4, 5-7 and 8-10. We also will be ordering new t-shirts for new members, if anyone wishes to order a new one, please contact Liz Cline with your size.
New Business: The district meeting for Auxiliary will be held on March 9th, 2014. It will be held in Gibbon, NE and will start around 9:30-10:00 a.m. at their Veterans Club. This will be a joint session with the Legion also.
A motion by Sandy Towne and a second by Loretta Palensky, to adjourn the meeting and Vice President Judy adjourned. The next meeting will be held at the Veterans Club on April 2nd, 2014.
Submitted by Elizabeth E. Cline, recording secretary
President, Janet Ewoldt called the February 5th, meeting to order. All eight members in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
We then had Jesse Berrelez and Kris Schroeder both third place winners sponsored by our group, in the Karaoke Challenge for 2013 and 2014, thanking our group. Kris returned her winnings, of $100.00 back to the auxiliary. We are all proud of both of these women.
The recording secretary, treasurer and the membership secretary read their reports. All were approved by those present. Sandy brought up that the state and national are raising their portions of the membership dues. All members discussed raising the dues for 2015 up to $25.00 This was made into a motion by Loretta Palensky and a second by Kris Schroeder to raise the dues, motion was passed by all.
We will again help the Sons of the Legion with their Nut Fry on Saturday, February 8, 2014. We will be in charge of the count, collecting money and selling raffle tickets, we should be at the club by 4:30 p.m.
Liz Cline reported all schools received their Girl State packets for 2014. She will pick up applications after the 17th of February and will hold interviews on Sunday the 23 of February, in the United Room at the Veterans Club. Sandy Towne and Loretta Palensky volunteered to help and Charlie Becker said she would also help.
New Business: Janet brought up that we again hold an Easter Egg Hunt for members of the Veterans Club and their families. We will have this event on April 12th, with a start of 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. The Easter Bunny has again agreed to come and help us out. More details would be worked out at the next meeting.
Sandy Towne made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Kris Schroeder, the meeting was adjourned by the president. The next meeting will be held March 5th, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary for Unit #53.
President Janet Ewoldt called the January 8th meeting to order. All members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. We had seven members and one new member, Deb Jensen attending the meeting, along with one guest.
Recording secretary, treasurer and membership secretary all gave their reports. All were approved by the members present. Sandi reported that we have four members who have qualified for their 50 year membership certificate. We will order pins, plus we have about four more who will qualify next year.
Judy Dunbar, thanked the members who took down the Christmas trees at the club.
Old Business: Janet Edwoldt noted we needed to change the amount given to the Karaoke Challenge from $100.00 to a $200.00 donation. We would have our name added to the banner being made. We will again have the concession for this two day event. We will need to be at the club at least before five on Friday the 17th of January and Saturday the 18th. We need volunteers to help serve at the concession stand.
New Business: The Sons of the Legion will again need our help for their Nut Fry in February. We would help take money, count, and sell raffle tickets for them. We would again need to be at the Veterans Club around 4:30 p.m. on the 8th of February.
Charlie Becker passed around a thank you given to the group for our donation to the Korean War Hero Flight.
We also found out the Tom Wilcox nursing scholarship applications need to be turned in before the 15th of June. Charlie will find out the new applications and have them at our next meeting.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Carmen Larsen.
The president then adjourned the meeting. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, the 5th of February at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Our meeting was called to order on December 4, 2013, by President Janet Ewoldt. Eight members and one guest stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The secretary and treasurer read their reports. They were approved by members present.
New Business: Janet announced that the board members approved the auxiliary to have one wall in the United Room at the club. This will be used by our auxiliary for our achievements. We were very pleased with this announcement. The president read a letter from the District President, but was not received in time for our unit to take part in their meeting held in ST Paul, NE. It was brought up to donate $100.00 to the Karaoke Challenge to be held in January. This was made into a motion by Judy Dunbar and a second by Loretta Palensky. This motion was carried by those present. Janet thanked the members that decorated the Christmas trees at the club. They looked really pretty this year and they did a great job. We also welcomed a new member that transferred her membership from Springview, NE, Unit #98. Her name is Carmen Larson. Betty Fothergill, read a Christmas poem about, The Night Before Christmas, which was enjoyed by all.
Old Business: The bingo schedule for January and February was passed around so members could sign up.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Marge Kemerling, and a second by Judy Dunbar. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will not be held until the 8th of January due to the first being New Years Day.
All members enjoyed the gift exchanged and pizza supper that we had for Christmas. Please renew your membership and join in the fun by attending a meeting. We have our meetings the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Veterans Club.
Respectfully submitted by Recording Secretary, Liz Cline
American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53
On November 6, 2013, the ALA Unit #53, meeting was called to order by President, Janet Ewoldt. We all stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Two guests were present, Glenn Palensky and Suanne Davis. Glenn Palensky, board member of the club, was present to ask the auxiliary for a donation. The club had to purchase a new freezer as the one in use had to retire. He also asked the members to help with the Karaoke Challenge to be held January 17 and 18, 2014, with concession food. After he left, it was made into motion by Liz Cline to donate $750.00 and second by Betty Fothergill. Janet asked all members to vote and it was carried by those present.
The minutes of the last meeting, and the treasurer’s report were read. Judy Dunbar made a motion to pay the bills accumulated by the Harvest of Harmony parade, and Jeanette Cornell seconds the motion.
New Business was the Veterans Day Breakfast which will be held on November 11, 2013 at the club. Members had made the banana bread on Sunday the third. We will cut the bread on Sunday the 10th at 1:00 p.m. We will also help cut the potatoes and decorate the main hall after the room has been cleaned from Bingo. Volunteers can start showing up around 4:30 a.m. on Monday the 11th to help serve and take the money. Hours will be 5-9:30 a.m. with a cost of $ 6.00 for adults and $3.00 for ages 10-4 and under 3 free. Of course all Veterans will eat free. Loretta made a motion that the Auxiliary donate a $100.00 to Christmas Cheer as we have done so in the past. Judy Dunbar then seconds the motion. All members present approved. We also talked about donating to the Korean War Hero Flight at a later date. Loretta made a motion and this in turn was second by Charlie Becker that we would donate $200.00. This was voted and approved by all present. We will need volunteers to help with the Korean War Veteran Dinner that will be held at the club on November 13th. Members should try and be there before five to help serve. It was brought up that the auxiliary had paid the officers membership in the past. Betty made a motion to pay their dues and Jeanette second the motion and this was passed by all present. The next two months Bingo schedule was handed out for member to sign up. On December 3, they will have a Gift Shop for the Veterans at the Hospital and need volunteers to show up around ten a.m. Then on December 10th the Veterans Home will have their party and we will again donate cookies and Liz Cline will take and help with their party. Any other members are also invited to help around 1:30 p.m. It was brought up that at our next meeting, we will have our Christmas party and gift exchange. All members are welcome and bring a gift for around $5.00 and pizza again be on the menu.
Judy Dunbar made into motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Loretta Palensky, the president adjourned the meeting. Please come and join in any of our meetings. Respectfully submitted; Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
The Auxiliary met at the home of Loretta Palensky, on October 2, 2013. Vice President, Judy Dunbar called the meeting to order. Four members and one guest stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Reading of the minutes, treasurers and membership reports were postponed until the November meeting. Old business, was the members working on the Harvest of Harmony float. It will be ready by October 5th, 2013. Loretta, Charlie, Judy and Liz with the help of one girl state member, Olivia Llamas from Central Catholic High School. If all four girls show up, we will have one person from each high school. They are as follows, Juana Paramo, Senior High School, Angelica Carlini, Grand Island Northwest High School, Carolyn Bergdolt, Heartland High School, and Olivia. We completed our first float and all are looking forward to a successful parade.
The members of the Auxiliary Unit #53, wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the President of the Auxiliary on the loss of her husband, Ed Ewoldt.
Vice President Judy Dunbar called the meeting to a close.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Cline
Recording Secretary
President, Janet Ewoldt, called the February 3, 2013 meeting to order. All eight members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. We had one new member in attendance, Betty Fothergill, we welcome her and any others that wish to join in on the fun.
An addition to the last minutes was the auxiliary also sponsored, Marcia Ferguson, in the Karaoke Challenge.
The minutes of the last meeting, the treasurer’s report and the member ship secretary report, were all read and approved. Charlie Becker submitted a bill for the liners on the cookers that were used at the Karaoke Challenge. Judy Dunbar made a motion to reimburse Charlie, and it was second by Loretta Palensky.
The president read the February newsletter from the District 6 president, Mary Ann Boeltz. She is urging all units in our district to turn in their memberships because we are in tenth place. She also reported on the mid-winter conference, some of our members might attend in March. She also reported on the April 14th orientation for Girl State will be held at the St. Paul High School at 1:00 p.m.
Old Business: The Sons of the Legion Oyster Feed will be held on February 23, 2013. We will help with taking the money and selling raffle tickets. Members should be there around 4:30 p.m. We also discussed the Easter Egg Hunt we will have for members of the club and their families. This will be held on March 30, 2013. We have an Easter Bunny lined up. Weather permitting it will be held outside in the Veterans Park; otherwise it will be held inside the club. We will serve cupcakes and punch for the little ones. Age groups are as follows: 0-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; and 9-10. The time will be 2-4 p.m. Liz Cline passed around the Bingo schedules for March and April. She also reported that Sandy Towne, delivered all packets to each school for Girl State Candidates. We will pick up February 23, and have interviews at the club on March 3, 2013. Sandy Towne and Charlie Becker volunteered to help with the interviews.
New Business: The team from the club, called United Vets 4 a Cure, Relay for Life will be having new meetings. You are more than welcome to join. Our group decided to donate $300.00 to this cause. It was made into motion by Charlie Becker and second by Jeannie Cornell. It was approved by those present.
Charlie Becker made a motion and Loretta Palensky second the motion to have the meeting adjourned. The president adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be March 4, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. Please feel free to drop in and share your thoughts, even if you are running late. We would love to have you.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, recording secretary ALA Unit # 53
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Eight members were present for the January 7th meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary. President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order, and all members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The recording secretary, the treasurer and the membership secretary read their reports and were approved by those present. Sandy Towne, membership secretary did announce we had five new members.
Old Business: Elizabeth Cline will contact the other sponsors for Girl State for the 2013 Girl State Convention. She will ask if they would want to sponsor a girl as a group or two groups for each girl. The state in Lincoln has raised their fees to $300.00, for each girl. Girl State is scheduled to be held June 2-8, 2013. We will again be having the concession for the Karaoke Challenge on January 18-19 at the club. We will be serving sloppy joes, hot dogs, nachos and chips. Each member signed up to either work Friday or Saturday nights.
New Business: Janet announced that the Sons of the Legion’s Mountain Oyster Feed will be held February 23. More details will be discussed at February’s meeting. Janet also brought up she would like to see the Auxiliary have the Easter Egg Hunt again for Members of the Club and their families. After a discussion, it was made into motion, by Liz Cline and second by Loretta Paleusky, to plan this for the Saturday before Easter which will be March 30, 2013. Treasurer, Charlie Becker, will order some of Easter Egg Hunt prizes, so we could decide if this would be enough. Janet also suggested that maybe people could donate, used stuffed animals that were in good condition, for the hunt. It was also brought up to sponsor Loretta Palensky’s granddaughter, in the Karaoke Challenge, Jessica Berrelez, cost of $25.00. It was made into a motion and agreed by those present. Janet brought up that the bingo hall and the dining room and a couple of chairs in the bar need replacing. The legion is asking to use the money from the meat raffle to replace some of these chairs. It was made into motion and agreed upon by those present to donate $200.00 to the Legion to help replace some of the chairs.
It was made into motion by Judy Dunbar and second by Loretta Palensky to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting will be on February 4, 2013. We would like to make a note to all members, even though our meetings start at six p.m. Please feel you will always be welcome to join in on the meeting at any time.
Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary of Auxiliary Unit #53
On December 3, 2012, nine members were present when President Janet Ewoldt called the Auxiliary meeting to order. All members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, the Treasurer read her report and the membership secretary turned in dues she had collected. All reports were approved by the members.
Old Business: They had 675 people that attended and ate the breakfast at the Vets Club for Veterans Day. We were pleased with the turn out and wish to thank all who participated in making it another successful morning. We heard lots of compliments from those who attended. Liz Cline will be picking up cookies and helping with the Gift for Yanks on Tuesday, December 4th, at the Veterans Home.
New Business: We would like any information of a member’s family member who is currently serving overseas. We would like to send a care package to anyone who is serving. It was voted unanimously by the auxiliary to donate $100.00 to the Christmas Cheer program. We also voted unanimously to help with the Karaoke Challenge being held at the club on January 18-19, 2013. We would again help with the concession stand.
It was made into motion to adjourn the meeting by Sandy Towne, and second by Judy Dunbar. The president then adjourned the meeting. The members stayed to have a small party and gift exchange for the Christmas season.
Next meeting will be held at the Veterans Club, January 7, 2013.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline, Secretary ALA # 53.
Eight members were present for the November 5, 2012 meeting. President Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order. All members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Minutes to the last meeting, the treasurer’s report and the membership secretary all gave their reports.
Old Business: President, Janet Ewoldt passed out ABC manuals to the officers. She also brought up we would help with Thursday night bingo if our help was needed. Liz Cline will be in charge to line up help when notified by Don Kemerling, president of the American Legion. We will still do Sundays and may double up for the help. Veterans Day Breakfast, being held at the club on November 11, 2012. The report was given by, Charlie Becker, brought up that we would cut banana bread on November 10th, 2012, Saturday at 10:00 a.m. All help will be appreciated and electric knives work wonderful. We will have to come in early on Sunday to decorate the tables as the hall is rented out for Saturday. We should be at the club around 3:30-4:00 a.m. We will need two volunteers to take money and one volunteer to watch the north door. District 6th is in 10th place for membership so turn in your dues if you have not done so all ready.
New Business: On December 4th our unit will help with the Gift for Yanks at the Veterans Home. Roger and Liz Cline have volunteered but anyone else can help out also. Sandy Towne read the poem Flanders Field for poppy days. It was decided to have a small gift exchange for the next meeting. Bring a grab bag gift around $5.00. This will be at our December 3rd meeting. Liz Cline made the motion to do the gift exchange and it was second by Judy Dunbar. The meeting was then made into a motion to adjourn by Loretta Palensky and second by Reva O’Brien. The meeting was adjourned by President Janet Ewoldt.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary
President Janet Ewoldt called the October 1, 2012 meeting to order with seven members present. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Minutes to the last meeting, the treasurer’s report and membership report were read and approved by members present.
Old Business: It was brought up the auxiliary would again pay for all officer’s dues for the 2013 year. This was made into a motion by Charlie Becker and second by Loretta Palensky. Liz Cline passed around the bingo calendar for members to sign up.
New Business: Mary Ann Boeltz, District #6 President, will be at a Fall Round up for membership tour in Doniphan, NE on October 22nd. Time will be from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. Sandy Towne and Liz Cline will try to attend. Janet passed around a copy of the new ABC book of current by laws and protocol for auxiliary. She also passed around a calendar of events coming up at the Veteran’s Hospital and Home for the holidays. Charlie Becker gave a report on the upcoming Veteran’s Day Breakfast, to be held at the club on November 11th from 5 to 10:30 A.M. The auxiliary would again make banana bread on November 4th at 2:00 p.m. Then we would cut the bread and get it ready on Saturday, November 10th at 10:00 a.m. We will need electric knives if anyone has extras. We will also decorate afterwards for the morning breakfast. We will need help with taking the money, counting and cleaning up. This will be advertised on 3 TV stations and the newspaper.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Sandy Towne, and a second by Charlie Becker. President, Janet Ewoldt then adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held on Monday November 5, 2012 at the Veterans Club.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
On September 10, 2012, the meeting was called to order by President Janet Ewoldt, with 7 members present. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Minutes to the last meeting, treasurer’s report and membership secretary all read their reports and approved by those in attendance. Sandy Towne said dues would stay the same of $22.00 for 2012-2013.
Old Business: We have ordered poppies for this year but need to order next year’s poppies by November 1, 2012. It was made into motion by Liz Cline that as a group, we would help on Sundays with Bingo, but as there is enough help for Thursday, to just be on call if our help was needed. It was second by Jeanette Cornell, and President Janet Ewoldt will talk to the Bingo directors.
New Business: Janet read an invitation from the State President for a workshop school, on leadership, to be held in Red Cloud, NE on October 6th, from 1-5. There would be a homecoming banquet that evening at the Opera House in Red Cloud. A reception at 5:30 p.m., and supper at 6:30 p.m. to honor new president, Cheryl Vap. Thank you notes were read from the following, Kylie Rocca, on receiving the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship, and from the Karaoke Challenge Committee. Sandy Towne asked that we change the date of our meetings from the first Wednesday, to the first Monday of the month. Due to it being a conflict with church and choir practices. This was made into a motion by Sandy and a second from Judy Dunbar, and approved by members present.
Our next meeting will be the first of October, Monday night. Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Judy Dunbar.
After the meeting we had an informal tea with three of the girls and their parents that attended the 2012 Girl State Convention in Lincoln, NE. The Altrusa Club and Women’s Club and the counselor from Senior High were in attendance. One special guest and her husband showed up to hear their presentations. Mary Ann Boldt the District 6 President came to here the girls talk and to help ask and answer questions. We were really impressed with all the information the girls had experienced at Girls State. Thanks to Holly Green, Abbey Fogelson, and Kaitlyn Keeling with their presentations.
Elizabeth Cline, Recording Secretary ALA Unit 53
American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 53
Eight members were present for the August 1, 2012 meeting. President, Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order and all members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Elizabeth Cline read the minutes to the last meeting, Charlie Becker gave the treasurer’s report. And Sandi Towne, membership secretary, asked if any active member could remember six members who had not paid their dues. As of July 10th we had a 98.5% standing of membership dues being paid. She also announced that National dues would be going up $4.00 more for 2013. At this time it was decided to keep our dues at the same price, due to the economy. Loretta Palensky made a motion to approve the reports and it was second by Reva O’Brien.
Old Business: The bingo schedule was passed around. We are having members not volunteering for Thursday nights. It is easier for our members to be at the club on Sundays. We will ask to see if we can’t be dismissed for Thursday nights. There always seems to be enough help for that evening. Elizabeth Cline read a Thank you from Girl State representatives, Holly Green and Abbey Fogelson. And Sandy Towne passed another Thank you that was in the Grand Island Independent from Kaitlyn Keating.
New Business: We discussed and approved to have a tea and invite the girl state candidates, and their parents, to come and speak about their experience at the June 2012, Girl State Convention. We will invite the other sponsors that helped co-sponsor the girls also. It was decided that cupcakes, ice cream, tea and coffee would be served. The date will be September 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Any member active or non active will be encouraged to come and hear the girls give a short talk about their experience. It was also brought up that we would like to have a Poppy Sale to be at the Veterans Day Breakfast. We will find out how much they are and how many to order before November. Charlie Becker read a thank you from the American Cancer Society for the $300.00 donation the group gave for Relay for Life. She also read from the State Convention in Kearney, that there would be a Chuck wagon Supper and Western show October 12th in Grand Island, NE. So be watching for more information on this activity.
Reva O’Brien made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Marge Kemerling. President Janet Ewoldt, then adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on September 10th.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth E. Cline, recording secretary
President, Janet Ewoldt called the June 6th meeting to order with nine members being present. All members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were read and approved. Membership secretary, Sandy Towne, reported that 36 members have not paid their dues for the last year.
Old Business: The convention of the Auxiliary will be held in Kearney, NE, starting June 29th through July first. Charlie, Sandy and Liz are going to try to attend this year. Janet read a letter from the state president of the Auxiliary. They would like each unit to donate a door prize gift for the convention, of a cost of $6.00. Reva O’Brien, made a motion to have the Unit donate a $10.00 gift card and mail it to the president. Charlie asked each member to keep track of the hours of service they put in for each month. We will then be prepared for the number of service hours for the year. Charlie showed us the thank you and sympathy cards that the unit had purchased. She will have them on hand if any member needs them. She also shared them with each officer. The Karaoke Challenge was the next order of business. This will be held at the club June 8th-9th. It will start at 6:00 p.m. and members helping that night should show up around 5:30 p.m. The sloppy joe mix will be made on Thursday, June 7th at 2:00 p.m. if any member could help she would appreciate it. Dale Fillinger asked our organization to donate $100.00 for the Karaoke Challenge, we assumed for prizes. It was made into a motion by Charlie Becker and Reva O’Brien, second the motion.
New Business: A request was brought to the attention to Janet that the auxiliary be in charge of the daily drawing at the club. This is a 25 cent chance that is drawn each day. Loretta Palensky made a motion and it was second by Reva O’Brien for our Unit not to take part in this project. Sandy Towne purchased new decorations for the Veterans Day Breakfast for November. She found them on sale and received more discount for it being for the Veterans. Loretta Palensky made a motion to skip the fourth of July meeting as it will be a holiday. The motion was second by Sandy Towne. Our next regular meeting will be held on August 1, 2012. All members are still needed to fold flags on June 14th and the fourth of July. We had a nice number for Memorial Day and it took only about 45 minutes. So thank you for all the help.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Charlie Becker. President Janet Ewoldt adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted, Secretary Elizabeth Cline Unit #53
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53 - May meeting
Ten members were present to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President Trina Emken called the meeting to order. We had election of the office of President. Janet Ewoldt will serve as president to the auxiliary for the next year. Officers will be as follows, President, Janet Ewoldt, Vice President, Judy Dunbar, Treasurer, Charlie Becker, Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Cline, and Membership Secretary, Sandy Towne.
Trina Emken had to excuse herself from meeting, Vice President, Judy Dunbar chaired over the rest of the May 2nd meeting. Minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were read and approved.
Old Business, was the hours of service, were sent to the state that our unit had done for the last year. She turned in a total of 3661 hours that our unit had volunteered. We all should be congratulated for the hours giving back to the community and the club. Elizabeth Cline past around the Bingo schedules which we are in need of more help on Thursday as Loretta will be having surgery. Charlie collected money for T-shirts that members had ordered. We were also reminded of flag folding on Memorial Day, May 28th, Flag Day, June 14th, and July 4th. We should meet at the Veterans Club around five, unless of rainy weather. Otherwise it could be earlier.
New Business, Pat Foster brought up that we give to the Relay of Life, as the United Vets 4 a Cure, will help with donations and a table. Many of the Auxiliary members are in this group. This would be the second year, we have helped with this project. It was made into a motion by Elizabeth Cline and second by Pat Foster for the Auxiliary to donate money for this cause. Charlie brought up the club will once again have a Karaoke Challenge contest on June 8th and 9th. She suggested the auxiliary serve Yum- Yum Burgers, hot dogs, nachos and etc, as a money maker for the group. Loretta Palensky, made a motion that we should participate and Charlie Becker made a second motion. We also voted on ordering patriotic sympathy and thank you cards for our group to have on hand. This was also made into a motion by Judy Dunbar, and Janet Ewoldt, second the motion to purchase the cards.
At this time it was made into a motion by Janet Ewoldt and second by Pat Foster to adjourn the meeting. Vice President, Judy Dunbar, then adjourned the meeting. Our next meeting will be held on June 6th at 6 p.m. at the Veterans Club.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Cline, secretary for ALA #53
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Six members were present when we held our April 4, 2012 meeting at the Veterans Club. Treasurer, Charlie Becker asked all members to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. She then called the meeting to order with minutes to the last meeting being read along with the treasurers report. Janet Ewoldt made a motion to pay all outstanding bills and was second by Loretta Palensky.
Old Business: Our shamrock blanket that was raffled for, was won by Darla Burnett. It was brought up by Charlie that there is another nursing local scholarship available in the name of Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship. It will be available for applications until the 15th of June. Anyone needing a form can see Charlie Becker. The district meeting in Gibbon was held last month and attended by Marge Kemerling, and she thought it was very interesting. We received an award for having 85% of our membership turned in. Charlie brought up a reminder that we will need to help with folding of the flags on the upcoming holidays at the club. They are Memorial Day, May 28th, Flag Day, June 14th, and July 4th. Membership chairman reported she still had 42 members who she had not received payment. She received free postcards from the state office and mailed out to members and received three back for payment of dues. We are asking for members to figure up hours they have volunteered for the year to be turned into the next meeting, starting from March 2012. There was a second call for officers for next year. Sandy Towne has put her name in for candidate for president of the auxiliary. We would like all members to be in attendance for the election of officers.
New Business, was the state convention, it will be held in Kearney, NE from June 28th to the first of July. Several members are interested in attending. Sandy asked if the group could send a donation to the Child Welfare Foundation. This will help military families who are serving for their children under the age of 18. There is a report about this foundation in the paper from the state office. We voted by those present to send a donation to this worthy cause. Also we will be checking on information to sell poppy’s for poppy day in November, on Veterans Day.
As there was no other business, Janet Ewoldt made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Marge Kemerling. Meeting was adjourned by the treasurer, Charlie Becker. Our next meeting, will be held on May 2, 2012 at six p.m., at the Veterans Club.
Respectfully submitted by secretary
Elizabeth E. Cline
President Janet Ewoldt called the August 7th meeting to order with all members standing to say the Pledge of Allegiance. She asked for the minutes of the last minutes of the meeting, treasurer’s report and the membership secretary, to be read. All were approved by those present.
The following Thank You notes were read, one from the American Cancer Society for Relay for Life, for the amount of money given by our chapter, the other from our Girl State candidate, Rachel Phinney.
Old Business: The bingo schedule was passed around for the months of September and October. Also we needed two more volunteers for Sunday, August 25th. Charlie Becker and Sharon Linden, helped chose two scholarship winners this year, for the Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship. They are, Makenzie Hayes, granddaughter of Dick Schweiger, and Kylie Rocca, granddaughter of Russ and Jan Anderson. We wish to congratulate both girls. A motion was made to participate in the Harvest of Harmony parade with a float, by our group. The theme for this year’s parade is Nebraska Youth our Shining Stars. This will be held on October 5th. We will ask Girl and Boy state candidates to ride or walk on the float.
New Business: Janet asked our group to bring baked goods to the club on August 10th for a bake sale. The proceeds will go to the waitress, Pam Cooper and employee of the club. She has had two strokes, and needs some help. The bake sale will be on August 11th during the breakfast and possible Bingo for that day.
As there was no other business, Judy Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Loretta Palensky second the motion. Meeting was adjourned by the president. Our next meeting will be held on September 4th at the club at 6:00 p.m.
We had an informal tea after the meeting with four Girl State candidates attending along with parents. We had representatives from the Elks Does and Altrusa Club. The American Legion Auxiliary District #6, Vice President Jo Cook was also a guest. We enjoyed the girls speaking and listening to a wonderful experience that each had at Girl State.
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit # 53
On June 5, 2013, eight members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, at the Veterans Club in Grand Island, NE. The meeting was called to order by President, Janet Ewoldt. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were read and approved.
New Business, Janet read a news letter from retiring president, Mary Ann Boldt. Barbara Meyer will be the new president. We found out we only need four more members to be at 100% for 2013. We have 186 members that have paid their dues for 2013. Sandy has done an excellent job in getting this information turned in to the state office. She reminded all groups to remember the State Convention being held in Kearney, NE at the Ramada Inn, June 27-30. Six of our members may go and represent Grand Island. She reminded us also of the Luau being held at the Veterans Home on June 11th at 2:00 p.m. Members helping should arrive around 1:30 p.m. We decided to continue having a tea for as many girls and their parents and the other sponsors from Girl State. We have set a date for August 7th at 7:00 p.m.
Old Business: Janet thanked the group for all that baked items for the benefit that was held for her and husband Ed. She and Ed were very appreciative of all the support from the club, family, and friends that was given to them at their benefit on June 1. A special reminder, on June 14th and July 4th, we will need as many members that are able to show up at the club and help fold flags. The time is 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted from another member. Charlie had two applicants turn in for the Tom Wilcox Scholarship. They will be deciding on the recipient in the next few weeks. Our next meeting will be held on July 3, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Charlie Becker and it was second by Betty Fothergill.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
Vice President, Judy Dunbar called the May 6th meeting to order at the United Veterans Club. Seven members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. We also welcomed another new member Anita Ellingson to our meeting.
Recording secretary and the treasurer both read their reports. They were read and approved by those present. Elizabeth Cline shared the report she sent to our district president, Mary Ann Boldt, on our highlights for the past year.
Old Business: Elizabeth Cline and Judy Dunbar both went to the Girl State Orientation on April 14th at St Paul, NE. We think seven of the eight girls were in attendance. We also thought it was very informative for all Girl State representatives that were in attendance. We will need more members help with Bingo, for the following days in June, the 20th and 23rd. Please sign up on the board in the Bingo Office, if you are able to help out.
New Business: Loretta Palensky, has asked the Auxiliary, to help support a benefit, that is being held for Ed and Janet Ewoldt. We were asked to bake homemade goodies to be sold at this event being held at the club on June 1, 2013 starting at 4:00 p.m. Judy Dunbar made into a motion that we would help and Elizabeth Cline second the motion. So all members please help out Ed and Janet and bake a home baked item and bring up to the Veterans Club on June 1. We were also reminded to help fold flags on the following days. Memorial Day, May 27th starting at 5:00 p.m. and Flag Day, June 14th at 5:00 p.m. It was decided at this time to keep all existing officers for the next year.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Loretta Palensky and a second by Marge Kemerling. Judy Dunbar, Vice President called the meeting adjourned. Please make a note for the next meeting. It will be held on Wednesday, June 5th, 2013. All members are encouraged to come and help plan events for next year.
Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth E. Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On April 1, 2013, President Janet Ewoldt had all eight members stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. She then called the meeting to order. Membership secretary, Sandy Towne, reported if you do not have your dues paid by the week of April 1, 2013, the state will not print a membership card for 2014. Sandy and Charlie Becker called all members that were outstanding; to see if any wished to remain as a member. Charlie Becker then gave the treasurer’s report. All bills for the Easter Egg Hunt and Girl State were handed in. Judy Dunbar made a motion to pay these bills and it was second by Sandy Towne. Minutes of the last meeting were read. They were also approved.
Old Business: The Easter Egg Hunt was a success. We counted around fifty children. Ideas were tossed around for improvements next year. We feel that we will again have another, and we decided Saturday, April, 20th. Janet wished to thank everyone for helping to make it successful. We had good reviews from the parents and grandparents that attended. A thank you was passed around from the Mid-Nebraska Karaoke Challenge. Liz Cline reported that all delegates we submitted were accepted by Girl State office in Lincoln. She wrote thank you’s to the sponsors and counselors from each school. She is also planning to attend the Girl State orientation being held April 14th in ST Paul, NE.
New Business: Charlie has the applications for Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship. Even if you applied once before please apply again. Please get in touch with Charlie Becker. A letter was read from Mary Ann Boeltz, there will be an appreciation party being held April 20th for all volunteers, at the Veterans Home. It will start at 11:30 and go until 2:30 p.m. She reminded everyone about Memorial Day being May 27th. Loretta Palensky, suggested since the Easter Egg Hunt was successful we might try for a Halloween Party for the younger ones also. We will see what day would work out best. Loretta also brought up to change the meetings back to Wednesday nights. Judy Dunbar made a motion in favor of this and Loretta Palensky second the motion. We would not start until June 5th, so it can be published in the news letter a month ahead of time.
Judy Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Sandy Towne. President Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held Monday, May 6, 2013. Please come and enjoy the meeting, and help make plans for the coming year. Liz Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #53
On April 1, 2013, President Janet Ewoldt had all eight members stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. She then called the meeting to order. Membership secretary, Sandy Towne, reported if you do not have your dues paid by the week of April 1, 2013, the state will not print a membership card for 2014. Sandy and Charlie Becker called all members that were outstanding; to see if any wished to remain as a member. Charlie Becker then gave the treasurer’s report. All bills for the Easter Egg Hunt and Girl State were handed in. Judy Dunbar made a motion to pay these bills and it was second by Sandy Towne. Minutes of the last meeting were read. They were also approved.
Old Business: The Easter Egg Hunt was a success. We counted around fifty children. Ideas were tossed around for improvements next year. We feel that we will again have another, and we decided Saturday, April, 20th. Janet wished to thank everyone for helping to make it successful. We had good reviews from the parents and grandparents that attended. A thank you was passed around from the Mid-Nebraska Karaoke Challenge. Liz Cline reported that all delegates we submitted were accepted by Girl State office in Lincoln. She wrote thank you’s to the sponsors and counselors from each school. She is also planning to attend the Girl State orientation being held April 14th in ST Paul, NE.
New Business: Charlie has the applications for Tom Wilcox Nursing Scholarship. Even if you applied once before please apply again. Please get in touch with Charlie Becker. A letter was read from Mary Ann Boeltz, there will be an appreciation party being held April 20th for all volunteers, at the Veterans Home. It will start at 11:30 and go until 2:30 p.m. She reminded everyone about Memorial Day being May 27th. Loretta Palensky, suggested since the Easter Egg Hunt was successful we might try for a Halloween Party for the younger ones also. We will see what day would work out best. Loretta also brought up to change the meetings back to Wednesday nights. Judy Dunbar made a motion in favor of this and Loretta Palensky second the motion. We would not start until June 5th, so it can be published in the news letter a month ahead of time.
Judy Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was second by Sandy Towne. President Ewoldt adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held Monday, May 6, 2013. Please come and enjoy the meeting, and help make plans for the coming year. Liz Cline, Recording Secretary
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #53
President, Janet Ewoldt called the meeting to order at our March 4, 2013 meeting. All eight members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. We had one new member present, Wanda Lange. Our group would like to welcome her and any other old and new members to our meetings.
Janet asked for the treasurer’s report, the minutes of the last meeting and membership secretary. All reports were read and approved by those present. Janet Ewoldt read from a letter that our district went from 11th place to 6th this last month. This was a good job by all units working hard. The state convention will be June 27-30th in Columbus, NE, at the New World Inn. Girl State orientation will be in St Paul, NE at the high school on April 14th, 1:00 p.m. All people attending make sure to use the east door. April is Children Youth month.
There was no New Business to report
Old Business: We held interviews on March 3rd at the Veterans Club. We had 15 of the 17 girls attend and five groups were in attendance. Two girls were on tape as they were out of town. We felt it was very successful and thank you to those that helped, Charlie Becker, Sandy Towne, Janet Ewoldt, Paige Gibreal and Liz Cline. A thank you was shared from the Sons of the Legion for the Auxiliary’s help with the Oyster Feed. A thank you was read from Jessica Berrelee for the Karaoke Challenge; she placed third and was sponsored by the Auxiliary. The Easter Egg hunt final plans were made. All members to help should be at the club by 1:00 p.m. on Saturday March 30, 2013. A ticket will be placed inside some of the eggs for a special prize. Loretta Palensky and Janet Ewoldt will purchase cups, plates and punch. Please bring extra bags in case some do not have baskets.
Loretta Palensky made a motion to adjourn the meeting and this was second by Marge Kemerling. The president adjourned the meeting and reminded everyone the next one would be April 1, 2013.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Cline ALA
Unit #53 Recording Secretary
March 30, 2013 Easter Egg Hunt for Veterans Club members and their families.