American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Commander Rapp at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  Seventeen members present;  Seventeen officers present, One absent, Zero excused.   

Meeting Minutes:  June Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Bob Lathen moved to accept the June Finance Report & Richard Catron seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth: None

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 93%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None


Athletic:  None

UVC Board Report: It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  None

Sick Call: None      

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business: District 6 will hold an event for the residents of the VA Hospital on July 20, 2024 at 9 AM.

 Good of the Post: None.

There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 1950 hours. The next meeting will be on August 13, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 David Morrison, Adjutan

 American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

June 11, 2024

The meeting was called to order by 1st Vice Commander Morrison at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  Nine members present; nine officers present, three absent, four excused.          

Meeting Minutes:  May Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the May Finance Report & Bob Lathen seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth: None

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 93%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None


Athletic:  None

UVC Board Report: It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  None

Sick Call: None      

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business: None

New Business: Bob Lathen moved to donate five thousand dollars to the floor remodeling project for the United Veterans Club and Rich Catron seconded. Motion passed. Everyone was reminded that the Department of Nebraska Convention will be at the Kearney Holiday Inn on June 22-23. If you would like to attend as a delegate, please contact Commander Ponte of Adjutant Rapp. We need representatives.

Good of the Post: none.

There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 1956 hours. The next meeting will be on July 9, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant


American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  twenty-one members and one guest present; fifteen officers present, one absent.          

Meeting Minutes:  April Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the April Finance Report & Bob Lathen seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth: District 6 Junior Law Cadet interviews took place at Grand Island Senior High on Sunday April 14. Bob Lathen, Ron Callihan, and Mike Ponte volunteered their help, which was greatly appreciated.

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 93%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None

POW/MIA:  Work has begun to identify remains of POWs from Japanese transport ships that were sunk.

Athletic:  None.

UVC Board Report: It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  Don Shuda is spending a lot of time at the cemetery site assisting with various aspects of the project.

Sick Call: None.      

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business: None

New Business: Richard Willis was recognized for 60 continuous years of membership in the American Legion, while David Mohr and Donald Preisendorf were both recognized for 50 years of continuous membership. Post 53 Commander Mike Ponte presented all three with certificates and pins in recognition. Cake and drinks were served at the conclusion of the recognition ceremony.

Other 60 year certificate recipients not in attendance were Gene M. Collins, Frank A. Detamore, and Donald Ewoldt, along with Stephen J. Thuernagle at 50 years of continuous membership. There names were read in recognition along with those in attendance.

Good of the Post: none.

Nominations & Officer Elections: Post 53 officer nominations were received for the 2024-2025 year, which commences on July 1. After nominations were closed, the election was held.

The 2024-2025 officers are:

Brian Rapp – Post Commander

Mike Ponte – 1st Vice Commander

Rich Catron – 2nd Vice Commander

David Morrison – Adjutant/Finance Officer

Ron Hitch – Chaplain

David Morrison – 3yr Trustee

Brian Rapp – 2yr Trustee

Glenn Palensky – 1yr Trustee

Dwight Donahey – Sgt. At Arms

There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2030 hours. The next meeting will be on June 11, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

 American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2024

The meeting was called to order by First Vice Commander Morrison at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  thirteen members present; twelve officers present, two absent.           

Meeting Minutes:  March Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the March Finance Report & Bob Lathen seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  District 6 Boys State orientation and Junior Law Cadet interviews will take place at Grand Island Senior High on Sunday April 14. Volunteers are requested and appreciated.

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 90%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None

POW/MIA:  None

Athletic:  None.

UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  No report.

Sick Call:  Member Leonard Sloan has been moved to Wedgewood Care Home.             

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  Ron Hitch moved to contribute $500 to the Hometown Heroes to help raise the veterans banners along Veterans Memorial Drive. Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed. We will be awarding certificates and pins to members observing their 60th and 50th anniversary in the American Legion next month at our May meeting. Jaci Wattier was announced as the 2024 American Legion Post 53 $1,000 scholarship winner. A note of thanks from Jaci was read to those present.

Good of the Post:  none.

Nominations:  Post 53 officer nominations were received for the 2024-2025 year, which commences on July 1. Nominations will also be received at the May meeting. After nominations are closed at the May meeting, voting will immediately follow during that meeting.

There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2000 hours.

The next meeting will be on May 14, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

 American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  eleven members present; thirteen officers present, three absent.        

Meeting Minutes:  February Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the February Finance Report & Bob Lathen seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  None

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 90%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None

POW/MIA:  None

Athletic:  None.

UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  Veterans Service Office is busy helping many veterans. They have a new computer system to aide them.

Sick Call:  Member Leonard Sloan has been moved to Madonna Rehabilitation.                   

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business:  American Legion Baseball Steak Feed is March 23 from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the bar.

New Business:  Glenn Palensky moved that $200 be given to Auxiliary for their Easter Egg Hunt program; Roger Schleicher seconded the motion and it passed.

Good of the Post:  none.

Nominations:  Post 53 officer nominations were received for the 2024-2025 year, which commences on July 1.  Nominations will also be received at the April and May meetings. After nominations are closed at the May meeting, voting will immediately follow during that meeting.

Mike Ponte moved that the meeting be adjourned; Rich Catron seconded; passed. Meeting was adjourned at 2015 hours.

The next meeting will be on April 9, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

  American Legion Feb. 13, 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                             The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  8 members present; 10 officers present, 3 absent, 3 excused.

Meeting Minutes:  January Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the January Finance Report & Bob Lathen seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  None

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 85%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None

POW/MIA:  None

Athletic:  None.

UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  Veterans Service Office is busy helping many veterans.

Sick Call:  Post 53 Legionnaire Leonard Sloan is at St. Francis Hospital.                           

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business:  Members of the American Legion Family are reminded of the following dates:

  • Sons of the American Legion Annual Mountain Oyster Feed is March 2nd at the United Veterans Club
  • District 6 Spring Convention is March 3rd at Doniphan
  • American Legion Baseball Steak Feed is March 23 from 5 to 8 p.m. See Rich Catron for tickets.

New Business:  Rich Catron moved that the post sponsor a horse blanket at Fonner Park on February 24 at a cost of $145; Ron Hitch seconded the motion; passed. Brian Rapp moved that after the race the horse blanket be donated to SAL Squadron 53 for their auction at the March 2nd Mountain Oyster Feed, provided the race winner doesn’t request to keep the blanket.

     Ron Hitch moved that the post sponsor G.I. Northwest High School Trap Team for $100; seconded by Mike Ponte; passed

     Brian Rapp moved that the post sponsor post-prom parties of the four Grand Island High Schools; Rich Catron seconded; passed.

Adjutant Rapp read a letter from the Department of Nebraska advising of Dues Notices for 2025 Membership. National voted to raise dues $5 per year, Department of Nebraska will be voting in June and has recommended an increase of $5 at the department level, as well. Rapp recommended that dues collected by Post 53 be raised from $45 to $55 to absorb the National and Department of Nebraska dues increases, advising that no dues increase is needed at the post level. Bob Lathen moved that dues be raised to $55 per year for 2025; Rich Catron seconded; passed.

Good of the Post:  none.

Mike Ponte moved that the meeting be adjourned; Rich Catron seconded; passed. Meeting was adjourned at 2030 hours.

The next meeting will be on March 12, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Adjutant Brian Rapp moved that opening ceremonies be dispensed in the interest of time due to bad weather.  Bob Lathen seconded the motion which passed.

Roll Call:  6 members present; 9 officers present, 3 absent, 4 excused. 

Meeting Minutes:  December Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Vice Commander Jim Brettmann moved to accept the December Finance Report & Bob Lathen seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  None

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 84%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None

POW/MIA:  None

Athletic:  None.

UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  Veterans Service Office is busy helping many veterans. 

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business:  Members of the American Legion Family are reminded of the following dates:

  • Department of Nebraska Mid-Winter Convention is January 19-21 at Kearney
  • Sons of the American Legion Annual Mountain Oyster Feed is March 2nd at the United Veterans Club
  • District 6 Spring Convention is March 3rd at Doniphan

New Business:  Vice Commander Brettmann moved that we send a $100 memorial to the widow of longtime member Richard Simpson.  Bob Lathen seconded the motion and it passed.  Richard served this post for many years as adjutant and finance officer, in addition to making a difference in many other areas for the sake of veterans and their families.

     Correspondence was received requesting sponsorship of a horse blanket to recognize veterans on February 24 at Fonner Park.  After some discussion, Rich Catron moved that the request be declined.  Brian Rapp seconded the motion which passed.

Good of the Post:  None.

Jim Brettmann moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Rich Catron seconded the motion which passed.  Meeting was adjourned at 1950 hours.


The next meeting will be on February 13, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  10 members & 2 guests present; 11 officers present, 2 absent, 3 excused.         

Meeting Minutes:  November Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the November Finance Report & Jim Brettmann seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  None

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 80%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None

POW/MIA:  The remains of Korean War soldier and POW James Dorrance were identified by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency at its lab in Hawaii, and returned to his hometown, Omaha.  A memorial service and interment were conducted on October 18, 2023, at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Omaha, with full military honors. He died from malnutrition and pneumonia on March 7, 1951, in a North Korean POW camp.

Athletic:  None.

UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  Veterans Service Office is busy.  The dirt work has begun on the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Grand Island.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  The 2024 Department of Nebraska Mid-Year Conference will be held on January 20 & 21 at the Kearney Holiday Inn. All legionnaires are encouraged to attend.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2005 hours. 

The next meeting will be on January 9, 2024, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

 American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  11 members & 2 guests present; 9 officers present, 7 absent.

Meeting Minutes:  October Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the October Finance Report & Jack Pusel seconded the motion; passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  None

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 72%.

Americanism:  None

Activities:  None

POW/MIA:  None

Athletic:  None.


Service Officer:  Personnel changes in the office.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business:  Ron Hitch reported that the meat for the UVC Honor Guard Christmas Dinner had been purchased and that half of the bill to be paid by Post 53 is $327.60; VFW is paying the other half, and the Honor Guard will self-fund the rest of the dinner costs.

New Business:  A card from the local Quilts of Valor was read, thanking Post 53 for its contribution to their cause.  Commander Ponte invited guest John Arias to address the post.  John is an American Legion member and Legion Rider.  He is currently serving the Department of Nebraska as Interim Liaison for the American Legion Riders. He spoke about resolutions that will be coming up for votes at the District 6 Spring Convention at Doniphan, on March 3, 2024.  All Post 53 members have a vote and are encouraged to attend, so that the largest post in the district may lend its voice to items presented.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2007 hours. 

The next meeting will be on December 12, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted, Brian Rapp, Adjutant

 American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  12 members present; 12 officers present, 3 excused, 1 absent.             

Meeting Minutes:  September Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the September Finance Report with a typographical correction; Jim Brettmann seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  None.

Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 63%.

Americanism:  None.

Activities:  Flags will go up at 5 p.m. on November 7 for Veterans Day. Help is appreciated.

POW/MIA:  None

Athletic:  None.


Service Officer:  The Nebraska State Veterans Cemetery at Grand Island was awarded a grant of $8.4 million dollars by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration. A groundbreaking ceremony will be held at the current site on November 10th at 1100 hours. A meal will be available at the United Veterans Club after the ceremony.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None.

Old Business:  More information was discussed about the Quilts of Valor Foundation in Grand Island. After some discussion, a motion was made to donate $500 to Quilts of Valor by Rich Catron. The motion was seconded by Brian Rapp and passed.

New Business:  District 6 has requested annual district dues of 20¢ per member from Post 53, totaling $113. Bob Lathen moved to pay the dues, which was seconded by Rich Catron. Motion passed. Adjutant Rapp advised that it was time to revise and/or renew Post 53’s 2024 scholarship with the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation. The annual scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior from one of the four area high schools or a home school student. The applicant must have a connection with a veteran. After some discussion, Ron Hitch moved that the scholarship be increased from $500 to $1000 per year.  Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed. Commander Ponte made a motion to give $200 to the annual Gifts for Yanks program. Bob Lathen seconded the motion and it passed. Ron Hitch reported that the VFW has voted to pay for half of the Honor Guard’s annual Christmas Dinner and made a motion for Post 53 to cover the other half of the meal. Hank Samson seconded the motion and it passed. The Auxiliary requested that each organization within the American Legion Family at Post 53 contribute $10 to help defray the cost of a new wreath for Memorial Day presentation during the program in Memorial Park. Commander Ponte moved that we contribute $10 and Rich Catron seconded the motion, which then passed.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2040 hours. 

The next meeting will be on November 14, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

 American Legion Post 53
Meeting Minutes 
September 12, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  16 members present; 13 officers present, 3 excused.    

Meeting Minutes:  August Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the June Finance Report; Jerry Heydenberk seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:
Children & Youth:  None
Membership:   2024 membership is currently at 58%.
Americanism:  None.
Activities:  Patriot Flag ceremony will be held at Veteran’s Memorial Park at 3 p.m. on Friday, September 15.
POW/MIA:  There are 81, 414 American forces listed as Missing In Action.
Athletic:  None.
UVC Board Report:  The board report is available in the UVC office.
Service Officer:  Bids for construction of the Grand Island State Veterans Cemetery will be received in the Liberty Room at 10 a.m. on Friday, September 15, at the United Veterans Club.
Sick Call:  Glenn Palensky.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  The Quilts of Valor Foundation has started a group here in Grand Island and is looking for contributions to help them buy supplies to start making quilts for veterans. The item was tabled until more information can be gathered for the October meeting.

Good of the Post:  The subject of allowing people who are not members of the American Legion to attend our post meetings was brought up. There were some who felt that anyone should be able to sit in on our meetings, some who thought the courtesy should be extended to those who are members of the American Legion Family (Auxiliary, Sons, and Riders), and others who thought that no one who is not a member should be allowed, unless invited by the Commander for the express purpose of addressing the Post on a specific issue.  Award ceremonies were also discussed, but those are handled separately from Post meetings and non-members who are family of the awardee(s) are invited by the Commander for that purpose. Commander Ponte stated that he will continue to receive requests by non-members wanting to address the Post and decide on the merit of the request individually. Otherwise, Post 53 meetings will only be attended by members of the American Legion. 

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2035 hours.  

The next meeting will be on October 12, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,
 Brian Rapp, Adjutant


 American Legion Post 53
Meeting Minutes 
August 8, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  11 members present; 11 officers present, 5 excused.    

Meeting Minutes:  July Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the June Finance Report; Hank Samson seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:
Children & Youth:  None
Membership:   2024 membership is underway with 5 chances at a $200 prize for signing up as an “Early Bird” by September 5th.
Americanism:  None.
Activities:  None.
POW/MIA:  None.
Athletic:  None.
UVC Board Report:  The club is in need of a cook and maintenance person.  The UVC Board report is available in the Club office.
Service Officer:  Service Officer is busy helping veterans.
Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  None.  

Good of the Post:  COVID is in the VA hospital.  Masks may be required.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2005 hours.  

The next meeting will be on September 12, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,
 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53
Meeting Minutes 
July 11, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  14 members & 1 guest present; 12 officers present, 4 excused.    

Meeting Minutes:  June Meeting Minutes stand as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the June Finance Report; Hank Samson seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:
Children & Youth:  None
Membership:   2024 membership is underway with 5 chances at a $200 prize for signing up as an “Early Bird” by September 5th.
Americanism:  None.
Activities:  None.
POW/MIA:  None.
Athletic:  None.
UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.
Service Officer:  Service Officer to speak at the Nebraska Admirals luncheon on July12th.
Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  None.  

Good of the Post:  Student Ben Folkers presented a short talk and pictures about his trip to Normandy with the band.  He was sponsored by this post as well as other organizations.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2024 hours.  

The next meeting will be on August 8, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,
 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53
Meeting Minutes 
June 13, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  17 members & 5 guests present; 9 officers present, 4 absent, 1 excused.    

Meeting Minutes:  May Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Rich Catron moved to accept the May Finance Report; Bob Lathen seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:
Children & Youth:  None
Membership:   2023 Membership is at 100%.  
Americanism:  None.
Activities:  None.
POW/MIA:  The remains recently sent to Omaha were identified as Chief Warrant Officer 3 Larry Zich, of Lincoln, Nebraska.  A   Celebration of Life was held in his honor on June 5th in Lincoln.
Athletic:  None.
UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.
Service Officer:  The Grand Island Veterans Cemetery will break ground on Veterans Day, November 11, 2023.
Sick Call:  Zach Snodgrass.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Steve Wardyn, Robert Borgheiinck, Elmer Pollock, Steven Manolidis, and Richard Simpson were recognized for 50 continuous years of membership in the American Legion.  District 6 Commander Julie Schnitzler graciously attended and helped  Post 53 Commander Mike Ponte present 50-year certificates and pins to our honored members.  The celebration also included cake and drinks.  

Other 50-year membership certificate recipients not in attendance were:  William Greenwalt, Karl Kostbahn, Tim Wojtalewicz, Leonard Meyer, and James Arends.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2024 hours.  

The next meeting will be on July 11, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,
 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

 American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  16 members & 1 guest present; 13 officers present, 2 absent.               

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved with one correction:  WWII remains returned to Omaha for identification, not burial.

Finance Report:  Jim Brettmann moved to accept the April Finance Report; Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:

Children & Youth:  D6 Vice Commander Brian Rapp reported that the Jr. Law Cadet interviews went very well.  The winner was Kyle Dygert from G.I. Senior High School.  Rapp thanked Ron Callahan, Ivan Hamel, & Bob Lathen for assisting in the interviews. 

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 95%.  We need everyone to renew ASAP, please.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.

  POW/MIA:  None.

  Athletic:  None.


UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  The Nebraska legislature voted to fund the Grand Island Veterans Cemetery, and the governor said he will sign the bill.  Four million dollars will be dispersed this year to begin the cemetery, followed by another four million dollars next year.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Rich Catron read a letter from G.I. Northwest student Ben Folkers, asking for a donation to help him travel to Normandy, France, where he will be a member of the All-American D-Day Band.  This band will take part in the Memorial Parade, as well as commemoration ceremonies held at both the Normandy and Brittany American Cemeteries.  This is personal for Folkers, as his great-grandfather served in France during World War II.  After some discussion, Catron moved to give $500 to the trip; Ivan Hamel seconded the motion, which passed.

The Riders are having a Chapter 53 ride on July 15th.  If you are interested in participating, get ahold of one of the ALR members.   There will be a supper afterwards at the Club for $5.  Everyone is invited to ride and/or supper.

Chapter 53 will host the American Legion Riders State Romp at the UVC on August 18-20.  There will be a supper on the 19th for $10, and everyone is invited.

Good of the Post:  None.

Nominations & Officer Elections:  Post 53 officer nominations were received for the 2023-2024 year, which commences on July 1.  After nominations were closed, Rich Catron moved that the uncontested nominations be accepted by white ballot and Ron Callahan seconded the motion, which passed.  Ballot election was held on the contested offices of 2nd Vice Commander and 3YR Trustee. 

The 2023-2024 officers are:

Mike Ponte – Post Commander

Zach Snodgrass – 1st Vice Commander

James Brettmann – 2nd Vice Commander

Ron Hitch – Chaplain

Brian Rapp – 3yr Trustee

Glenn Palensky – 2yr Trustee

Robert Lathen – 1yr Trustee

Dwight Donahey – Sgt. At Arms

Ivan Hamel - Historian

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2035 hours.  The next meeting will be on June 13, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2023

The meeting was called to order by 1st Vice Zach Snodgrass.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll call: 12 members, 1 guest;  8 officers present, 2 excused, 2 absent.

Meeting minutes:  March meeting minutes approved as read.

Financial report:  Motion was made by Ron Callihan and seconded by Ivan Hamel to approve         the March financial report. Motion passed.

Committee reports: There were no committee reports for Children & Youth, Membership, Americanism, Activities, Athletic and Service Officer.

    POW/MIA:  WWII military veteran returned & buried in Omaha.

    UVC Board Report:  Available in UVC office.

    Sick call: update on Commander Ponte

    Comrades in distress:  None.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  Update on activities planned for Department Convention June 23-25, 2023.

Good of the Post:  None 

Nominations:  2nd call for nominations as follows;

                           Commander – Mike Ponte

                           1st Vice Commander- Zach Snodgrass

                           2nd Vice Commander – Jim Brettmann, Ivan Hamel

                           3yr trustee – David Morrison, Verne Hill declined nomination made at March mtg

                           Chaplain – Ron Hitch

                           Executive Committee – Ron Callan

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 19:57 hours.  The next meeting will be on May 9th at 19:30 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Ron Hitch, fill-in adjutant.

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  18 members & 1 guest present; 13 officers present, 1 absent.               

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the February Finance Report; Jim Brettmann seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 90%.  We need everyone to renew ASAP, please.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.

  POW/MIA:  None.

  Athletic:  Legion Baseball will have a steak feed on March 25, cost is $20. 

  Ron Hitch resigned from the Legion Baseball board; Ivan Hamel was appointed to fill the opening.


UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

Service Officer:  Thank you to all those who were able to go to Lincoln and show their support for LB80 at the Nebraska Senate.  Please continue to let the senators know that you support funding for the Grand Island Veterans Cemetery.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  There was a good turnout for the Military Day horse racing at Fonner Park.  Brian Rapp gave a report on the District 6 Convention:  it lacked a quorum, so no action was taken on the district bylaws and district officers were not elected.  Instead, officers will now need to be appointed after the Department of Nebraska Convention in June, by the new department commander.

New Business:  Mike Ponte reported that ROTC at Grand Island Senior High ahs requested assistance in paying for their student awards to be presented soon.  After discussion, Ponte made a motion to pay for the awards up to $100.  The motion was seconded by Ron Callahan; motion passed.

Good of the Post:  None.

Nominations:  Post 53 officer nominations were received for the 2023-2024 year, which commences on July 1.  Nominations will also be received at the April and May meetings.  After nominations are closed at the May meeting, voting will immediately follow during that meeting.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2035 hours.  The next meeting will be on April 11, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  15 members present; 5 officers present, 3 absent.    

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the January Finance Report; Ron Hitch seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 89%.  We need everyone to renew ASAP, please.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.

  POW/MIA:  None.


UVC Board Report:  It is available at the UVC office.

 Service Officer:  Commander Ponte gave an update on LB80, a bill in the Unicameral to provide funding for the G.I. Veterans Cemetery.  Local efforts are being spearheaded by our Veterans Service Officer.   He is asking everyone to please communicate with your elected officials to get them on board with this.  LB80 would need to come out of the Appropriations Committee and would provide $8,000,000 for construction of the cemetery from the General Fund through the Department of Veterans Affairs.  There will be a committee hearing on February 28.  Anyone who can make the trip to Lincoln is encouraged to attend.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Adjutant Rapp made a motion to sponsor the Grand Island high schools with $100 each for their post prom parties.  Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed. 

Commander Ponte made a motion to sponsor the G. I. Northwest Trap Team with $100; Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed.

Commander Ponte read a letter from the Department of Nebraska, congratulating Post 53 for being selected to be the host of the 2023 Class A Area Senior Tournament of the American Legion for Area 7, beginning on July 14.

A discussion was had about a day of Military Races at Fonner Park on February 26.  It was requested that Post 53 sponsor a horse blanket for one of the races, which would have our post name on it, along with the Legion emblem.  Ron Hitch made a motion to provide the $150 sponsorship and Bob Lathen seconded the motion, which passed.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2025 hours.  The next meeting will be on Mach 14, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2023

Meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  14 members present; 7 officers present, 1 absent.    

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the December Finance Report;  James Brettmann seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 85%.  Those who have not renewed for 2023, are now in a delinquent status.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.

  POW/MIA:  None.


UVC Board Report:  Commander Ponte presented the report.  It is available at the UVC office.

 Service Officer:  Commander Ponte gave an update on veterans served by the Hall County Veterans Service Office.  Vice Commander Snodgrass reported that he was able to get a replacement VA identification card directly through the service office.  The Hall County Veterans Service Office is located at 131 South Locust Street.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  Ron Hitch reported that he and Commander Ponte delivered 266 Christmas cards from students of Westridge Middle School to veterans at the G.I. Veterans Hospital, the Vets home in Kearney, along with several other homes.  This was again spearheaded by member Jack Pusel and his daughter Catherine, who teaches at the school.

New Business:  Finance Officer Rapp reviewed the post's certificate of deposit(CD) at 5 Points Bank; he recommended that additional money from checking be added to the maturing current CD as it comes due for renewal on January 22.  After some discussion, Ron Callahan made a motion to add five thousand dollars to the current CD and authorize Rapp to obtain the best interest rate available.  Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed.

Ron Hitch reported that Volunteer Services at the G.I. Veterans Hospital had a name change to the "Center for Development and Civic Duty," but they will still answer to the old name.  February 12 - 18 will be the National Salute to Patients in VA hospitals.  Volunteer Services plans to have a catered meal for the patients from Hy-Vee.  Ron Hitch made a motion to contribute $50 to the meal.  Ron Callahan seconded the motion and it passed.

Good of the Post:  None.


osing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2024 hours.  The next meeting will be on February 14, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted, Brian Rapp, Adjutant                                         

Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2022

Meeting was called to order by  Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  10 members present; 5 officers present, 3 absent.    

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Brian Rapp to accept the November Finance Report with grammatical corrections; Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed.

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 80%.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.

  POW/MIA:  None.


Board Report:  UVC was a voting precinct in the November general election and it went well.  Bingo is doing well.  The club passed inspections by the Health Department and the State Patrol.  Craig Edwards was thanked for helping with the flagpole ropes.   

 Service Officer:  Continues to be very busy.  Working on getting set up to issue Veterans ID cards at the Hall County Veterans Service Office.  The ID cards may also be obtained at the Grand Island Veterans Hospital.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Brian Rapp read the dues letter from the District 6 adjutant requesting that Post 53 pay its 2023 membership dues of 20 cents per member, totaling $111. 80 for 559 members.  Ron Callahan made a motion to pay the District 6 dues and Rich Catron seconded.  The motion passed.

Ron Callahan made a motion to allow alcoholic drinks during Post 53 meetings.  Rich Catron seconded the motion and it passed.

Jack Pusel is collecting Christmas cards from Westridge Middle School students for area veterans.  Ron Hitch and Mike Ponte will  see that the cards are given to the veterans at the GI Veterans Hospital and Veterans Home at Kearney, along with other veterans at area retirement homes.

Discussion was held at length concerning the proper wearing of the American Legion cover(hat).  Everyone is reminded that the cover is only to be worn at official American Legion functions and/or when representing the Post at civic activities.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2024 hours.  The next meeting will be on January 10, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2022

Meeting was called to order by  Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  11 members present; 5 officers present, 3 absent.    

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the September Finance Report and seconded by Leonard Sloan.  Motion passed.  A motion was made by Zach Snodgrass to accept the October Finance Report and seconded by Rich Catron.  Motion passed.

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 75%.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.

  POW/MIA:  None.


Board Report:  Bingo is doing well.  The car show went well.  The flags will come down at 4 p.m. on November 18.  The board gave $150 toward Wreaths Across America.    

 Service Officer:  Changing people around a keeping busy

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Patrick Sayre donated $250 to the UVC which was evenly divided between the organizations. 

Rich Catron made a motion to donate $2,000 to American Legion Baseball for 2023.  Leonard Sloan seconded the motion and it passed. 

Grand Island Post 53 received awards at District 6 Fall Roundup for attaining/exceeding 100% Membership Goal for 2022, along with the Stoldorf New Member Incentive Award Category IV - 2nd Place for exceeding the 2022 membership goal by the second largest percentage in Category IV.  Brian Rapp received the Stoldorf New Member Incentive Award Category IV - 1st Place for recruiting the most new members during 2022 membership year.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2000 hours.

The next meeting will be on December 13, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 James Brettmann, 2nd Vice Commander

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order by  Commander Ponte at 1932 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  11 members present; 7 officers present, 1 absent.    

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Due to Five Points Bank changing printing companies, there was no monthly statement delivered prior to the meeting.  September and October will need to be reported at the meeting on November 11. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 62%.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.

  POW/MIA:  None.


Board Report:  The fund drive to replace flags at the Veterans Memorial Park is at $2,216.  The Hall County Warriors Memorial fund has raised $41,776.20.    

 Service Officer:  The last Hall County Hero Flight Hamburger Night is October 19th.

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  We were reminded that District 6 Convention will be on Sunday, October 16, in Saint Paul.  Several plan to attend.

New Business:  In relation to the District 6 Convention, it was suggested that the fees associated with attending the convention be paid by the post, since it was close and our post was set to be recognized for 2021-2022 accomplishments.  Bob Lathen made a motion to pay fees associated with attendance at the District 6 Convention and Rich Catron seconded.  Motion passed.

After discussion concerning Wreaths Across America, Rich Catron made a motion to donate $150 to the cause and Bob Lathen seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Adjutant Rapp read correspondence from the Grand Island Public Schools Foundation regarding the American Legion Post 53 yearly scholarship to a high school graduate.  After review and discussion, Bob Lathen made a motion to leave the scholarship at $500 per year.  Brian Rapp seconded the motion and it passed.

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2009 hours.

The next meeting will be on November 8, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2022

Meeting was called to order by  Commander Ponte at 1937 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  10 members present; 6 officers present, 1 absent, 1 excused.

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the Finance Report and seconded by Jim Brettmann.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 60%.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.


Board Report:  A fund drive is underway to replace flags at the Veterans Memorial Park.  Donations will be gladly accepted at the United Veterans Club or by mail.  The next UVC Steak Feed will be on September 23rd.  The Hall County Warriors Memorial fund has raised $40,226.92.  The UVC is in search of a new maintenance person.    

 Service Officer:  Hall County Hero Flight Hamburger Nights are scheduled for September 21st and October 19th. 

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  A motion was made by Rich Catron to donate $200 to "Gifts For Yanks Who Gave" to be sent to the Department of Nebraska with the designation that $100 go to the Grand Island VA Hospital and $100 go to the Central Nebraska Veterans Home in Kearney.  The motion was seconded by Bob Lathen and passed.  Chaplain Leonard Sloan was recognized upon the occasion of his 90th birthday today. 

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2012 hours.

The next meeting will be on October 11, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

August 9, 2022

Meeting was called to order by  Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  12 members and 1 guest present; 8 officers present, none absent.       

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the Finance Report and seconded by Zach Snodgrass.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2023 Membership is at 55%.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.


Board Report:  A fund drive is underway to replace flags at the Veterans Memorial Park.  Donations will be gladly accepted at the United Veterans Club or by mail.  The United Veterans Club will serve as a polling place for the November 6th General Election.  The Hall County Warriors Memorial fund has raised $37,939.    

 Service Officer:  None. 

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  A motion was made by Glenn Palensky to contribute $1000 to the United Veterans Club to update the exterior signage on the club building.  The motion was seconded by Rich Catron and passed. 

A motion was made by Ron Hitch to contribute $500 to the Memorial Park flag fund.  The motion was seconded by Bob Lathen and passed.


A motion was made by Rich Catron and seconded by Ruben Bradley to buy a flag kit for a disabled veteran who'd just joined our post.

The Sons of the American Legion will be selling 500 tickets at $10 each for a beef raffle to be held on Veterans Day. 

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2012 hours.

The next meeting will be on September 139, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2022

Meeting was called to order by  Commander Ponte at 1934 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  11 members and 1 guest present; 5 officers present, 2 absent, 1 excused.         

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Zach Snodgrass to accept the Finance Report and seconded by Rich Catron.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   None.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  None.


 Board Report:  The Club showed a loss of $5,297.03 for June, largely due to restocking inventory.  76 bricks have been sold on Memorial Walk; 130 are still for sale.  The old flag pole trailer is for sale.    

  Service Officer:  None. 

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  David Morrison was recognized as the new commander for our Legion Riders.

Good of the Post:  Capital Avenue between Broadwell Street and Webb Road is designated as "Veterans Memorial Avenue."  There are permanent flag holders on the light poles along the north side of Capital; until this year, the Grand Island Street Department has put up flags.  When one of our Legionnaires called the street department and asked about the absence of the flags this year, he was told that they decided not to do it this year.   Please call your council members, Mayor Steele, and/or the Street Superintendent and let them know that we would appreciate the flags flying along the route which is designated  as Veterans Memorial Avenue between Veterans Memorial Park and the Veterans Cemetery.

Hall County Veterans Memorial Park is in need of new flags and will gladly accepted donations to get replacements purchased.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2010 hours.

The next meeting will be on August 9, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

June 14, 2022

Meeting was called to order by  Commander Ponte at 1935 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  12 members and 1 guest present; 7 officers present, 1 excused.           

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Ron Callihan to accept the Finance Report with a correction; seconded by Zach Snodgrass.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   None.

  Americanism:  None.

  Activities:  $33,653 has been raised for the Hall County Warriors Memorial.  The Legion Riders have a ride on July 16; everyone is invited to the meal after the ride.


  Board Report:  New furnaces were installed over the Memorial Room.  The front signs will have LED lighting.  The Legion Riders will be placing a motorcycle safety sign on the corner.  A lock box will be installed on the corner of the building for GIFD to have building access.  The Club showed a profit of $3,022 for May.      

  Service Officer:  Jamie Leisinger will be leaving June 30.   

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  State Convention is in Columbus, June 24-26.  The election for 2022-2023 officers for Post 53 was cast by white ballot, retaining all officers in their present posts as follows:

                                Commander:  Mike Ponte

                                1st Vice Commander:  Zach Snodgrass

                                2nd Vice Commander:  James Brettmann

                                3yr Trustee:  Glenn Palensky

                                2yr Trustee:  Robert Lathen

                                1yr Trustee:  James Brettmann

Good of the Post:  None.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2035 hours.

The next meeting will be on July 12, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Vice Commander Snodgrass at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  13 members and 2 guests present; 6 officers present, 2 excused.         

Meeting Minutes:  Meeting Minutes approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the Finance Report as read, and seconded by Glenn Palensky.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   None.

  Americanism:  None.


  Board Report:  A concrete bench will be set at the south entrance in memory of Don Kemerling.  A second bench will be set in   Memorial Park in honor of the Vietnam Traveling Wall.  The Hall County Warriors Memorial fund is at $28K.      

  Service Officer:  None. 

Sick Call:  None.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  District 6 Commander Julie Snitzler was in attendance and talked about the district newsletter and other items relevant to the district.  She reminded us that State Convention is in Columbus, June 24-26, followed by the District 6 Fall Convention in St. Paul on October 16.

Good of the Post:  Dru Hofeldt of Grand Island Senior High was the recipient of the Post 53 College Scholarship this year.  A note of thanks was received from him.  50 Year Members will be recognized with a presentation of certificates and pins at the June meeting.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2035 hours.

The next meeting will be on June 14, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  12 members and 1 guest present; 6 officers present, 2 excused.           

Meeting Minutes:  Rich Catron made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes.  Zach Snodgrass seconded the motion and it passed.

Finance Report:  Motion was made by Rich Catron to accept the Finance Report as read, and seconded by Zach Snodgrass.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  None.

  Membership:   2022 membership is at 102%.

  Americanism:  None.


  Board Report:  The club showed a negative income for February, due in part to a large supply order.          

  Service Officer:  Hall County Hero Flight will conduct a hamburger night on April 20, as we continue to raise funds for development of the Grand Island State Veterans Cemetery.  The office is very busy assisting veterans with various needs. 

Sick Call:  Jack Pusel.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Adjutant Rapp requested consideration for payment of dues of a post member currently serving on active duty.  A motion was made by Ron Callihan and seconded by Zach Snodgrass to pay the dues for the named active duty post member.  Motion passed.

Good of the Post:  Rich Catron reported that through the efforts of our elected representatives, the property immediately west of the United Veterans Club was transferred from the State of Nebraska to Hall County by the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services.  This transfer secures the west parking lot and adjacent grounds for use by the United Veterans Club.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2023 hours.

The next meeting will be on May 10, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  13 members and 1 guest present; 7 officers present and 1 absent        

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by  Bob Lathen to accept the Finance Report as read, and seconded by Glenn Palensky.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

  Children & Youth:  We have forwarded two applicants to Boys State, one being sponsored by SAL and the other by Post 53.  Unfortunately there were no other applications received.  We have also forwarded two applications for the Junior Law Cadet program.  No other applications were received.

  Membership:   2022 membership is at 95.4%.

  Americanism:  The American Legion will celebrate its 103rd birthday on March 15.


  Board Report:  The United Veterans Club will have a Steak Feed on March 19, serving corned beef & cabbage, steak and chicken.  The club showed a positive income for January. The Warrior Memorial Fund is at $13,631.  The American Legion Auxiliary will have an East Egg hunt on April 16.

  Service Officer:  The office is very busy assisting veterans with various needs. 

Sick Call:  Ron Hitch & Jack Pusel.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  Post 53 successfully hosted the District 6 Convention on March 5.  We had good representation from the post, along with the Legion Riders, SAL, and Auxiliary.  Thank you to all who worked to make it successful.

New Business:  Glenn Palensky made a motion to donate $200 to the Auxiliary Easter Egg Hunt; Jim Brettmann seconded the motion and it passed.  A motion was made  Rich Catron and seconded by Glenn Palensky to reimburse Mike Ponte for expenses of $57.57 to supply ROTC with awards.  Motion passed.  A motion was made by Rich Catron and seconded by Brian Rapp to give $100 to the Northwest High Trap Team.  After discussion, Catron withdrew his motion so that it may be reviewed with more information at the April meeting.  Rich Catron nominated all of the sitting officers to return to their present offices for the 2022-2023 term.  Ron Callihan nominated Verne Hill for the UVC Board.  There will be officer nominations entertained at the April meeting and at the May meeting, after which elections will be held.


Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2025 hours.

The next meeting will be on April 12, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  9 members and 1 guest present; 6 officers present and 2 absent          

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by  Rich Catron to accept the Finance Report as read, and seconded by Ron Callihan.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

Membership:   2022 membership is at 93.07%.

Board Report:  Condolences were conveyed to the family of Don Kemerling on his passing.  The Warrior Memorial Fund is at $11,463.  Barry Horner From Central Community College with be at the next UVC Board meeting.  

Service Officer:  The office is very busy doing a lot of fishing licenses.

Sick Call:  Glenn Palensky.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  Our post will host the District 6 meeting on March 5, at the United Veterans Club.  Post 53 members are highly encouraged to attend.

New Business: There will be a Hero Flight Hamburger Night at the United Veterans Club on Wednesday, February 16 from  4:00 to 7:00 pm, as we continue raising funds for the Grand Island State Veterans Cemetery.

Our post will host the District 6 meeting on March 5, at the United Veterans Club.

Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2025 hours.

Next meeting will be on February 8, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  12 members and 1 guest present; 6 officers present and 2 absent        

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by  Bob Lathen to accept the Finance Report as read with correction of the closing date of the report to be December 31, 2021.  Motion was seconded by Rich Catron.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

Membership:  2021 is at 91.67%.  2022 is at 88%.

Board Report:  The cost for the concrete parking pad for the Honor Guard van is now being shared by 7 organizations, bringing the cost down to $540 for each organization. 

The new memorial honoring veterans of the recent wars is to be named the Hall County Warriors Memorial.

Service Officer:  Don Shuda had surgery and is recovering.

Sick Call:  Glenn Palensky.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business: There will be a Hamburger Night at the United Veterans Club on Wednesday, January 19 from  4:00 to 7:00 pm, as we continue raising funds for the Grand Island State Veterans Cemetery.

 Discussion was had concerning this year's Cornhusker Boys State, with more to follow. 

The Department of Nebraska Mid-Winter Conference will be held in Columbus on January 21-23. 

Our post will host the District 6 meeting on March 5, at the United Veterans Club.

Letters of thanks were received from the Salvation Army and Crisis Center for Post 53 donations.

Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2025 hours.

Next meeting will be on February 8, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2021

Meeting called to order by Vice-Commander Brettmann at 1931 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  11 members and 1 guest present; 4 officers present and 4 absent        

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by Glen Palensky and seconded by Bob Lathen to accept the Finance Report.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

Membership:  2021 is at 91.67%.  2022 is at 84%.

Board Report:  Gulf War Veterans are working to add a Gulf War Memorial to Memorial Park and are currently raise funds.  A concrete parking pad was completed for the Honor Guard van.  The Club showed a positive income of $6438.63 for November.  Santa Claus will be at the Club on December 19.

Service Officer:  None.

Sick Call:  Commander Mike Ponte and Chaplain Leonard Sloan.

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business:  A motion was made by Rich Catron and seconded by Ron Callahan to donate $200 to the Grand Island Crisis Center.  Motion passed. 

Ron Callahan advised that the Honor Guard parking pad project cost was currently being divided by four other organizations within the United Veterans Club and asked that we be the fifth.  A motion was made by Rich Catron  and seconded by Bob Lathen that we donate an equal share to the cost of the project.  Motion passed.

Jack Pusel made a presentation in his Navy uniform to students at Westridge Middle School, which was very well received.  With the help of his daughter who teaches at Westridge, Jack enlisted the 8th graders there to write Christmas cards for veterans.  Upwards of 250 Christmas cards have already been delivered to veterans at Good Samaritan, Heritage, Primrose, and Central NE Veterans Homes, along with those on the 3rd floor at the Grand Island Veterans Hospital.  More cards are to be delivered.

Rich Catron reminded us that Wreaths Across America will be laying wreaths out at the Veterans Cemetery at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, December 18.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to help.

Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2012 hours.

Next meeting will be on January 9, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2021

Meeting called to order by Commander Ponte at 1934 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  14 members and 1 guest present; 7 officers present and 1 absent        

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by Rich Catron and seconded by Zack Snodgrass to accept the Finance Report.  Motion passed. 

Committee Reports:

Membership:  2021 is at 91.67%.  2022 is at 76%.

Board Report:  Gulf War Veterans are working to add a Gulf War Memorial to Memorial Park.   67 bricks have been sold for the walk in Memorial Park.  Maintenance updates continue at the United Veterans Club.

Service Officer:  There will be a Hero Flight Ball at Babel’s Barn in Wood River, on November 20, hosted by Hall County Hero Flight Cemetery Fund Committee, as we continue to raise funds in support of the Grand Island State Veterans Cemetery.

Sick Call:  None

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business:  Commander Mike Ponte was recognized for 50 continuous years in the American Legion and was awarded his 50 year certificate and pin.

A motion was made by Rich Catron and seconded by Jim Brettmann to donate $200 to the Salvation Army.  Motion passed. 

Adjutant Rapp advised that Post 53 had received a notice of dues in the amount of $109.40 from the District 6 adjutant.  After some discussion concerning past issues, Bob Lathen made a motion to pay the dues.  Ron Hitch seconded the motion and it passed.

Zach Snodgrass made a motion to donate $2000 to American Legion Baseball, which was seconded by Ron Callahan.  Motion passed.

We were advised of a member of the post who is currently serving on active duty at our southern border.  Zach Snodgrass made a motion to pay the 2022 dues for this member.  The motion was seconded by Rich Catron.  Motion passed.

Ron Hitch gave us on update on Veteran Jack Wilson's circumstances with Regency Retirement Home's attempt to evict Jack.  The new court date is November 22 at 1p.m.  Those wanting to support Jack, please come to the Hall County Courthouse before 1p.m.

Jack Pusel patriotically donated twelve 3ft x 5ft American flags along with seventy-two  8"x12" stick flags to our post. 


 Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 2031 hours.

Next meeting will be on December 14, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2021

Meeting called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  17 Members and 2 guests present; 6 officers present and 2 absent      

2nd Vice Commander Brettman introduced special guest Andrea Garcia to the meeting attendees.  She gave a presentation concerning contract nursing home services for veterans in Nebraska.

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by Zack Snodgrass and seconded by Rich Catron to accept the Finance Report.  Motion passed.  A motion was made by Rich Catron and seconded by Glenn Palensky to authorize the Finance Officer to renew to Certificate of Deposit held at Five Points Bank, at the rate of 0.65% for 15 months.  The motion passed.

Committee Reports:

Membership:  2021 is at 91.67%.  2022 is at 63%.

Board Report:  The American Legion Riders will take over Tuesday Burger Nights after the Sons of the American Legion ends it run.  Groundwork is underway to add memorials to Memorial Park for the recent wars. Memorial Park received $10K from the KENO fund.  Flags in Memorial Park will go up for Veterans Day on Sunday November 7 at 4 p.m. and come down on Saturday November 13, at  4 p.m.  New officers of the Club Board are: Chairman Mike Ponte, Vice Chairman Bob Lathen, and Glenn Palensky as Secretary/Treasurer.  The Club had a positive income for the month of September

Service Officer:  A ceremony to recognize the centennial of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier will be observed concurrently with the Veterans Day Breakfast at the United Veterans Club.  There will be a Hero Flight Ball at Babel’s Barn in Wood River, on November 20, hosted by Hall County Hero Flight Cemetery Fund Committee.

Sick Call:  None

Comrades in Distress:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business:  The American Legion Post 53 Scholarship guidelines were reviewed.  A motion was made by Rich Catron to

direct the foundation to set the scholarship at $500.  The motion was seconded by Zack Snodgrass and passed.  A motion was made by Rich Catron and seconded by Zack Snodgrass to donate $150 to Wreaths Across America.  The motion passed.


 Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was then adjourned at 2034 hours.

Next meeting will be on October 12, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                    

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2021

Meeting called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  5 Members and one guest present; 5 officers present and 3 absent 

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by Rich Catron and seconded by Jim Brettmann to accept the Finance Report.  Motion passed.

Committee Reports:

Membership:  2021 is at 91.67%.  2022 is at 62%.

POW/MIA:       Saturday, September 18 is POW/MIA Observation Day

Board Report:  Another wing has been closed at the Central Nebraska Veterans Home due to a lack of help.                                                     Andrea Garcia will speak about Veterans Benefits at the October 12 Post 53 meeting.                                                                                                        Club burger nights are in full swing every Tuesday.       

Service Officer:  There will be a Hero Flight Ball at Babel’s Barn in Wood River, on November 20, hosted by Hall County                                                Hero Flight Cemetery Fund Committee.

Sick Call:  None

Comrades in Distress:  None

     Old Business:  None

     New Business:  The United Veterans Club will host a Veterans Days Breakfast on Veterans Day, November 11.  A motion was made to support the breakfast with a $250 donation to the Veteran’s Day Committee.  The motion was seconded by Ron Callahan.  The motion passed.

Correspondence from the Nebraska Department was read concerning the Gifts for Yanks Who Gave program which solicit funds to aide in recognizing veterans at the VA Medical Centers and Veteran Homes with gifts during the upcoming holiday season.  After some discussion, there was a consensus that supporting locally might be better.  Rich Catron made a motion to send a donation directly to the Grand Island VA Medical Center and the Central Nebraska Veterans Home in Kearney in the amount of $100, each, marked for use by their respective activities departments for the Gifts for Yanks program.  The motion was seconded by Bob Lathan.  The motion passed.

 Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was then adjourned at 2018 hours.

Next meeting will be on October 12, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                               

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

August 10, 2021

Meeting called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  5 Members and no guests present; 6 officers present and 2 absent 

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by Rich Catron and seconded by Jack Pusil to accept the Finance Report.  Motion passed.

Committee Reports:

Membership:  2021 is at 91.67%.  The 2022 Early Bird deadline is September 9, so PLEASE use online, mail, or drop off at the                            Club to get your renewal in as soon as possible.  We welcomed a new member, Gus Gazmuri, to both the                              American Legion and our Post.                        

Activities:  American Legion Riders July 17 Poker Run was a success, with a good turnout of people for the meal when they                    returned.

                   Hamburger Night on Wednesday August 18 from 4 pm – 7 pm will raise money for the Hall County Hero Flight                             Cemetery Fund.  Tell your family, friends, and coworkers about this.  It is a great meal for a great cause.

                   A Salute to Veterans will be held at Grace Abbott Park at Noon on Saturday, August 21.  Please make plan to attend.

                   There will be a rededication ceremony of the Memorial Stadium at Grand Island Senior High on Sunday, August 22.                   The Open House will be from 6 pm – 9 pm, with the Ceremony at 7 pm.  The Memorial Stadium was built in 1947,                   in honor of all who fought in the campaigns of both the Pacific and European Theatres of World War Two.                   

Board Report:  The new building on the west side of the club is up and ready for use.  There will be canvas sides to be used                             during functions.  The parking lot has been restriped and with funds from Bingo proceeds.                                                                                                                                                              

Service Officer:  The Hall County Board of Commissioners voted to loan the balance needed to total the $750,000 required to                               move the Grand Island State Veterans Cemetery initiative forward.  The Hall County Hero Flight Cemetery Fund                     still needs everyone who is able to give and/or help raise funds to repay this loan.

                               95 year old veteran Jack Wilson is facing an eviction hearing in Hall County Court on September 17, at 1330                                                hours; this was a continuance from July 23.  All veterans and concerned citizens are encouraged to lend their                                              support by their attendance.

Sick Call:  None

Comrades in Distress:  None

     Old Business:  None

     New Business:  None

 Good of the Post:  None

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was then adjourned at 2036 hours.

Next meeting will be on September 14, at 1930 hours.

 Respectfully Submitted,                                               

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2021

Meeting called to order by Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted.

Roll Call:  11 Members and 3 guests present; 8 officers present and 3 absent 

Meeting Minutes:  Stood as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by Rich Catron and seconded by Jim Brettmann to accept the Finance Report.  Motion passed.

Introduction of Guests:

Commander Ponte opened the floor to District 6 Commander Julie Schnitzler, who introduced herself and shared some of her goals.  She invited all members to the Fall Roundup to be held at Loup City on October 3, at 1000 hours.  She also announced that our Post would be receiving a visit from the National Commander on October 16.  The Oratorical Contest will be at Callaway on November 7, this year.

The floor was then opened to John Arias, NE Dept. Legion Riders Liaison, who introduced himself and shared his goals and future events for Legion Riders.   

Committee Reports:

Athletic:   After many years on the Baseball Board, Leonard Sloan has resigned.  Zach Snodgrass was named to take Leonard’s place on the board, serving with Rich Catron, Ron Hitch, and Ron Callahan.

Membership:  Presently at 85%.  It was brought up that new member applications are not available inside the club.  They are now in the mail to the adjutant and will be in the club as soon as soon as they arrive.

Activities:  American Legion Riders will have a Poker Run on July 17.  All are welcome to participate in/on two or four wheels.   When they return to the UVC, there will be a supper; free-will donation if you want to join in upon their return.

Board Report:  The large flag and inter-circle flags will stay up now through Veteran’s Day.                                                                                   

At present, there are 63 engraved bricks on the Memorial Walk.                                                                                                                                                                 

There will be a car show on August 14 to raise funds for Wreaths Across America.

Service Officer:  The State Cemetery fundraiser is at $400,000.  The Hall County Veteran’s Service Officer will be going before the Board of Commissioners to enlist their support.  If the total of $750,000 isn’t raised by August 1, the issue would be tabled until the following year.

Sick Call:  None

Commrades in Distress:  None

    Old Business:

 95 year old veteran Jack Wilson is facing an eviction hearing in Hall County Court on July 23 at 1330 hours, unless there is          

      a continuance.  All veterans and concerned citizens are encouraged to lend their support by their attendance.

    New Business:

Scrap metal may be donated to the cemetery fundraiser at Kramer’s.  Just tell them you would like your proceeds to go the Hall County Hero Flight Cemetery Fund.

Rich Catron made a motion that we should stay covered and render hand salutes when appropriate during post ceremonies, versus removing the cover and holding it over the heart.  Jim Brettmann seconded the motion and it passed.

 Good of the Post:  It was brought to the attention of those in attendance that a veteran came into our club on business and was made to feel unwelcome and offended.  This serves to remind us that as military veterans, we are all highly valued as equals, regardless of sex, race, creed, etcetera; veterans come from all of these categories and should be respected as we expect to be.  You never know who is a veteran.

Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was then adjourned at 2036 hours.

Next meeting will be on August 10 at 1930 hours.


Respectfully Submitted,                                

 Brian Rapp, Adjutant

American Legion Post 53

Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2021

Meeting called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Brettmann

Roll Call:  7 Members and no guests present; 6 Officers present and 4 Officers absent  

Meeting Minutes:  Approved as read.

Finance Report:  Motion by Rich Catron and seconded by Zach Snodgrass to accept The Finance Report.  Motion passed.

Committee Reports were given

Sick Call:  Glenn Palensky

Commrades in Distress:  None

     Old Business: 

     The final cost for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier marker to be placed in the Memorial Garden was more than anticipated.

Rich Catron made a motion to amend the contribution of $50 passed at the April meeting to $64.  Ron Hitch seconded the motion.  Motion passed.


     New Business:

The Legion Riders presented a $300 check from the Grand Island Rifle Club for the park flag fund.

 Commander Brettmann read a thank you card from the recipient of the Post 53 college scholarship for 2021.

 Nomination of Post Officers:  

The final call for nominations was made for Post 53 officers for the coming year.  No new nominations were made.  Rich Catron made a motion to close nominations, which was seconded by Ron Hitch.  The officers elected by white ballot for the term of July 1, 2021- June 30, 2022 are:

     Commander:  Michael Ponte

     1st Vice Commander:  Zachary Snodgrass

     2nd Vice Commander:  James Brettmann

     Chaplain:  Leonard Sloan

     Trustee:  Robert Lathan

  Good of the Post:  None.

  Closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was then adjourned at 2012 hours.

  Next meeting will be on June 8 at 1930 hours.

  Respectfully Submitted,                                               

  Brian Rapp, Adjutant


FEBRUARY 09, 2021

Meeting called to order by Commander Brettman at 19:30 hours.

Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Brettman, Vice-Commander Ponte and Chaplin Sloan.

Minutes were approved as read.

Financial Report: Motion to approve by Richard Catron Seconded by Zack Snodgrass. Passed.

Roll Call: 14 members present, 2 guests. Officers present: 7; Officers absent: 4.

Guests were Mike and Lori Reimers from District 6. Mike is running for Alternate National NEC

Committee Reports:

Sick Call: None. Comrade in Distress: None

Old Business: None

New Business:

Motion by Callihan seconded by Catron to help purchase baseballs for the American Legion Baseball. Passed.

Sons of American Legion annual Mountain Oyster Feed scheduled for April 17, 2021.

District 6 Meeting to be held March 6, 2021. Registration: 9:00am; Meeting: 10:00am; Lunch: 12:00; Adjourn: 4:00pm. Catron and Callihan will assist with registration. Motion by Callihan seconded by Catron to put an ad in the District 6 program. Passed

A donation was received from Casey's. Motion by Catron seconded by Sloan to apply to flagpole fund. Passed.

American Legion Riders:

Now have 36 active members.

Purchasing a new flag for big flag pole in Hall County Veterans Memorial Park. Planning a July 17, 2021 ride. Planning a parade for June 2022.

Having a rifle raffle for November 11, 2021. Requested funds to help purchase rifle. Motion by Catron seconded by Lathen to assist the Riders with purchase. Passed.

The American Legion Auxiliary is planning an Easter Egg Hunt for April 03, 2021 for Club members and families.

Closing ceremonies were conducted.  Meeting adjourned at 20:15.  Next meeting March 9, 2021.

Respectfully submitted, James Brettmann, Commander Post 53


 The October  meeting was held on the 13th .  There were 11 members present. Good turnout.

The September minutes and financial reports were approved as read.

The Board reported that Bingo has started but can still use more volunteers. The veterans breakfast will be on November 11 from 5:30 to 10:30 AM. Also, there will be  prayer service in the Park that day. Twelve members attended the Open Board Meeting. Still looking for a maintenance-man.


Service Officer reported that the Veterans Service has been sanitized.   

Our membership in the mid 60 per cent which is above average for this time of the year.

We received a letter and a set of requirements for our scholarship. Asking if we wanted any changes.

Commander Brettmann attended the District #6 meeting. The district is thinking about redistricting. More on this later.

A motion was made and seconded to purchase 10 wreaths for Wreaths Across America. The motion passed.

The Veterans Hospital will start giving flu shots on the 19th of October.

The next meeting will be on November 10th at 7:30 PM. Would like to see more members present.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 The September  meeting was held on the Eighth.  Six members present.      

The Board reported that they are discussing opening the kitchen and starting bingo. This depends on what happens with the directed health measures. The annual Board Meeting will be held on the 16th of September

Service Officer reported that the Veterans Service staff is at part time.  

Our membership is at 63 per cent which is above average for this time of the year.

We received a thank you letter from the Grand Island Public School Foundation for our donation to the Scholarship fund.

Wreaths Across America will hold a Car and Bike show on October Third.

As you can see by this report, not much business took place and it was a short meeting.

The next meeting will be on October 13th at 7:30 PM. Would like to see more members present.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 The August  meeting was held on the 11th.  Eight members present. Committee reports were given. Board reported that bingo may start after the State Fair. A  request has been made to the County for $10,000 for the flag poles and flags.

Baseball reported a loss this year. They do not have sufficient funds for a season next year.

Service Officer reported that the Veterans Cemetery bill passed the Legislature.

Members present voted to donate $100 to the Veterans Hospital and $100 to the Veterans Home to support their programs.

We received a thank you letter from Central Catholic High School Post  Prom committee.

A bill to give disabled veterans a 50% discount at State Parks was passed.

The next meeting will be on September 8th at 7:30 PM. Would like to see more members present.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 We are back. July’s meeting was held on the 14th.  Eight members present and one guest. Committee reports were given. Board reported that breakfasts are being served on weekends. That the new flag poles are being used and that the old ones are available for free to anyone desiring one or more.

Members present voted to use funds from the old Hall County Command for our student scholarship.

We received a thank you from Bryan Schneider our 2020 Scholarship winner and from the Auxiliary for our donation to their Easter Egg program.

The next meeting will be on August 11th at 7:30 PM. Would like to see more members present.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 As you all know, May’s meeting was cancelled. As for June, it will depend on what the governor’s next edict will be. Hopefully, June’s meeting will go as planned.

Nomination of officers will be held at that meeting or whenever the next meeting is held.

The June meeting, if possible, will be on the 9th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 Because of directions from the Governor, the Post had to be closed due to the Corona Virus thereby cancelling the April meeting.

Hopefully, the May meeting will be held at which time nominations will be received for officers for the coming year and elections will be held.  

The May meeting, governor willing, will be on the 12th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The March 2020 meeting was called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours. There were nine members present.

The February minutes were approved as well as the financial report.

The Board reported that they are seeking a full time maintenance man. Getting bids for new roofing for part of the rood. Received approval to erect a small cooking shed on the westside of the building.

The Service Officer reported that the bill to create a Veterans Cemetery in Grand Island passed the legislature.

Members discussed the lack of  attendance at meetings. The Post has 653 members and

we are lucky to get double figures at our meetings. Had the By-Laws not been amended

a few years ago. We could not have held a Post meeting for at least the past three months. 

Young members need to participate to keep the Post alive.

We have one candidate for Boys State and six for Junior Law.

Members voted to donate $200 to our Auxiliary for their Easter egg hunt

Deceased veterans were honored.

The April meeting will be on the 14th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The February 2020 meeting was called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours. There were 10 members present and three guests.

The January minutes were approved.


 The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that the new computer has been installed. They are considering another crew to make hamburger nights year around. A letter was written supporting the Veterans Cemetery. The flag pole account is over Ten Thousand.

Members discussed the lack of a bible on the POW/MIA table. Commander to take with

the Auxiliary President concerning this. If the Auxiliary will not place a bible on the

table, the Post voted to reimburse them for their costs and take over the ownership of

the table.

We have one candidate for Boys State and one for Junior Law.

A check for $850 was received for the settlement of an estate that had earlier donated

funds for our scholarship. It was decided to donate one-half to the VFW scholarship and

one-half to the Legion scholarship.

We received a patch for our participation in the International Motorcycle Ride.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The March meeting will be on the 10th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The January 2020 meeting was called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours. There were nine members present.

The December minutes were corrected. The vote by Post members to support the formation of a Legion Riders Chapter had been omitted.


 The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that the UVC has purchased a new computer and that Platte Valley Communications will service it.

Members voted to donate $100 to the Central Catholic Post Prom party.

A thank you card was received from the Salvation Army.

The Service Officer reported that a working committee is helping with the formation of a

State Veterans Cemetery in Grand Island. Also, seven people have signed up for a Heroes


Materials were received for Boys State which will held  May 31 through June 6.

The Post has applied to host the American Legion Baseball Tournament.  

Deceased veterans were honored.

The February meeting will be on the 11th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The December 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours. There were eight members present and one guest.

The November minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that the UVC will be used as a polling place for the next election. 50 bricks have been sold on Memorial Walk. The northeast wall will be designated for the Sons use. Ron Hitch has been named as treasurer for the United Veterans Club.

Guest Gary Martin discussed forming a Legion Riders program. Details for this can be

found by contacting him at 308-370-1202 or By mail at

811 W 11th St. Grand Island, NE 68801.

A thank you card was received from the breakfast committee for help at the Veterans Day


Deceased veterans were honored.

The January meeting will be on the 14th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The November 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours.

The October minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that they have installed a new water heater; The Club received a plaque for Service and Dedication to Freedom; Will be hanging a picture of the Navy Symbol donated by Terry Lily. Volunteers needed for Memorial Room renovation.

The Veterans Hospital is asking for gifts for Christmas for their patients. The only items

not wanted are dental.  

Membership was announced at 475 members.

Leonard Sloan accepted position on baseball board.

A letter was received from the school foundation thanking us for our donation to the

Legion Scholarship.

A thank you to the seven members who bravely showed up for the meeting.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The December 2019 meeting will be on the 10th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The October 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours.

The September minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that they have created a fund for new flag poles and flags.Board officers were reappointed and the by-Law changes were approved.

A bequest was made to the Post in the amount of $10,400 for scholarships. Members

voted to give one-half to the American Legion scholarship and one-half to the VFW

scholarship. Members also voted to donate $100 to the veterans bus fund and $175 to the

flag pin program at the elementary schools.

Two-Hundred dollars was voted to the Club to off-set expenses of the Veterans


Membership was announced at 60%.

Still looking for a member to the baseball committee.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The November 2019 meeting will be on the 12th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The September 2019 meeting was called to order by First Vice Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

The August minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that they had received a $200 donation from the Morotcade and looking at a possible $10,000 from the County Board to be used for new flag poles.

There were two guests at the Post meeting. John Arais from Gibbon and Coral Selden

from Dannebrog.

Membership was announced at 54%.

Joe Sokolick announced his resignation from the Baseball Committee. Thanks was given

for his many years service. Post will now be seeking a replacement member.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The October 2019 meeting will be on the 8th  at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The August 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Brettmann at 1930 hours.

The July minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that three of their members attended the County Board meeting concerning the land west of the Club. If the County gets control, the UVC will lease it from them. They are looking for anyone interested in learning how to keep Bingo records.

The members present voted to purchase 10 wreaths for Wreaths Across America.

Guest Joh Aries spoke about Legion Riders and their upcoming Cenntinal Ride.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The September 2019 meeting will be on the 10th  at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant

VFW Post #1347

The July meeting was held on the second. We had a total of eight members present of these six were officers.

The Board reported that the flag poles are old and getting worn. Looking for ideas. There are now 45 engraved bricks on the Memorial Walk. The WIFI system has been replaced. The south wall of the lounge will be the Poppy Certificate Wall.

There will be a veterans benefits meeting on the 17th in the Liberty Room at 6:00 PM.

On the 20th of July Stuhr Museum will be holding a 100 anniversary of WWI.

The Auxiliary won $75.00 at the Department Convention for their Poppy Flag entry.

It would be nice to see more members attend the Post meetings.

The next meeting will be on August 6th at 7:30 PM.

 Respectively submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster

VFW Post #1347

The June meeting was held on the fourth. We had eight members present.

The Board reported that the county will hold elections in our facility on November 3rd.  A request to amend the UVC By-laws will be in the July bulletin and posted in the Club. Vote will be at the annual meeting in September. The American flags have been replaced in the circle at the vacated Veterans Home. The Vietnam wall display was very successful.

National Convention will be July 20 to 24.

The Auxiliary toy drive went well. 38 families received toys. The Lions Club donated 44 backpacks to older children. $400 was given out in gift cards.

The next meeting will be on July 2nd at 7:30 PM.

 Respectively submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster



The May 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


The April minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


Members reaching 50 or more years were honored with a Certificate and Pin recognizing their continuous service. Those in attendance were Tom Collins, Chad Komarek. Le Roy Larson, Eugene Pesek and Thomas Sorahan.


Membership still in the 80% range.


Second call for nomination of officers.  Jim Brettmann Commander.  1st Vice Commander Mike Ponte.  2nd Vice Commander George Olsen. Chaplain Leonard Sloan. 3 year Board Member Verne Hill. There being no further candidates, a motion and 2nd was made to cast a white ballot for the nominees. Motion carried. The above named are the officers for the coming year. They will assume office in July.


 District #6 Commander, Rich Lemmeman  called Commander Schleicher and s stated  that we were to no longer pay for Boys State and Jr. Law candidates and that we would receive a refund for the them. That being said, a motion and 2nd was made that when we receive the refund we will pay the District dues. Motion approved.


The Board reported that new crash bars have been installed on some doors. 40 engraved bricks have been sold on Memorial Walk. Ron Callihan is the new maintenance man and Don Kemerling will assist him. A new mower has been purchased. Viet Nam wall will be here May 23 through May 27.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The Mat 2019 meeting will be on the 14th  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant



The April 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


There were 13 members present for the meeting.


The March minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


The Board reported that the water heater in the janitors closet has been replaced. The flags at the old Veterans Home will be flown at all times. Replacement flags will be the responsibility of our Club. They are looking for replacements for our maintenance man and part time maintenance man. Drink prices were increased on drinks using canned pop or juice.


Membership hit 80%.


First call for nomination of officers. Mike Ponte  and Jim Brettmann Commander. 2nd Vice Commander George Olsen. Chaplain Leonard Sloan. 3 year Board Member Verne Hill. There was no candidate for 1st Vice Commander. Second call and election  will be at the May meeting.


 District #6 Commander, Rich Lemmeman attended to discuss district dues. He explained their income and expenses. It appears that our Post has been paying for Boys State and Jr. Law Cadets while the district was also paying for them. Quite a discussion followed about this “double dipping” by Department and District. While resolution was decided, the District Commander is to get back to us regarding this issue. As of now, the District receives 35 cents for each of our members and wants us to add another 20 cents. Giving them 55 cents per member.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The Mat 2019 meeting will be on the 14th  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant



The March 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


There were 13 members present for the meeting.


The February minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


The Board reported that the floors have been stripped and waxed; A new counter-top has been installed in the waitress station; All insurance policies have been updated and  renewed.   


Membership is still in the 75% to 80% range.


It was reported that the Honor Guard performed military rites for 24 veterans during January and February. This is the most in any two month period.


Members voted to purchase $2,000 worth of baseballs for the Legion teams. Also members voted to donate $200 to the Auxiliary for their Easter Egg Hunt.


We received a letter from the District Commander about the district dues. Members voted to have him attend our next meeting and explain in fuller detail about the dues.


There will be a Baseball dinner on March 30th.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The April 2019 meeting will be on the ninth  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant



The February 2019 meeting was called to order by 1st Vice Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.


There were 9 members present for the meeting and one guest.


The January minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


The Board reported that the land west of the Club has been surveyed; Club is responsible for the flags at the old Veterans Home.  


Membership is still in the 75% range.


Bob merchant donated a picture drawn by him to the Club. It will be hung in the United Room.


Members voted to donate $100 for the GICC Post Prom Party.


Commander Schleicher is on the sick and disabled list.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The March 2019 meeting will be on the 12th  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant



The January 2019 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


There were 1o members present for the meeting.


The December minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


The Board reported that the lease for the land west of the Club has been signed. Term is for 100 years at a cost of $1.00. Rich Boerson, Don Kemerling and Rich and Lavon Catron were thanked for their bingo work.


Membership is still in the 75% range.


Members voted to donate $50 for the luncheon for veterans on the third and fourth floors at the hospital


Deceased veterans were honored.


The February 2019 meeting will be on the 12th  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant

December 11, 2018

Meeting called to order by Cmdr Schleicher. 

Opening ceremonies were conducted by Cmdr Schleicher 1st VC Ponte & Chaplin Sloan.

Minutes were approved as read.

Financial Report: Motion & 2nd to approve. Carried.

Roll Call: 11 Officers present, 2 absent. 13 members present. 
Committee Reports given: Board: Working on land west of club; Two tall tables & 8 chairs bought for lounge; Club closed 12/24 open 12 to 6 News Years day.  Membership is at 75%. 

 Sick Call: None. Comrade in  Distress: None.

 Old Business: Adjutant reported on district dues. Dept. agreed that dues increase was to help districts. District receives .35/member. Motion & 2nd not to pay & send letter explaining why. Carried.

New Business: Motion & 2nd donate $100 for Wreaths Across America. Carried.

Communications: Ground breaking for stadium 11/21/19.

Deceased veterans honored. 

There being no further business closing ceremonies were conducted. Meeting adjourned . Next meeting 1/8/19 at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted



The November 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


There were 10 members present for the meeting.


The October minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


The Board reported that the sprinklers have been installed and the new trees planted. Happy hour prices have been revised. Were approached about a “hike & bike” trail at the east end of Memorial Park. 35 bricks have been sold on the Memorial Walk.    


Membership is at 474.


A motion and second to donate $500 for the band scheduled for February, 2019 also $200 was requested for the Veterans Breakfast. These motions were approved. A motion and 2nd was made to donate $100 to the Christmas Cheer and Salvation Army. This was approved.


The Christmas Party at the Veterans Hospital and Veterans Home will be held on December 4.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The December 2018 meeting will be on the 11th  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant



The October 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


There were 11 members present for the meeting.


The September minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


Board reported that sprinklers are being installed in the Park to due away with the water wheels. A band will be playing in the Park on Memorial Day. Bob Lahen has been installed as Vice Chairman of the Board. Only four people attended the open Board meeting.    


Membership is at 72 percent.


A motion and second was made to donate $100 to the veterans bus fund and $500 to the Viet Nam traveling wall. Both motions were approved.


It was reported that Commander Ponte is to have surgery on his knee.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The November 2018 meeting will be on the 13th  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant



The September 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


There were 11 members present for the meeting.


The August minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


Board reported that more trees and sprinklers will be added in the Park. The new freezer has been installed and the old one donated to Central Catholic. Military branch flags will be added along the Memorial Wall when the American Flags are flown.   


Membership is at 55 percent.


A thank you was received from the Veterans Hospital Special Services committee for our donation.


Grand Island Public Schools Scholarship Foundation sent us a copy of the criteria used to award our scholarship. No changes are needed.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The October 2018 meeting will be on the 9th  at 1930 hours. Would like to seemore members present.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant



The August 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.


There were 10 members present for the meeting.


The July minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.


Board reported that the NFL football games will be televised unless players demonstrate. A new freezer has been ordered and should be here this week. The open Board meeting will be held on September 19th at 7:30 PM.   


The VA Medical Center has two vans now to transport veterans. A motion was made and seconded to donate $50.00 to the VA Volunteer Services Committee. Motion carried.


The Veterans Service Office has a budget of $266,000 for the coming year. It was also reported that there are 22 applicants for the 4th Hero Flight.


Membership is at 50 percent. Which is very good for the first month.


A thank you card was received from Relay for Life for our donation to their cause.


Deceased veterans were honored.


The September 2018 meeting will be on the 11th  at 1930 hours.


Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 The July 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.

There were 10 members present for the meeting.

The June minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

Board reported that they are considering installing sprinklers for the baseball fields.  

A letter was received from the Central Nebraska Veterans Memorial in Kearney. They are requesting donations to build a memorial at the new Veterans Home. No action  was  taken.

Membership  renewals are coming in at a rapid rate

Deceased veterans were honored.

The August 2018 meeting will be on the 14th  at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The June 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.

There were 12 members present for the meeting.

The May minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

Board reported that the Memorial Day event was well attended. The large beer cooler is still for sale.

Commander Schleicher appointed officers for the coming year. Simpson as Adjutant/Finance; Donahey Sgt. At Arms & POW/MIA; Lathen children & youth; Palensky Americanism: Ponte Service Officer.

Members voted to donate $500 to Relay for Life.

A photograph was received of our scholarship winner Jadeyn Stutzman.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The July 2018 meeting will be on the 10th at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


The May 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.

There were 18 members present for the meeting.

The April minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

The Post was honored to be able to present 50 year continous membership certificates and pins to Dave Detweiler and Jerry  Taylor.

Board reported that the Kitchen door has been replaced and 31 bricks have been sold.

Second call for nominations was given. Only one new nominee, Roger Schleicher for Commander. A motion was made and seconded to close nominations and that the Adjutant cast a White ballot for the nominees. Motion carried.

Officers for the coming year are: Commander Roger Schleicher, 1st Vice Commander Michael Ponte, 2nd Vice Commander Jim Brettmann, Chaplin Sloan, and Glen Palensky for the Board.

Department Convention is in Kearney June 21-24.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The June 2018 meeting will be on the 12th  at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 The April 2018 meeting was called to order by 1st Vice Commander Ponte at 1930 hours.

There were 12 members present for the meeting.

The March minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

A  member of the Legion Baseball Committee gave a very detailed report on their income and expenses. They had a net profit last year.

A group from Grand Island High School gave a report on the proposed improvements at the Memorial Stadium. It will be quite an undertaking over a three year period.

Board reported that American Legion Auxiliary will no longer help at Bingo. Happy hour will continue during Nebraska football games. Patrons with problems need to discuss them with the Manager and not harass employees. The Club will be used as a polling place for the May 15 and Nov 6 elections. The Vietnam Wall will be on display in the Park May 22 thru 27, 2019. Club has a negative income of $15,900 in February. This was due to many items being paid for and/or paid ahead.

Members voted to give $200 to the Legion Auxiliary for their Easter Egg Hunt.

A thank you letter was received from the Central Catholic Post prom committee.

Department Convention is in Kearney June 21-24.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The May 2018 meeting will be on the 8th  at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 The March 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.

There were 14 members present for the meeting.

The February minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

Children and Youths reported that five candidates for Boys State have been received and one for Jr. Law.

The Fourth Hero Flight is scheduled for May 8 to 10, 2018.

Memorial Day programming is underway. Date is May 28.  

Board reported that damaged ceiling tiles in the Liberty Room are being replaced. The furnace in the United Room had been replaced. A new ruling that there will be no gambling pools allowed by members or non-members. The Club had a $478 loss in January.

Members voted to purchase $2,000 worth of baseballs for the Legion teams.

The Adjutant showed the original letter from Post #53 for a Charter to the 40 and 8. The letter was found in a book donated to the Veterans Home. The letter was dated in 1921. The Adjutant thought  it should framed and displayed for historical purposes in the Club. Members voted to do so.

Department Convention is in Kearney June 21-24.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The April 2018 meeting will be on the 10th  at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant


 The January 2018 meeting was called to order by Commander Schleicher at 1930 hours.

There were 10 members present for the meeting.

The December minutes were approved. The financial report was approved.

The Board reported that new tables have been ordered for the lounge. They will be delivered when the matching formica tops are installed. Club had a $2,154 profit for November.

The Hero Flight committee will be serving Spaghetti in January.

Boys State paperwork was received and given to Comrade Lathen for processing.

Deceased veterans were honored.

The February 2018 meeting will be on the 13th  at 1930 hours.

Respectfully submitted

Richard L. Simpson, Adjutant

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