The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted December 3rd, 2024.
With 11 members present.
Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Larson, and Chaplin Pebeck.
Roll Call: 7 Officers present and 0 absent.
Minutes were approved as read.
Financial Report was read.
Motion was made by comrade Catron and seconded by comrade Halverson to accept the November financial report. Motion carried.
- Membership Report
- Membership stands at 344 with a goal of 366 for 95.98%
- Service Officer Report
- Comrade McAhren reported business as usual.
- Comrade Pointe advised that the city was undecided on the land north of the Cemetery.
- Hospital Report
- None.
- Youth Report
- Comrade Klimek reported that the youth scholarship with the GIPS Foundation were due at the end of February.
- Board Report
- UVC Board will return to regular meetings. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 9:00am.
- Considering redoing the Dance floor in the Lounge.
- Flag Fund $518.15
- UVC will be closed Christmas Day. Opening at 3:00pm for New Years Eve. Burgers and Fries will be available for purchase.
- VOD/Patriot Pen
- Judging was done for VOD/Patriots Pen. Patriots Pen winner Corbin Harphan. Whom received $25.00. VOD winners were. Grace Watson and Jameson Rein. Whom received $100.00 each.
- Comrade Klimek personally delivered the awards to the kids.
- Comrade Klimek delivered the packets to the District Chairman for judging on or by December 15th.
We Recognized the National Home.
- Unfinished Business.
- Quartermaster Bartz reported he had not yet deposited the $94.00 from the Poppy sales.
- Raffle tickets from the State Commander for replacing the signage and the awning at the State VFW Headquarters have been sold and sent to State Headquarters.
- 2025 Calendar sales done. $400.00 collected and the ticket stubs sent into State Headquarters.
- New Business.
- Comrade Callihan reported that Honor Guard didn’t need money for their Christmas Party. JBS Donated STEAKS to them.
- Communications.
- We received 2 thank you letters for Patriot Pen Corbin Harphan. VOD. Jameson Rein
- Motion was made by Comrade Catron to donate $100.00 for Grand Island Central Catholic Post Prom Party. Seconded by Comrade Schlichter. Motion carried.
- Reminder. December 14th 11:00 am. For the laying of the Wreaths at the Old Cemetery. Enter off Webb Road only.
- Tammie Dimmitt @ Grand Island is our contact. Chaplin Contacting for dates.
Comrade in distress.
- Commander Larson got engaged.
Closing Ceremony was conducted.
Respectfully Submitted by Quartermaster. Tim Bartz
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted November 5th, 2024.
With 11 members present.
Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Larson, and Comrade Callihan whom sat in for Chaplin Pebeck.
Roll Call: 4 Officers present and 3 absent.
Minutes were approved as read.
Financial Report was read.
Motion was made by comrade Catron and seconded by comrade Halverson to accept the October financial report. Motion carried.
- Membership Report
- Membership stands at 344 with a goal of 366 for 95.98% {up 4 members}
- Service Officer Report
- Comrade McAhren reported cemetery completion date of April 2025 still on tract.
- Comrade Pointe was attending City Board meeting regarding the 26.2 acres of land just north of the cemetery. Hall County was transferring ownership to the City of Grand Island in hopes that the city would lease to the Veterans Park for future expansion of the Cemetery.
- Hospital Report
- Comrade Hitch brought up Billie Harington a member of our VFW Auxiliary also on the DAVS committee is requesting funding for the VFW Auxiliary. Nov 9th the Auxiliary is providing sliders, donuts, beverages for the 3rd and 4th floor at the VA. Fund will be split between the VFW, VFW Auxiliary, American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, and the American Legion Riders.
- A motion was made by Comrade Hitch and seconded by Comrade Halverson to provide our share of funding. Amount to be determined by our next meeting. Motion carried.
- Comrade Mayven {DAVS rep} stated that December 10th 19:00 hours there is the State VFW Christmas party planned at the VA. He requested it was put on the UVC calendar. The VFW Auxiliary is handling most of this. Also requesting help with moving and assisting Veterans.
- Youth Report
- Comrade Klimek reported to the GIPS foundation. Paperwork was submitted to the Executive director for GIPS. He was informed we wanted to be a part of the selection committee.
- VFW Auxiliary attended Flag Day at Seedling Mile school along with Comrade Hitch and Comrade Callihan.
- Board Report
- Flag poles up November 7th at 15:45 hours, GI wrestlers are putting the poles up. Flags up November 9th, 10:00 hours. Volunteers needed. Flags down not determined.
- Container for the collections of goods that are needed for the Grand Island VA.
- Walls will be painted in the Club and Liberty Room.
- VOD/Patriot Pen
- Essays that were due on Oct 31st. VOD essays were received on October 30th. 22 entries total. 2 from Central Catholic, 20 from St Paul
- Patriot Pen 2 entries. 1 from Westridge and 1 from Barr
- Need to get judges together to read essays.
- Comrade Klimek made a motion for the 2 essays advancing to district for VOD receive $100.00. and the Patriot Pen chosen to advance receive $25.00. Comrade Callihan seconde Motion carrie
We Recognized the National Home.
6. New Business.
- Commander Larson was given $94.00 from Poppy Sales. Money turned over to Quartermaster Bartz.
- National Home has an Amazon wish list if any of you are interested in donating.
- Commander Larson attended the VFW auxiliary meeting.
- Chaplin Pebeck wanted permission to Volunteer at the residence clinic. To spend some one-on-one time with the Veterans. Jody Johnson there at the Vets hospital is the coordinator for such activities.
- Raffle tickets from the State Commander for replacing the signage and the awning at the State VFW Headquarters. We got awarded 50 tickets total to sell. Tickets are $10 a piece or 5 tickets for $40.00. Prizes are listed below
- $500.00 voucher to the Ravenna Meat Locker.
- Freedom Quilt.
- God Bless America Sign.
- Traeger pellet grille.
- Barn quilt and 3-yard gnomes.
- Operation Timmy Tank Has been approved, and now we are on a waiting list for up to 3 years.
- December 7th the VFW Auxiliary is putting on a children’s Christmas Party.
- Commander Larson made a motion to share our portion of the Honor Guard Steak supper with the American Legion and one other… seconded by Comrade Halverson. Motion carried.
- VFW calendars have arrived and are for sale. 20 calendars $20.00 each. We must sell. Drawing January 10th Comrade Catron will take the leftover calendars after this evening to sell at Bingo and the Club.
Good of the Order. Veterans Day Breakfast will be served at the UVC free for Veterans. $6.00 for the public. November 11.
Closing Ceremony was conducted.
Respectfully Submitted by Quartermaster. Tim Bartz
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted October 1st, 2024. With 12 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Larson and Chaplain PeBeck.
Roll Call: 6 Officers present and 1 absent.
Last meeting minutes were approved as read.
Financial Report was read.
Motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Halverson to accept the September financial report. Motion carried.
- Membership Report
- Membership stands at 341 with a goal of 366 for 93.16%
- Service Officer Report
- Comrade McAhren was absent.
- Don Shuda working very hard on the visitors for the cemetery.
- Don Shuda was meeting with people in the morning in reference to the fence being installed.
- Comrade Pointe and Comrade Bartz have a meeting with Don Shuda in the morning at 09:30. We are unsure what that’s all about.
- Youth Report.
- VFW Auxiliary went to Doniphan/Trumbull High School for Constitution Day. Comrade Hill and Comrade Hitch went along to show them how to fold a flag.
- Paperwork was passed on to Comrade Klimek for the VFW foundation scholarships.
- Board Report
- The UVC board had 4 meetings.
- Mike Pointe was appointed Chairman
- Dave Morrison was appointed Vice Chairman
- Glen Palensky was appointed Secretary/Treasury
- After the open board meeting adjourned, the board had a meeting with several HCWM board members. William Luft, Tim Bartz, and Scott Schleicher.
- Brian Rapp and Comrade Callihan made a motion to form a Hall County Memorial Park Board. Consisting of Brian Rapp, John Larson, Mike Pointe, Glen Palensky, William Luft, Tim Bartz, Scott Scheicher, Ron Callihan, and Gary Quandt as our County Representative. Motion carried.
- Park by laws is being taken to a lawyer for clarification and will be rewritten correctly.
- VOD/Patriot Pen
- Comrade Klimek contacted all the local high schools and middle schools. Passed out posters and turned over paperwork to the counselors.
- Comrade Klimek requested 3-5 people for a panel of judges to read the essays. Commander Larson, Comrade Catron, Comrade Klimek, Comrade Callihan, And Chaplin PeBeck volunteered for this.
- Motion made by comrade Hitch and seconded by comrade Pointe for a $1000.00 scholarship motion carried.
We Recognized the National Home.
- Unfinished Business.
- Comrade Luft has Paperwork for Comrade Hill for the honor guard rifles.
- Comrade Luft really wants a Submarine…. discussion on building one out of a propane bottle. No decision was made at this time.
- New Business.
- Chaplin PeBeck contacted Earl Sauters with a passionate message of support from all of us.
- Commander Larson attended District Meeting.
- Larry Gerlt has recruited and or re upped about 5 members for our post.
- We had 2 new members sign up for membership.
Closing Ceremony was conducted.
Respectfully Submitted by Quartermaster. Tim Bartz
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted September 3rd, 2024. With 15 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Larson and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 7 Officers present and 0 absent.
Last meeting minutes were approved as read.
Financial Report was read.
Motion was made by Comrade Halverson and seconded by Comrade Catron to accept the August financial report. Motion carried.
- Membership Report
- Membership stands at 376 with a goal of 394 for 95.34%
- Service Officer Report
- Comrade McAhren had nothing new to report.
- Board Report
- Parks has well over 100 flags that need to be replaced. They just purchased 75 but they will need more soon.
- A car has been donated to the UVC to be sold. The money from the sale will go to the flag donation fund.
- The American Legion is purchasing 10 flags per year for the park.
- The wall behind the flags in the lounge area is going to be painted light blue.
- Flag fund is at $74.99 as or Sep 1st.
- Open board meeting is the third Wednesday at 1900 hrs.
- VOD/Patriot Pen
- Comrade Klimek is bravely volunteering to take this over. We are to late this year. Comrade Catron and LaVonne Catron will assist as needed.
- Comrade Hitch informed us that all the paperwork we need was in the 3rd draw of the filing cabinet.
We Recognized the National Home.
- Unfinished Business.
- Comrade Luft got correspondence from TAC-COM regarding our request. We passed the first round and now have a lot more paperwork to submit.
- No word on the Alda/Wood River post.
- New Business.
- A motion was made by Comrade Callihan and seconded by Comrade Halverson for the VFW to purchase 10 flags a year for the park. Motion carried.
- Army hat purchase for $19.00.
- Commander Larson advised that the hat supply was getting low.
- Comrade Pointe received some literature for next year’s Vietnam reunion. It will the 40th reunion. He was also informed it could be the last because of lack of participation.
- HCWM is selling raffle tickets for a M1A SO COM .308 caliber. Tickets are $10.00 each. They are selling 499 tickets.
- Commander Larson passed along information from the state Commander. The State Commanders Homecoming will be October 4th in Kearney NE. if interested in attending contact Commander Larson. Also, they are pushing quarterly volunteer hours reporting.
- We got an invitation from HCWM for September 21st at 1100 hrs. for their dedication of the memorial. Following the dedication 1200-1300hrs. The American Legion Riders are serving a sloppy joe lunch asking for a free will donation for the meal.
6. Family\Comrade in Distress.
- Earl Sauters brother passed away. Chaplin PeBeck will contact him.
- Commander Larson inquired if we had a sympathy card available from the VFW.
Closing Ceremony was conducted.
Respectfully Submitted by Quartermaster. Tim Bartz
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted August 6th, 2024. With 13 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Larson, and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 7 Officers present and 0 absent.
Minutes were approved as read.
Financial Report was read.
Motion was made by comrade Catron and seconded by comrade Hitch to accept the July financial report. Motion carried.
- Membership Report
- Membership stands at 376 with a goal of 394 for 95.34%
- Service Officer Report
- Comrade McAhren reported business as usual.
- Cemetery not taking applications until Mr. Lewandowski is moved into his office. Possibly by the first of the year.
- Hospital Report
- Comrade Hitch informed us there is a few cases of Covid. Masks are required on 3rd floor.
- Board Report
- Pop Smoke Fireworks Co. donated from the sale of fireworks to the UVC. They will be back next year.
- Flooring project is going well. Just a few finishing touches left.
- Bingo doing well… Bingo is looking for backup in the accounting side. Get ahold of Comrade Catron.
- September 18 the new board members will be installe
- Flag fund is at $1920.99.
- The entrances into Memorial Hall need work….
- Lynn Sloan has over 200 books he wants to donate. The VA in Grand Island will take 50, the VA in Omaha will take to rest. Comrade Catron is distributing the books.
- VOD/Patriot Pen
- Still looking for someone to take this over
We Recognized the National Home.
6. New Business.
- Post 1347 is sponsoring a candidate for the Nebraska VFW Law Enforcement officer of the Year Award. The Candite is Officer Logan Luft. Son of William Luft. Packet mostly completed, needs to be prof read by his father.
- HCWM. Globe to be set September 15-18 weather permitting. The Grand opening ceremony will be conducted September 21, 2024, at 1100 hrs. Hoping to see all the VFW/Legion members there to celebrate the Grand Opening. Also looking to get an organization to sponsor a hamburger feed after the ceremony. (funds made will stay with whomever does that). National Guard will attend with a static display. Color Guard will present colors.
- Operation Timmy Tank Update. The paperwork that was lost has all been redone and currently sent in both digitally and a hard copy mailed. Which will get us on the waiting list for 3 years.
- Alda/Wood River post is close to defunking. Post 1347 is attempting to absorb there post. Their post is down to 5 members, and they own a 1946 Willys. Also a few of them are looking to be in an officer position.
- Raffle tickets from the State Commander for replacing the signage and the awning at the State VFW Headquarters. We got awarded 50 tickets total to sell. Tickets are $10 a piece or 5 tickets for $40.00. Prizes are listed below
- $500.00 voucher to the Ravenna Meat Locker.
- Freedom Quilt.
- God Bless America Sign.
- Traeger pellet grille.
- Barn quilt and 3 yard gnomes.
- Quartermaster Bartz inquired when the Bingo donates money to the VFW. Comrade Catron informed us that money was down from Bingo this year and there working on it. Typically, a quarterly payment was mentioned by comrade Pointe.
- Commander Larson Appointed comrade PeBeck to Chaplin. And comrade Luft to Judge Advocate. Respectfully.
7. Family\Comrade in Distress.
- George Olsen’s wife was in Critical condition at Hospital with kidney stones. She is now in stable condition.
- Larry Boerson that is Rich Boerson’s brother passed away.
Closing Ceremony was conducted.
Respectfully Submitted by Quartermaster. Tim Bartz
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted July 2nd, 2024. With 13 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Sr Vice CMDR Schleicher, and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 6 Officers present and 1 absent.
Minutes were approved as read, after a correction.
Financial Report was read.
Motion was made by comrade Catron and seconded by comrade McAhren to accept the June financial report. Motion carried.
Membership Report. Membership stands at 376 with a goal of 394 for 95.43%.
- Service Officer Report
- Comrade McAhren reported business as usual.
- Hornady was honored for their donations for Veterans Cemetery.
- Redoing the flooring in Don Shuda’s office because one of the
- Counties employees left a garden hose running causing flooding in the Storage room.
- Hospital Report.
- Comrade Pebeck informed us that 70% service-connected disability or higher your long-term Health care will be Free either from the VA or a Community living center. At 100% disability your property tax is discounted. There is a Bill in the Unicameral for any Veteran 50% or higher qualify for a property tax break. Comrade Pebeck said to contact him to assist you with your benefits.
- Board Report
- Hired a new bartender for Sundays. Mary is her name.
- Kubota mower is being repaired. Because its Junk without repair.
- HCWM Progressing well.
- $50 was given to the UVC for use of the building for voting from the county. Mindy applied it to the Flag fun
- UVC had a positive income for the month.
- $270.99 in the Flag fund.
- VOD/Patriot Pen
- Looking for someone to take this over. Catron Family could help…
We Recognized the National Home.
- Unfinished Business
- Poppy sales as of now is $631.10
- Check for flooring.
- Static Display. Update from comrade Luft. County board approved the Display in the park. Paperwork sent in for Vietnam era display. And a Tank, Artillery piece and or Helicopter… Everything but the rifles. We Need to decide which rifles we wanted. Comrade Luft and Comrade Hill are going to meet and figure this out. Also, we need to post signs to enter at your own risk, not responsible for accidents.
- Communications.
- Comrade Bartz passed along a few items from State VFW training.
- Signup sheet for volunteer hours.
- Recruiting we need to attempt to get to 102% membership
- Poppy now comes in a Tin model and the traditional model.
- New Business
- CLC 3rd floor at the VA. Living Center is needing help pushing patients around. Taking them outside, Playing games with them…etc.
- Volunteers are needed for drivers and or working the escort desk. Especially on Mondays and Fridays. Comrade Luft and Commander Larson are working on Drivers. Feel free to contact the VA coordinator Jody Johnson
- July 10 is the meeting to let everyone know how much help is needed.
- Servicemen of the heartland was discusse
A motion was made by comrade Hitch and seconded by comrade Ponte to donate the 1st place prize money of $75.00 from the Poppy sales to the VFW Aux. Motion carried.
A motion was made by comrade Hitch and seconded by comrade McAhren to donate the 3rd place money of $50.00 from the Honor Guard Competition. Motion carried.
Closing Ceremony was conducted.
Respectfully Submitted by Quartermaster. Tim Bartz.
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted June 4, 2024. With 12 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Sr Vice CMDR Schleicter, and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 5 Officers present and 2 absent.
May meeting minutes were approved as read.
Financial Report was read.
A Motion was made by Comrade Callahan and seconded by Comrade Ponte to accept the May financial report.
Membership Report. As of June 1, membership stands at 375 with a goal of 394 for 95.17%
Service Officer Report: Don Shuda got the $750,000.00 that was donated back from the state. Cemetery on schedule.
Youth report. We received a thank you card from GICC Post prom.
Board Report. 1. UVC is needing flooring done. Estimate for $19,000.00.
2. Fred Graves is Backup Webmaster.
We recognized the National Home.
New Business. 1. UVC Flooring. So far Bingo gave $4500.00, Legion Riders gave $2000.00, Bulletin Fund gave $2100.00, State Legion gave $235.00, VFW Aux gave $200.00.
Motion made by comrade Bartz and seconded by comrade McAhren to give $3000.00 for the flooring project. Motion carried
2. Comrade Hill Commended the GISH wrestling team on their help in the recent months.
3. CDs are up this month. One for $10,239.97 and one for $5041.45. A Motion was made by comrade Catron and seconded by comrade Hitch to roll over the first CD for $10,000.00 and put the $239.97 in our general fund. The second CD will be rolled over for $5000.00 and putting the remaining $39.97 in our general fund. Motion carried.
4. Comrade Luft and Comrade Bartz are working on the Static Display paperwork. Was wondering what organization wanted to be in control. Forms need to be signed and notarized. Parks Committee will take control. This will be for the static displays and the Guns for Honor Guard, VFW, and American Legion. County Board approved the Display.
5. Installation of Officers was Conducted by Sr Vice Commander Schleicher in the absence of Commander Halverson. Comrade Catron stood in as Commander.
6. Incoming Commander Larson handed out VFW challenge coins in appreciation of past and current officers for their time and effort.
COMRADE IN DISTRESS: We received a thank you letter from VFW post 2503 for the $100.00 donation.
Respectably submitted by Quartermaster Tim Bartz
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted May 7, 2024. With 11 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
ROLL CALL: 6 Officers present and 1 absent.
The April meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Callahan and seconded by Comrade Hitch to accept the April financial report motion carried.
Membership Report: As of April 30, membership stands at 375 with a goal of 394 for 95.17 %.
SERVICE OFFICER: VSO Board member Comrade McAhren reported that the National Cemetery was on secedule despite all the rain. The $750,000.00 the community raise towards this project is in limbo. A meeting with John Hilgert and Govenor Pillen to express the disappointment from the Hero Flight Board was being scheduled. Randy Lewendowski was Hired to manage the Cemetery. His office is temporally in the National Guard Building.
HOSPITAL REPORT: VFW Aux hosted Root beer Floats for Patients and Families 3rd and 5th floor. A motion as made by Comrade Hitch and seconded by Comrade Catron to give the VFW Aux $75.00 to help funding activities motion carried.
YOUTH: We got the results back from GIPS Foundation Scholarship Reception winner of the $1000.00 scholarship was Ashlyn Favazza. She sent a Thank You as well.
BOARD: 1. UFC sent email out for volunteers to help lay sod. We got 5 pallets done in about a hour and a half.
2. There was discussion on the shuffleboard table and the bowling machine. It being brought into legislation to tax each machine $2000.00 per year. Board decided to keep machines till November and keep track how much income there bringing in.
3. Bingo purchased a grass edger for the Parks department.
4. $198.98 in the flag fund.
VOD/PATRIOT PEN: Check was cancelled we wrote to Christian Lemburg. We were charged $28.00 for that and the remaining $72.00 went back into our account.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: UVC will be hosting training for Commander and Adjutant June 29. 9-3 pm. They will be ordering in food. One room will consist of the Aux and One room for VFW Post.
Commander Halverson, Comrade Hitch and Comrade Larson attended the District 11 meeting. State VFW raffle ticket was giving out for us to sell. Tickets are $20 a piece or 6 for $100. Discussion was that ticket prices to high. Remaining tickets sold or nor need returned. In September 15 in Tayler will be the District 11 meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Memorial Day Service will be held in the Park May 27th.
Lunch will be offered at UFC club. Adults $7.00. Children under 12 $5.00. BBQ Sandwich and/or Hamburger, coleslaw, baked beans.
Lori asked if the Honor Guard could assist with setting up tables for them to sell Poppies.
GISH Wrestling team are volunteering to put the flag poles up on the May 20th Flags up on 24th @ 5:00
Boy Scouts called to assist on cleanup day.
Next Meeting Officers will be installed.
May 21st. at GISH Grand Island Hometown Hero’s 6:00 pm. Will host the introduction of the banners In the GISH little theater. Looking to expand next year. Please rsvp.
COMRADE IN DISTRESS: District 7 and 10 in the Eastern part of the State. Got hit hard from the Tornados. They would Like a donation. $100-$200 to each post.
Motion made by comrade Hitch and seconded by comrade Callihan to donate $100.00 to District 7 and 10. Motion carried.
Respectably submitted by Quartermaster Tim Bartz.
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted April 2, 2024 with 13 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 6 officers present and 1 absent.
The March meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade McAhren to accept the March financial report. Motion carried.
Membership report: March 31 membership stands at 367 with goal of 394 for 93.15%
Service officer report: A motion was made by Comrade Ponte and seconded by Comrade Catron to keep Comrade McAhren the VSO board for another 5 years. Motion carried.
Board report: 1.UVC was closed for Easter. 2. Flag Fund is at $196.99 3. March 29 HCWM donated meals to all Vietnam Veterans for the anniversary of the end of Vietnam War, total was 26 meals. 4. No other unfinished business.
VOD/Patriot Pen: Comrade Hitch attempted contacted Christian Lemburg mother Cara Lemburg twice via e-mail and at least twice with voice mail with no response. A motion was made by comrade Bartz and seconded by comrade Ponte to cancel check and move on. Comrade Hitch made it clear there would be a small charge for canceling the check. Motion carried
Recognition of National Home conducted.
Unfinished business: 1. Nominations 1st round for VFW Post Officers
Commander: Dan Halverson, John Larson.
Sr Vice Commander: Rodger Schleicher.
Jr Vice Commander: Richard Catron
Quartermaster. Tim Bartz
3 year Trustee. Ron Hitch
2 year Trustee. Mike Ponte
1 year Trustee. Larry McAhren
UVC Board Representative.
3 year member. John Larson
2 year member. Dan Halverson
1 year member. Mike Ponte
Communications: National Home request for fund…… No motion made.
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New business: 1. Picture from Veterans Day at the Races was passed around for all to see.
2. Scholarship for $1000.00 Legion/VFW Brian and Ron reviewed, currently waiting on results from GISH
3. Motion by comrade Callahan and seconded by comrade Catron to give $500.00 to Grand Island Hometown Heroes. Motion carried
4. VFW State Convention June 8th and 9th in Columbus Ne.
5. Commander Halverson appointed comrade Bartz to be the Adjutant.
6. Second and Final call for Nominations.
Commander. Dan Halverson, John Larson. Jon Larson by popular vote
Senior Vice Commander. Rodger Schleicher. White carded in.
Jr Vice Commander. Richard Catron. Dan Halverson. Dan Halverson by popular vote
Quartermaster. Tim Bartz. White carded in.
3 year Trustee. Ron Hitch. William Luft. William Luft by popular vote
3 year member for UVC representative. John Larson. Richard Catron. John Larson by popular vote
Good of the Order: 1. VFW National Communication, requirements for the April Election Reports to be submitted online only. 2. District 11 meeting April 21st in Broken Bow, Commander Halverson and Comrade Hitch will attend.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be May 7th at 19:30 hours. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted newly elected Quartermaster Tim Bartz
Commander Dan Halverson
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted March 5, 2024 with 9 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 5 officers present and 2 absent.
The February 2024 meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Ponte to accept the February 2024 financial report. Motion carried.
Service officer report: Hall County Service Office is installing and performing training on a new computer system.
Membership: 364 members with goal of 394 for 92.83%.
Hospital report: The VFW Auxiliary for Celebrate Veterans week at the VA provided sheet cake and donations to the Food Pantry plus assisting with the VAVS celebrating the nursing staff on Feb. 16th. At present no masks are required on the 3rd floor.
Board report: See attached Board report.
VOD/Patriot Pen: Discussion regarding 1 VOD check for $100 not cleared our bank account. Numerous contacts via email and voice messages have resulted in no action. Consensus is to wait another month for the November check to clear.
Recognition of the National Home was conducted.
Unfinished business: 1. Update on Dept 2024 calendar winners from the Post’s calendar sales.
Communications: Received letter from Westside Jr. Bowling program for scholarship donation. Motion by Comrade Ponte and seconded by Comrade McAhren to approve $100 donation. Motion carried.
New business: 1. Motion by Comrade Callihan and seconded by Comrade Schleicher to participate in the 2025 Fonner Park Veteran racing blanket when details are known. Motion carried. 2. Motion by Comrade Ponte and seconded by Comrade Catron to sponsor a donated pistol raffle with proceeds to the Memorial Park fund as the scheduling is determined. Motion carried.
3. Nomination of VFW Post Officers: Commander; Dan Halveson, John Larson
Sr. Vice Commander; Roger Schleicher
Jr. Vice Commander; Richard Catron
Quartermaster; Tim Bartz
3 yr Trustee; Ron Hitch
2 yr Trustee; Mike Ponte
1 yr Trustee; Larry McAhren
4. Nomination of UVC Board representative: 3 year member; John Larson
2 year member; Dan Halverson
1 year member; Mike Ponte
Good of the Order: VFW National communication, requirements for April Election Reports to be submitted only online.
Comrade in Distress: Marine veteran family displaced with explosion in Wood River. Contact with Don Shuda for assistance.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be April 2nd at 19:30 hours. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted,
Ron Hitch, Temporary Adjutant/Quartermaster
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted Feb. 6, 2024 with 9 members present and one guest. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Comrade Ponte filled in as Chaplain.
Roll Call: 5 officers present and 3 absent.
The January 2024 meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Ponte and seconded by Comrade Catron to accept the January 2024 financial report. Motion carried.
Presentation was made by Comrade Ponte and American Legion Rider Commander Morrison who are both members of the Grand Island Hometown Heroes committee explaining the Hometown Heroes program by handing out flyers and application forms. Additional information will be available after the committee meets with city representatives.
Membership report: Jan. 31 membership stands at 360 for 91.4%
Service officer report: Service Officer, Don Shuda as the liaison for Veteran Cemetery will be meeting with State & Federal representatives on Thursday, Feb. 8th.
Hospital report: 3rd floor at VA has had positive COID tests and staff/visitors need masks. Rest of the VA areas not required to wear masks at this time.
Board report: January Board report on file in Mgr. office.
VOD/Patriot Pen: Rec’d another thank you from 1 of the VOD participants with one check not cashed yet.
Recognition of the National Home was conducted.
Unfinished business: None
Communications: Received letter from Grand Island Central Catholic Post-Prom committee requesting a contribution for the Drug and Alcohol free party. Comrade Catron made a motion to provide a $100 contribution, 2nd by Comrade Ponte. Motion carried.
New business: 1. Comrade Halverson made a motion for VFW Post 1347 to purchase a horse race blanket at $145 for the Veterans recognition day at Fonner Park on Feb. 24th. Comrade Catron 2nd and motion carried.
Good of the Order: 1. Rec’d a check for $313.75 from District 11 for the Post’s share of the rifle raffle conducted by District 11. 2. Question raised as to any VFW Department calendar sales selected from Post 1347 calendar sales. Follow up by Adjutant for next meeting.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be March 5th at 19:30 hours. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Ron Hitch
Temporary Quartermaster/Adjutant
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted Jan. 2, 2024 with 7 members present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 6 officers present and 2 absent.
The December meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Callihan to accept the December financial report. Motion carried.
Membership report: Dec. 31 membership stands at 356 with goal of 394 for 90.35%
Service officer report: 1. Service Office still busy with staff changes.
Board report: December meeting minutes attached.
VOD/Patriot Pen: Post 1347 VOD selections did not place in District 11 competition. Rec’d thank you from 1 of the participants and 2 others have not cashed checks yet.
Recognition of National Home conducted.
Unfinished business: Christmas cards from Westridge Middle School 8th graders distributed; 166 to Central Ne Veterans Home, 47 to GI VA, 20 to Honor Guard members and 52 to veterans in assisted living homes in GI for 285 total.
Communications: Received letter from Wood River High School for Post Prom contribution. No action taken. Rec’d Christmas card from Department.
New business: Question was asked if any contact had been made by Department before the Commander made visit to GI VA? No one in Post was contacted and in follow up with Auxiliary they had no contact.
Good of the Order: 1. 4th qtr 2023 Trustees Report is complete and needs to be reviewed at conclusion of the meeting Trustees & Commander. 2. Temporary QM/Adjutant Hitch informed the Post that April 2, 2024 will be his last meeting as the QM/Adjutant and it will take at least 3 months to train a replacement so need to identify the replacement asap.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be February 6th at 19:30 hours. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Ron Hitch
Temporary Quartermaster/Adjutant
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted Dec.5, 2023 with 9 members present. Opening ceremonies conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 6 officers present and 2 absent.
The November meeting minutes were approved with revision to Post versus Auxiliary in regards to past VOD winner awards.
A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Pusel to accept the November financial report. Motion carried.
Membership report: Nov. 30 membership stands at 347 with goal of 394 for 88.01%
Service officer report: 1. Veteran cemetery work by Samson Construction has started. 2. Hall County Service office is having another staff retirement and bringing back a retired employee as part time.
Board report: Meeting minutes on file in Manager’s office.
VOD/Patriot Pen: The 3 Post VOD winners applications have been submitted to District and award letters mailed to winners and teacher.
Recognition of National Home conducted.
Unfinished business: 18 VFW Department raffle calendars sold for $360
Communications: Received letter from Central Community College and Hope Harbor in regard to Holiday contribution, no action taken.
New business: 1. Motion by Comrade Hitch and seconded by Comrade Catron to make a $100 memorial contribution for VFW member Richard Simpson funeral, motion carried. Simpson funeral to be held at the United Veterans Club Wednesday, Dec. 13th at 10:30 a.m. 2. Comrade Pusel presented over 250 Christmas cards to veterans from the Westridge Middle School students. Distribution will be made like last year, including Central Nebraska Veterans home, the VA center, veterans in Grand Island retirement facilities and other known veterans.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be January 2 at 19:30 hours. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Ron Hitch
Temporary Quartermaster/Adjutant
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted Nov. 7, 2023 with 9 members present that included Jerry Heydenberk, life member transfer from Papillion and Angie Araya, life member who joined at the VFW Women’s session in Kearney. Opening ceremony conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
Roll Call: 5 officers present and 3 absent.
The October meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Callihand and seconded by Comrade Ponte to accept the October financial report. Motion carried.
Service officer report: 1. The dedication for the Veterans Cemetery will be on Friday, Nov. 10th 11:00 a.m. at the cemetery with lunch at the UVC provided by Dan Naranjo.
Board report: Meeting minutes on file in Manager’s office.
VOD/Patriot Pen: St. Paul 10th grade Social Studies instructor submitted 36 VOD essays to the Post. LaVonne Catron assisted in review of the essays with the Adjutant. For every 15 essays we are eligible to identify a winner so with 36 we selected 3 Post winners to be forwarded to District 11 competition. In the past the VFW Auxiliary awarded $100 to the Post’s VOD winners. Comrade Ponte made a motion to provide each winner with a $100 award for a total of $300, seconded by Comrade Heydenberk, after lengthy discussion motion carried.
Recognition of National Home conducted.
Unfinished business: 1. The American Legion Post 53 also approved payment for one-half the meat menu for the UVC Honor Guard. The equal one-half shares are $332.60. Comrade Halverson made a motion for the VFW Post to pay their share amount, seconded by Comrade Hitch, motion carried.
Communications: Received letter from Salvation Army requesting a Christmas gift contribution. In 2022 the Post contributed $200. Comrade Ponte made a motion to provide a $200 contribution for 2023, seconded by Comrade Callihan, motion carried.
New business: None
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be December 5th at 7:30 p.m. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Ron Hitch
Temporary Quartermaster/Adjutant
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted Oct. 2, 2023 with 5 members present and 1 guest. Opening ceremony conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
Introduction of District 11 Commander, Larry Proskocil, as guest at the meeting. Inspection of Post 1347 was completed prior to the meeting.
Roll Call: 5 officers present with 1 excused and 2 absent.
The September meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Ponte and seconded by Comrade McAhren to accept the September financial report. Motion carried.
Service officer report: 1. The dedication for the Veterans Cemetery will be on Friday, Nov. 10th either 9:00 or 11:00 a.m. at the cemetery. If inclement weather the dedication will be at UVC. 2. The Cemetery bid accepted was $11.1 million with approximately an additional $1 million for the 7 addendums.
Hospital report: There is a VAVS qtrly meeting Wednesday Oct. 4th.
Board report: 1. Annual open Board meeting was held Sept. 20th. New Board member Brian Rapp replaced Jim Brettmann as the Legion representative. Dan Halverson remains as the VFW representative.
Unfinished business: 1. District 11 held the gun raffle drawing Sept. 17th at the fall meeting. Post 1347 sold 310 tickets for $1255 in sales. At the District 11 meeting a motion was made and approved to return 25% of each Post’s sales to the respective posts. 2. One CD was extended for 10 mos at 5.3% with 5 Points Bank. The Bank matched the higher interest rate advertised in GI.
Communications: Received letter from GIPS Foundation with guidelines for the VFW scholarship and request to review and respond by Oct. 15th. The VFW fund balance is $19,403. Comrade Hitch made a motion seconded by Comrade Ponte to approve authorizing a $1000 VFW scholarship for 2024 with the GIPS Foundation. Motion carried. The eligibility guidelines for the scholarship were reviewed and no changes were made.
New business: 1. Comrade Callihan made a motion seconded by Comrade Halverson to approve $20 for a new MIA/POW memorial wreath. Motion carried. 2. After discussion, Comrade Hitch made a motion seconded by Comrade McAhren to pay for ½ of the meat menu for the Honor Guard’s annual Christmas dinner if the American Legion will also pay ½. Motion carried.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be November 7th at 7:30 p.m. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Ron Hitch
Temporary Quartermaster/Adjutant
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted Sept 5, 2023 with 9 members present. Opening ceremony conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
First order of business was reading of resignation letter from Alan Bosselman as the Quartermaster/Adjutant effective Sept. 5, 2023. Commander Halverson then appointed Ron Hitch as the Temporary QM/Adj. effective this meeting
Roll Call: 6 officers present with 2 absent.
The August meeting minutes were approved as read.
A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Callihan to accept the August financial report. Motion carried.
Service officer report: 1. Sept. 15th will be contract bid opening for the veterans cemetery at the UVC. 2. The dedication for the Veterans Cemetery may not be held on Veterans Day this year but may be moved to Friday, Nov. 10th. No firm decision from Veteran Affairs Department yet.
Hospital report: Less COVID cases so visitors may visit VA Med Ctr. 3rd floor members.
Board report: 1. Freedom Rock dedication will be on Nov. 11th, morning of the Veterans Day breakfast. 2. New park flags have been purchased. 3. Annual open Board meeting will be Sept. 20th at 7:00 pm. Board member Brettman is going off the Board and Brian Rapp will be new Board member. 4. A cook has now been hired and UVC will be serving daily lunches on Tuesday thru Friday starting this month.
VOD/Patriots Pen: Auxiliary has indicated that they are no longer providing these programs in the schools so it is up to the Post to participate. There have been no volunteers from the Post.
Unfinished business: District 11 gun raffle ticket sales by the Post now stands at 299 tickets sold from the 500 ticket allotment with sales of $1,215. Tickets may still be purchased prior to the Distict 11 meeting on Sept. 17th when the drawing is held.
Gen Mail communications this month has the District 11 meeting on Sept. 17th at Taylor, NE starting at 2:00 pm. Sept. deadlines for 990 forms, QM Bond and delegate dues are Sept. 30th and all Post inspections are to be completed by Oct. 31.
New business: 1. CD matures Sept. 9th, motion by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Ponte authorizing QM to extend CD with 5 Points Bank at 5% for 10 months. 2. The present 50 year property lease with Hall County for the property west of the UVC expires in 2025 with an option for a 1 year advance notice which the UVC Board will initiate.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be October 3rd at 7:30 p.m. All VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Ron Hitch
Temporary Quartermaster/Adjutant
Minutes for AUGUST 1 2023 VFW Post 1347 meeting.
Meeting was called to order by commander Danny Halverson . 6 officers present 2 absent.
June / July minutes and financials were read and approved.
A motion was made to roll over the existing CD maturing on Aug 6th 2023 into a new one at 5% for the next 10 months, The motion was seconded and passed.
Discussion on the State Fair volunteers to promote the VFW followed at present no volunteers.
With no further motions pending the meeting was adjourned by
Commander Halverson.
Quartermaster / adjutant
Alan Bosselman
July VFW Post 1347 meeting was cancelled at June meeting.
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on May 2 2023 with 8 members present. Roll call 6 officers present and 2 officers absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplin duties handled by Ron Calihan
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of March 2023. A motion was made by and seconded accept the April minutes and financial report. Motion carried.
MEMBERESHIP membership goal for 2023 is 375 and we are presently at 377. Service officer report;
The UVC Board report is attached.
Old Business: 1. Gun raffle tickets dispersed to all present that wanted some. Communications: 1 communication were discussed no action taken .
New Business: 1. Richard Catron made a motion to donate 100.00 to Ben Folkers to attend WW2 veterans and D Day survivors, the motion was seconded and passed.
Ron Hitch made a motion to replace a flag for David Morrison family the motion was seconded and
passed. ‘,1 3ZJ
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned the next meeting will be on June 6, 2023 at 19:30 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
/ • a
Quartermaster /adjutant., Alan Bosselman
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on April 4 2023 with 9 members present. Roll call 6 officers present and 2 officers absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplin duties handled by Mike Ponte.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of March 2023. A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Schleicher accept the March minutes and financial report. Motion carried.
MEMBERESHIP membership goal for 2023 is 375 and we are presently at 375.
Service officer report; 1. Regarding LB 80 The Nebraska governor will approve the 8 million requested when it reaches his office from the appropriations committee.
The UVC Board report is attached.
Old Business: 1. ROTC certificate and medal has been received and presented to the ROTC commander.
2 Larry Gerlt requested two man team to help with membership in Grand Island was discussed with no action. 2 Jeff Barr of the Grand Island daily independent requested that a veteran be interviewed by the independent for a flag etiquette article.
Communications: 1 two communications were discussed no action taken .
New Business: 1. Nominations were opened for the new 2023-2024 post officers; post commander Danny Halverson, senior vice commander Roger Schleicher, junior vice commander Richard Catron, quartermaster Alan Bosselman, three-year trustee Mike Ponte, Chaplin Ron Callahan. Nomination for the united veterans club board Danny Halverson.
GOOD of the ORDER no new nominations for officers were made. Comrade Catron made a motion to elect all nominated officers, seconded and passed. See attached post election report.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned the next meeting will be on May 2 2023 at 19:30 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Quartermaster /adjutant., Alan Bosselman
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on March 7 2023 with 8 members present. Roll call 5 officers present and 3 officers absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Sr Vice Commander Schleicher and Chaplin Callihan.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of Feb 2023. A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Pusel to accept the February minutes and financial report. Motion carried.
MEMBERESHIP membership goal for 2023 is 375 and we are presently at 369. The department of Nebraska is currently offering a $50 off a new life membership for any new, reinstated, or unpaid members.
Service officer report; 1. Regarding LB 80 The Nebraska governor will approve the 8 million requested if it reaches his office.
Hospital report: Update on VA meals plus we received a thank you from the VA for the $50 donation to the veterans patient week.
The UVC Board report is attached.
Old Business: 1. The district 11 meeting announced there will be a gun raffle, we will get 500 tickets to disperse at the Grand Island level. The drawing will be in September at the district meeting. 5.00 / ticket or 5 tickets for 20.00.
Communications: 1. We received a flyer from VA regarding the veterans creative arts competition to be held at the State Fair 2023. 2 The annual VFW golf tournament will be held June 2nd at Willow lakes Golf Club in Bellevue NE. 3 the VFW state department is going to have a membership drive April 27th through the 29th in the Kearney ,Hastings and Grand Island areas they are requesting A2 man team to work with them. 4 we received a solicitation letter from Husker Fans salute the troops donations for their October 7and 8th event in Lincoln. 5 We received a letter from Westside junior bowling program requesting a scholar donation, a motion was By Mike Ponte and seconded by Ron Callahan to donate $100. Motion carried. 6 Grand Island public schools ROTC commander requested via e-mail if the VFW Post would support a certificate and award for presentation to a selected cadet? A motion was made by Rich Catron and seconded by Alan bosselman to provide the same support as last year for the ROTC program. This consists of a certificate and a medal award. Motion past.
New Business: 1. Nominations were opened for the new 2023-2024 post officers; post commander Danny Halverson, senior vice commander Roger Schleicher, junior vice commander Richard Catron, quartermaster Alan Bosselman, three-year trustee Mike Ponte, Chaplin Ron Callahan. Nomination for the united veterans club board Danny Halverson.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting was adjourned the next meeting will be on April 4 2023 at 19:30 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
temporary quartermaster /adjutant., Ron Hitch
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on Feb. 7, 2023 with 9 members present. Roll call 6 officers present and 2 officers absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Comrade Ponte.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of December 2022 & January 2023. A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Pusel to accept the December minutes and financial report. Motion carried. A motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Ponte to accept the January minutes and financial report. Motion carried.
Service officer report; 1. Legislative hearing on funding for Veterans Cemetery is to be held February 28, 2023 at 1:30 pm in Lincoln. A request has been made to the Honor Guard for use of van to transport any volunteers to attend the hearing.
Hospital report: The VA National Salute to Veterans Patients at VA facilities is Feb. 12 -18th. Local VA is having Hy-Vee cater a meal to all veteran patients and has asked for support for the meal. Comrade Hitch made a motion to donate $50 to Volunteer Services and seconded by Comrade Ponte. Motion carried.
The UVC Board report is attached.
Old Business: 1. Motion by Comrade Catron, seconded by Comrade Ponte to purchase a computer for the Post business. After discussion vote held and motion failed. 2. Next District 11 meeting to be held March 16, 2023 to address gun raffle project. 3. Adjutant/Quartermaster position responsibilities going forward with resignation of Comrade Hitch. Commander Halverson asked Comrade Bosselman if he would accept appointment to the position. Comrade Bosselman responded yes and Commander appointed him to Adj/QM position effective April 1, 2023.
New Business: 1. Comrade Hitch made a motion for the Post to purchase VFW caps for all elected officers if they do not already have a cap. Seconded by Comrade Bosselman. Motion carried.
2. Discussion on VFW Post sponsoring a race at Fonner Park on February 26 for Military Day at the races.
Motion by Comrade Ponte to contribute $150 for a blanket sponsorship at Fonner Park and seconded by Comrade Hitch. Motion Passed.
Communications: 1. Letter request rec’d from GICC Post Prom Committee for contribution. Motion by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Halverson to approve same $100 contribution as last year.
Motion carried.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be on March 7, 2023 at 19:30 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Temporary Quartermaster/Adj., Ron Hitch
Jan. 3, 2023 meeting cancelled because of weather!
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on Dec. 6, 2022 with 8 members present. Roll call 7 officers present and 1 officer absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of November and a motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Ponte to accept. Motion carried.
Service officer report; 1. Comrade Larry McAhren was approved as a member of the Hall County Veterans Service Committee.
Membership: 1. Both National and NE Department no longer has funding for the $50 life member incentive. 2. Post membership stands at 351 which is 93.6% of adjusted goal at 375 for the year .
The UVC Board report is attached plus 50 new flags have been rec’d for Memorial Park.
VOD/Patriot’s Pen programs: Post Patriot Pen winner submitted to District.
Old Business: 1. General discussion regarding Post CD’s with maturity dates of Dec. 30, 2022 and Feb. 9, 2023.
New Business: 1. Outside tree lighting is scheduled for 6:00 pm Dec. 7th. 2. Comrade Catron made a motion that the Post purchase a new laptop computer for use by the QM/Adj position, seconded by Comrade Ponte. After lengthy discussion and direction for the QM/Adj to research package options with pricing to report to Post. Motion carried 7 yeas 1 nay.
Communications: 1. Received request from Salvation Army for Christmas donation. Motion by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Ponte to make same contribution of $200 as last year. Motion unanimously passed.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be on January 3, 2023 at 19:30 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Temporary Quartermaster/Adj., Ron Hitch
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on Nov 1, 2022 with 8 members present. Roll call 6 officers present and 2 officers absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of October and a motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Ponte to accept. Motion carried.
Service officer report; 1. No Nov./Dec. Hero Flight burger nights. 2. Personal changes forthcoming at County Service Office with a pending retirement. 3. Comrade Larry McAhren has been nominated to replace Bob Real as a member of the Hall County Veterans Service Committee.
Membership: Rec’d another Life member transfer from Hastings VFW Post. Two new Life members rec’d this month with new Department incentive of $50 off life membership if process through the Department Membership Committee chairman.
The UVC Board report is attached.
VOD/Patriot’s Pen programs: No VOD applicants. Patriots Pen applicants judged, and Post winner is Bella Brandt, Barr Middle School with an award of $20.
Old Business: 1. Rec’d thank you from Alexis Julesgard, 2022 VFW scholarship recipient through GIPS Foundation. During discussion motion by Comrade Hitch seconded by Comrade Ponte to increase 2023 scholarship amount to $1000, to be reviewed annually with fund balance identified by GIPS Foundation.
New Business: 1. Comrade Catron made a motion to provide $150 for the Wealth Across America that is sponsored in part by our VFW Auxiliary. Seconded by Comrade Ponte and motion passed.
Communications: UVC rec’d a $250 donation from Patrick Sayre and Board will share $40 with each of the 6 organizations and $10 to the flag fund. It was suggested that a Thank You card from the VFW be sent to Mr. Sayre.
Good of the order: A resignation letter to Commander Halverson from Ron Hitch, Temporary QM/Adj was read. Notice was to resign effective Dec. 31, 2022 but realizing the difficulty with finding a replacement in 2 months he would be willing to stay involved with training whomever would assume the QM/Adj position through the first quarter of 2023 but no later than April 1, 2023.
NOTICE: Any VFW member that would be willing to assume the QM/Adj responsibilities please contact Commander Halverson immediately!
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be on December 6, 2022 at 19:30 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Temporary Quartermaster/Adj., Ron Hitch
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on Sept.6, 2022 with 9 members present and 2 guests. Roll call 7 officers present and 1 officer absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
Introduction of guests; Ken Yount, NE VFW Dept. Jr. Vice and Larry Proskocil, Ord Post 7029 Commander, and present District 11 Sr. Vice.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of August and a motion was made by Comrade Catron and seconded by Comrade Ponte to accept with revision of dates for the financial report. Motion carried. QM discussed receipts/disbursement monthly report form and will be able to include monthly CD accounts as requested at August meeting.
Service officer reported that Hall County Hero Flight committee agreed to have burger nights in September and October 2022.
Hospital report: still Red flag status at VA CBOC.
The UVC Board report is attached.
VOD/Patriot’s Pen programs: reiterated that this will be our Auxiliary’s last year of implementation for the program.
Old Business: 1. Post inspection will be held tonight. 2. District 11 Sept. 18 meeting in Valentine will be attended by Post Commander and QM. 3. Certifications and checks announced at June Dept. convention for Honor Guard and membership presented to Post by Sr. Vice Yount. 4. Hastings Post 1346 updated status by Sr. Vice Yount.
New Business: 1. Dept. Commander Baker letter for membership incentive with dollars for the Posts.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be on October 4, 2022 at 19:30 hours.
Respectably submitted,
Temporary Quartermaster/Adj., Ron Hitch
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on Aug 2, 2022 with 9 members present. Roll call 6 officers present and 2 officers absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplain Callihan.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of June and a motion was made to accept, and it carried. QM discussed receipts/disbursement monthly reports and online document accessibility versus present spreadsheet report. Request was made to continue reporting monthly CD accounts for total assets on the report.
No Service officer report.
Hospital report: present CLC count 25 veterans and 10 veterans on 4th floor at VA CBOC.
The UVC Board report is attached.
VOD/Patriot’s Pen programs: Schools have been contacted and posters provided.
QM attended today’s Auxiliary meeting, and this will be the last year the Auxiliary will conduct these programs with the schools. Auxiliary will turn over the program implementation to the VFW Post.
Old Business: Update on NE Department’s July 9th Officer Training session. District Commander inspection now rescheduled for the Sept. 6, 2022 meeting.
New Business:
-Commander Halverson made a motion, seconded by Chaplain Callihan to approve $500 to Flag fund.
Motion carried.
-Comrade Catron made a motion, seconded by Comrade Hitch to provide the $100 award for first
place in Color Guard division presented at VFW State Convention for Post 1347 to the UVC
Honor Guard whose members include VFW, American Legion and SAL members.
Motion carried.
-Comrade Catron made a motion, seconded by Comrade Pieper to approve $1000 donation to
signs for the UVC. Motion carried.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be on September 6 at 19:30 hours.
Respectably submitted,
Temporary Quartermaster, Ron Hitch
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on July 5, 2022 with 9 members present. There were all 8 officers present. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplin Callihan.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month of April and a motion was made to accept, and it carried. Follow-up discussion was then held on the Relief Fund research including Section 704 of the Charter Bylaws and Manual of Procedure. There is no set amount required or restrictions to create a separate account only restriction is that Poppy funds are required to be funded and deposited into the Relief Fund.
The Service officer reported that the Hall County Veteran Service Office budget has been submitted to Hall County Commissioners for approval. Joanie’s vacant position has been filled. The July Hero Flight burger night has been cancelled but will resume in August.
The UVC Board report is attached.
New Business: VFW Nebraska Department is conducting Officer training in Grand Island July 9, 2022, the Commander and Quartermaster will be attending. The District 11 Commander will be conducting an inspection at the August Post meeting.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be on August 2 at 19:30 hours
Respectably submitted,
Temporary Quartermaster, Ron Hitch
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on June 7, 2022 with 12 members present. Two new members, Kaiser Levi & Devin Ende were welcomed. There were 5 officers present with 2 absent and 1 vacant with Quartermaster resignation in May. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Sr. Vice Commander Schleicher and Chaplin Callihan.
The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month March and a motion was made to accept, and it carried. After discussion a motion was made by Ponte to have the Quartermaster check into requirements for the Relief Fund as to be held as a separate account or included in the checking account. Motion passed.
The Service officer reported that Hall County budget review is complete and will be submitted to County Commissioners for approval. In the last fiscal year Hall County Service office expended $4500 assisting Hall County veterans.
The board reported; 2 furnaces about the United Room have been replace, 4 concrete pads have been poured in Memorial Park for additional benches, Legion Riders will be placing sign on Capital & Broadwell to watch out for motorcycles, lighted Legion/VFW sign on UVC building will have lights exchanged with LED’s, the Fire Department will place a KNOX box at the UVC to hold a key for the building, there was a positive income of $3,020.20 for month of April.
Trustee Ron Hitch submitted his resignation as a trustee for the Post. Sr. Vice Roger Schleicher then appointed Dave Pieper as a Trustee to replace Ron Hitch’s term as a trustee.
Nominations were then opened for the Quartermaster Officer position. With only a nomination for Ron Hitch, Comrade Hitch accepted nomination as a temporary assignment until the Post selects a permanent Quartermaster. Dennis Niemann made a motion for a white ballot for all elected Officers including UVC Board members. Motion seconded and approved.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be July 5 at 7:30 pm.
Respectably submitted,
Sr. Vice Commander, Roger Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on April 5th, 2022. There were 8 officers present with 2 absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplin Callihan. The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month March and a motion was made to accept, and it carried.
The Service officer reported that all is running well, and they are staying busy helping veterans.
The board report was given was given with a brief financial report. There was a substantial loss this month due to April having 3 pay periods. There will be a car show in the west parking lot from 8am-1pm on June 11th. There will be 2 concrete benches added, one in Memorial Park in remembrance of the Vietnam Traveling wall in 2019 and one on the south entrance of the club to remember Don Kemerling.
The two furnaces above the united room will be replaced. The land to the west has not been added to the lease yet. A correction to last months meeting the land to the west was transferred from the state to the county. It was reported incorrectly last month as going to the city.
Youth report was given in reference to the ROTC/VFW acknowledgment award. The award was presented by Jim Brettman to Cadet Kendra Sallinger at the ROTC annual military ball.
Commander Halverson received a letter of resignation from Quartermaster Schleicher. Schleicher will be relocating with his job to Lubbock, Texas. There was some discussion on what the duties of Quartermaster/Adjutant involves. All interested people should contact Commander Halverson .
For The Good of the Order
Ron Hitch reported that Billy Wright you just recently became a life member with VFW, will be present on Memorial Day for the raising of the flag.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be June 11th at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on April 4th, 2022. There were 7 officers present with 3 absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplin Callihan. The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month March and a motion was made to accept, and it carried.
The Service officer reported that all is running well, and they are staying busy helping veterans.
The board report was given was given with a brief financial report. There was a substantial loss this month due to a large liquor purchase. As well as a lot of supplies going up as well.
Youth report was given in reference to the ROTC/VFW acknowledgment award. The ROTC Commander will let us know if they will have guest presenters this year. The presentation and Military Ball will be April 30th at 6-9pm.
Officer election was conducted and voted on the officers will remain the same as the previous year. This is largely due to the lack of member participation. Again, in order to maintain the post, we need your input and attendance. We have had a few “younger” veterans attend couple meeting and we appreciate them attending.
A small briefing about the state convention was given and again we would like to see representation at the convention. It will be in Kearney on June 11-12th.
Commander Halverson read a letter receive from Commander Fritz recognizing the recruitment efforts of comrade Schleicher. Also recognizing Post 1347 for reaching over 100% membership.
For The Good of the Order
Rich Catron gave an update on the land to the west. After a 20 year battle the land has been acquired by the city and will be added the land to our current agreement. We want to express our gratitude Rich Catron and to all those involved in making this happen.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be May 3rd at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on March 1st, 2022. There were 9 officers present with 2 absent. Opening ceremonies were conducted by Commander Halverson and Chaplin Callihan. The minutes and the financial reports were given for the month February and a motion was made to accept, and it carried. The Service officer reported that all is running well, and Don attended a meeting in reference to the land acquisition west of the United Veterans Club.
The board report was given was given with a brief financial report.
Ron Hitch discussed that he was approached by the DMV to be a volunteer driver and has now begun driving for them, he stated that they are still looking for additional volunteers. Ron also stated that he has not received anything in reference to being the VFW representative for the volunteer services at the VA.
Youth report was given in reference to the ROTC/VFW acknowledgment award. The ROTC Commander has named Cadet Sallinger as the award recipient. The certificate and award are here and will be delivered to Commander Hein this week.
Rich Catron gave a brief update on the land acquisition for the land to the west of the club. Richard attended the county board meeting and he reported everything went well.
A motion was made to donate $100 to the Westside Bowling Junior Bowling program. A motion was made, and this carried.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be April 5th at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on Feb 1st, 2022. There were 9 officers present with 2 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for January; a motion was made to accept, and it carried. The Service officer reported that all is running well.
The board report was given was given with a brief financial report.
Ron Hitch discussed that he was approached by the DMV to be a volunteer driver at the VA in December. They stated they require a physical for the VA and he couldn’t get that done until April, so he has declined the request.
Youth report was given in reference to the ROTC/VFW acknowledgment award. The ROTC commander has selected the cadet to receive the award and given the Quartermaster the cadets name so that the certificate and medal can be ordered.
Rich Catron gave a brief update on the land acquisition for the land to the west of the club.
A motion was made to donate $100 to Grand Island Central Catholic’s post prom this carried.
Post 1347 would like to extend our condolences to the family of Don Kemerling .
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be February 1st at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on January 4th, 2021. There were 9 officers present with 2 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for December; a motion was made to accept with a typo change to the financial statement and it carried. The Service officer reported the Don Shuda had been away from the office due to a medical reason. In his absence the office still ran smoothly, and he has since return to duty.
The board report a brief financial statement that showed a profit for the month of December was given. The Trailer that was sent to Mayfield, Ky was refused by American Legion Post 26 due that some items in the trailer were used. A local church in Mayfield accepted the items.
Ron Hitch discussed that the concrete work for the honor guard van is complete and working great. Instead of 6 organizations splitting the cost there is 7. Ron Callihan expressed that the Honor Guard wants to thank all involved in getting this much needed work done.
There was a discussion made about the mid-winter conference and if anyone is interested, they would need to register to go. Jack Pusel reported that the Christmas cards that were made by Westridge students were distributed, and he has heard a lot of positive feedback. In fact, the school has already received donated cards for next year. Ron Hitch and Mike Ponte were both thanked for distributing the cards to multiple places.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be February 1st at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted on December 7th, 2021. There were 8 officers present with 3 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for October; a motion was made to accept with a typo change to the minutes and it carried. The Service officer reported the Don Shuda has been busy with a multitude of things. The event at Babel’s barn was a great success. Ron Hitch still has not gotten a response back about being a representative for volunteer service for both the VFW and SAL.
Scott Schleicher did reach out to the boy scouts to gain involvement from the VFW to become more known in our community. The group being formed to discuss and raise funds for a memorial for the wars and conflicts post-Vietnam era will meet again this month and will have an official name and goal to what they are trying to get built. The fund already started has $1956.58. A youth report was given in relationship with the ROTC group at Senior high.
The board report a brief financial statement that showed a profit for the month of October. It was also voted on by the UVC Board that all walls in the building belong to the UVC. The alarm system is dated and will be getting looked at for possible upgrades or replacement.
Ron Hitch made a discussion on a guidebook on racism. This appears to be very controversial by many people. The salvation Army stated that the guidebook is being pulled this book for further review.
The placing of wreaths for Wreaths Across America will be done at 11:00 AM on the 12/18. A reminder was made that if you want to donate to the VFW Scholarship, they can contact the GIPS foundation or Contact Scott Schleicher. A motion was made to donate $200 to the Crisis Center for Christmas. This was seconded and carried. The Honor Guard needs to have some concrete work done for the area where they store the van. A motion was made to help support the costs for this and it was carried.
A review of the membership information was given by the Quartermaster we are at 96.46% membership. Jack P. gave a veterans day presentation to Westridge middle school and was the 1st time they had anything for Veterans’ Day. I went very well, in fact since then the school created over 200 Christmas cards to give to veterans in the area. Ron H. and Mike P. will assure they are distributed to the Vet’s home and hospital.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be January 3rd at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted November 2nd, 2021. There were 8 officers present with 3 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for October; a motion was made to accept with a typo change to the minutes and it carried. The Service officer reported the Don Shuda has been busy with veterans and the hero flight /cemetery group will have a fund raiser ball at Babel’s barn Nov. 11th. Ron Hitch still has not gotten a response back about being a representative for volunteer service for both the VFW and SAL.
Scott Schleicher would like to reach out to the boy scouts to gain involvement from the VFW to become more known in our community. There is a group being formed to discuss and raise funds for a memorial for the more recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that will be at the County board on Nov 9th to discuss their intent to build a memorial for Desert Storm and to get the permissions to do so.
VOD and Patriot pen reported that we had no entries from Voice of Democracy but had 15 Patriot pen entries. A winner has been selected and forwarded to the district level; her name was Kaylssa Swartz. There are some footings that need to be poured for the new building volunteers will be needed to help move it. The baseball fields have again been leased by the GI baseball organization; Pickle cards supplies are depleted due to the lack of supply. The board will be getting rid of all the wheelchairs that are stored here if you have a need for one, please let someone from the board know. The club is still looking for a maintenance man anyone that is interested must fill out a application with Mindy. There is now 67 bricks engraved on the Memorial walk.
A discussion was made in reference to becoming more active in the community as an organization. We would welcome all suggestions where there is a need. We also should be nominating an EMT, firefighter and Police officer for the recognition awards that the VFW offers.
A motion was made to donate $200 to the Salvation Army for Christmas. This was seconded and carried. Another motion was made to Donate $100 to the Toys for Tots Program. This was also carried.
A discussion was brought to the UVC Board representatives that someone has removed a VFW plaque off the North wall and replaced with other organizations items. This wall has been designated to be the VFW’s space and the west wall to the Legion. Overall, we would like to see the board reverse this action asap.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be December 7th at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted October 5th 2021. There were 9 officers present with 2 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for September; a motion was made to accept and it carried. The Service officer reported the Don Shuda has been busy with veterans. A brief report on the cemetery project revealed that no funding was approved for any veteran’s cemetery project. Although it still remains first on the list with National VA. The Hero Flight / Cemetery will continue to fund raise as this will be reviewed again in the future. Ron Hitch still has not gotten a response back about being a representative for volunteer service for both the VFW and The American Legion. The board report was given the new flags are totally paid for. The UVC showed a positive income for the month of September and lastly the maintenance position will be advertised again. Glenn P. will take over as treasure replacing Ron H. A discussion was brought forward to the board rep about expanding handicapped accessibility and sidewalk issues. There is a group being formed to discuss and raise funds for a memorial for the more recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Scott S. volunteered to join the group. On Nov. 7th flags will go up and come down on Nov. 14th. VOD and Patriot pen reported the information has been sent to the schools with posters.
Jack Wilson’s case will be on Oct. 6th in District Court.
Commanders inspect for district is completed. We need to have any vol. hours turned into state and national.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be November 2nd at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted Sept 7th 2021. There were 8 officers present with 2 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for August, both were approved. The Service officer reported the Shuda is busy with veterans and the budget is up for approval. Hitch made a brief report about the changes with the volunteer services committee. He is going to see if he is able to be a representative for both the Legion as well as the VFW . The board report was given that Hamburger night will start in September on Tuesday nights. There is a problem with the new building requiring footings underneath it. Andrea Garcia will be giving a presentation on benefits on Oct. 12th legion meeting all VFW members are invited. The UVC Board is discussing replacing all the security camera in the club due to age. A brief financial report was given. VOD and Patriot pen reported the information has been sent to the schools.
Jack Wilson’s case was dismissed in county court, but may get refiled in District Court.
A letter from Jack Pusel explained he would be absent from the meeting due to being in Washington D,C. He has donated several hours helping with the memorial and gave a website of to visit.
A motion was made to donate $250 to the veteran’s breakfast. Vote was made and carried.
The Veteran’s home in Kearney reported they have had to shut down some more rooms due to a lack of staff and are looking for volunteers.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be October 5th at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted August 5th, 2021. There were 8 officers present with 3 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for June, both were approved. The Service officer report included a report on Shuda’s budget proposal that is in front of the county board as well as the office is still busy with the cemetery project. All donations over $1000.00 that are made thru the Hero Flight/Cemetery committee will be recognized on a plaque in the building that will be built on site. The board report was given with no financial statement given. A discussion was made on why the club is not opened back up to Pre-Covid hours. Mike P. stated that the board made a decision to keep the hours the way that they are. A question also was made on why there was no financial statement again this month. It was stated that due to the check presentation, the board did not meet although it will be ready on Aug 11th for the month of July. The striping of the parking lot is complete, but now there is a part of the parking lot that is collapsing due to a possible old septic tank location. The board is to get a couple quotes for repair.
A motion was made by Schleicher and seconded by Catron to give the $50 received from state for the poppy display to the VFW Auxiliary. A brief discussion on membership numbers was given by the quartermaster. Also the Nebraska Department commander Jerry Chlopek is scheduled to be here on Sunday August 15th for a brief discussion on current programs being offered as well as to hear from local membership about what they are experiencing in their area.
With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be September 7th at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted June 1st, 2021. There were 9 officers present with 2 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for May and both approved. The Service officer reported that Don Shuda was the officiant of the Memorial Day Service. He has still been working on his budget and working on the cemetery project. Hospital report was given noting that the VA is still not allowing visitors or volunteers on the third floor. The board reported they have purchased the new water wheel and are planning on replacing all four sinks in the Liberty Room. Poppies sales at the memorial Service was $389. There will be a hamburger night for a fund raiser for the cemetery project. Rich Catron is the new VFW representative on the UVC board. The UVC again will be used as a polling place in 2022. Richard C gave an updated on working with Senator Aguilar on acquiring the land to the south.
There was a discussion on why the hours of the club have not yet return to Pre-Covid hours. There were also issues brought forward about the dress code of the employees. The board representatives will carry these concerns forward to the UVC board at the next meeting. We received a donation from Michael Johnson on behalf of Michael Augustine, and a thankyou letter from the Auxiliary for supporting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier marker.
The next meeting will be July 6th t at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted May 4th, 2021. There were 9 officers present with 2 absent. The minutes and the financial reports were given for April and both approved. The Service officer reported that they are staying busy as usual with a meeting about cemetery on the 5th as well as a public meeting in memorial hall with the state VA director on May 11th 2-4pm. The Board report was given they are posting to the newsletter what the cost is for membership and that the dues do not go to the club. The VFW amount due for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial is $64.00. Breakfast will start doing a buffet on one Sunday every month starting with mother’s day. The flag’s will go up on May 28th at 5:00pm and they will come down on 6-2 at 5:00pm for Memorial Day. A financial report on the club was given. We recognized the national home. We finalized the 2021-2022 election procedures. They are as follows:
Commander: Danny Halverson Senior Vice Commander: Roger Schleicher
Junior Vice Commander: Richard Catron Quarter Master/Adjutant: Scott Schleicher
Chaplin: Ron Callihan 1 Year Trustee: Larry Mc Ahren
2 Year Trustee: Ron Hitch 3 Year Trustee: Mike Ponte
Service Officer: Mike Ponte Judge Advocate: Ron Hitch
Surgeon: George Olsen
Board members are: Mike Pointe 1Danny Halverson and Rich Catron
There was motion for a $60.00 for the purchase of a new large size flag for the park. A $100 donation to the National Home was made and carried. 2nd call for officers where conducted with no additions. With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be June 1st at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted March 2nd 2021. There were 11 officers present with 2 absent; there were 3 members present as well. The minutes and the financial reports were given for February and approved. The Service officer reported that they are busy serving veterans and that and Wayne Q and Shuda are meeting with the county board on 3/4/21 to show support for Jack Wilson, the veteran that is being evicted from the Regency. The Board report was given Hitch and Callihan are working on getting a shelter built on the NW side of the club. Also discussed they are checking into liability coverage on personal vehicles while perform club business, and lunch to be serve on Tuesday and Wednesday. There was discussion of why the Hero Flight is still advertising under that name when they are collecting for the Cemetery project. M. Ponte will discuss with Shuda. A motion for a $100 donation for the Women Veterans scholarship at CCC and a $100 donation to the Westside Bowling Junior Bowling program was made and carried. First call for officers where conducted. With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be March 2nd at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher, Quartermaster
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted February 2nd 2021. There were 7 officers present with 3 absent; there were 5 members present as well. The minutes and the financial reports were given for the January and approved. The Service officer reported that they are now working with a full staff in the office and are busy helping numerous veterans. The Board report was given with no financial report available but it was noted that the board accepted another round of PPP funding. Also discussed the city removed all the wreaths from the cemetery. There will be no steak feeds until after Apr. 20th and burger night will resume in September although breakfast will begin on February 6th. Our patriot pen essay author did not win. Ron H reported on the meeting with Barry Honer from CCC went well and is looking forward to further mutual support of both organizations. There were two nominations for Officers during the meeting one being Roger S. for Sr. Vice Cmdr. and the other Richard C. for Jr. Vice Cmdr. These were both accepted and approved. New business – Scott S made a motion to support the ROTC and sponsor a Certificate of Achievement with a medal this was 2nd and carried. With there being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted and the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be March 2nd at 7:30 p.m. all VFW members are encouraged to attend.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
The meeting of VFW Post 1347 was conducted January 5th 2021. There was 6 officers present with 3 absent, there was 5 members present as well. The minutes and the financial reports were given for the December and approved. The Service officer reported that they are still working on a modified in office schedule as well as continuing to work on the state cemetery project. The Board report was up next which gave a brief financial summary explaining a large profit this month due to the deposit of the PPP funds. Also discussed the flag pole account the has raised $25,575 of the $31,000 that was spent on the project. A letter of resignation from Cmdr. Peiper effective immediately a motion was made to accept and carried. With this resignation Sr. Vice Cmdr. Halverson will move to Commander effective immediately. New business – Scott S discussed the need for the post to be more involved in the community to gain more younger membership a suggestion of the ROTC program at GISH could be an opportunity to sponsor a Certificate of Achievement. Ron H discussed the CCC programs. Overall it was agreed that more members need to be involved in the meetings.
The next meeting will be February 2nd at 7:30 p.m.
Respectably submitted Scott Schleicher
VFW Post 1347
The December 1, 2020 Post meeting was held at 7:30 pm with 10 members in attendance. Members present included Jack Pusel, a VFW Life Member who will transfer to Post 1347.
The November 3, 2020 meeting minutes were read and approved.
No financial report was presented.
Resignation letter from Richard Simpson, Quartermaster/Adjutant effective Dec. 1, 2020 was read with a motion passed to accept the resignation.
Resignation letter from Dale Fillinger, Sr. Vice Commander effective immediately was read with a motion passed to accept the resignation.
Nominations were opened for the Quartermaster/Adjutant officer position with one nomination for Scott Schleicher. Since only one nomination, a voice/show of hands was taken and was unanimous in selecting Scott Schleicher as the Quartermaster/Adjutant for Post 1347.
Dan Halverson, Jr. Vice Commander, was asked to move into Sr. Vice Commander position and he agreed to assume title and duties of the Sr. Vice Commander. The vacant Jr. Vice Commander position will be addressed at the next Post meeting.
The Board report addressed; PPP, Hall County Keno funds received, Honor Guard Commander,
Club closed Dec. 24th & 25th, starting Dec. 8 no lunches or
weekend breakfasts will be served until after Jan. 1, 2021.
Committee reports: thank you received from VOD candidate; VFW calendar sales paid to
A meeting with Richard Simpson, resigned Quartermaster, the Post Commander and Post Quartermaster/Adjutant is scheduled for Dec. 2, 2020.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed and adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled at 7:30 pm on Jan. 5, 2021.
Respectively submitted,
David L. Pieper, Commander
VFW Post #1347
The October meeting was held on sixth. 11 members were in attendance.
The Minutes and Financial reports for September were approved.
The Board reported that Bingo is looking to open on October 11. The open Board Meeting was well attended. There will be a prayer ceremony in the Park on November 11. Maintenance painting is on-going in the Club rooms.
A letter with scholarship requirements was received for review for possible changes.
A motion was made and seconded to purchase 10 wreaths. This was approved.
The Auxiliary sponsored a successful car show at the Post at which they also sold poppies in support of our relief fund.
The District Commander was present to conduct the annual Post Inspection which we passed with flying colors.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed. The November meeting will be at 7:30 PM on the Third.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The September meeting was held on first. 10 members were in attendance.
The Minutes and Financial reports for August were approved.
Service Officer reported that some employees of the Veterans Office are working from home and some are on a part-time basis.
The Board reported that Bingo is looking for volunteers to get started. Looking at reopening the kitchen. The annual Open Board Meeting will be on September 16th. Maintainceman position still available.
Thank you letters received from Central Catholic for our support of their Post Prom Party and from the Grand Island Fire Department for supporting the children’s Fire Prevention Program.
Glenn Palensky and Vern Hill are recovering from surgeries.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed. The October meeting will be at 7:30 PM on the Sixth.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The August meeting was held on fourth. 10 members were able to attend.
An election was held for a UVC Board member. Dan Halverson and Scott Schleicher were nominated. Halverson was elected.
Service Officer reported that the legislative bill creating a Veterans Cemetery at the old Veterans Home passed the Senate. Now awaiting the Governor’s signature.
The Board reported that Bingo will start after the State Fair. They are looking for a maintenance man. The Afghan Veterans will be placing a memorial in the Park.
The September meeting will be at 7:30 PM. On the First.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
Welcome back. Club is open.
The July meeting was held on seventh. Nine members were able to attend.
All officers will carry over for another year. This was at the direction of VFW National.
This only applies to those offices named in the Constition and By-Laws.
Thank you notes were received from our VOD winner Devin Rathman, Whitney Brown Scholarship winner. Central Community College Women Veterans, and NW High school Post Prom Committee.
The Board reported that all 270 new flag poles are being used. Old poles are available to anyone wanting one.
The August meeting will be at 7:30 PM. On the 4th.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
As you all know there was no May meeting. There might be a June Meeting depending on the governor’s latest decree.
All officers will carry over until an election can be held. This was at the direction of VFW National.
If there is a June meeting it will be on the 2nd at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
There was no April meeting. It was cancelled due to the CoronaVirus. This was not just a local decision but was directed by VFW National.
Hopefully, there will be a May meeting at which time election of officers will be held.
As a reminder, nominations were held. Nominees are: Pieper Commander, Fillinger Sr Vice Commander, Halverson Jr. Vice Commander and Ponte, Callihan Chaplain, Hitch and Catron Judge Advocate, Olsen Surgeon, Simpson Quartermaster, Halverson Board member. Second call will be at the next meeting and elections held at that time.
The next meeting will be, hopefully on May 5 at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The March meeting was held on the third.. We had a total 10 members present.
The minutes were approved as read. The financial report was approved.
First call for nomination of officers was held. Pieper Commander, Fillinger Sr Vice Cmmander, Halverson Jr. Vice Commander and Ponte, Callihan Chaplain, Hitch and Catron Judge Advocate, Olsen Surgeon, Simpson Quartermaster, Halverson Board member. Second call and election will be at the April meeting.
The Board reported that they are looking into new roofing for the building. Also, seeking a full time maintenance man. A small cooking shed has been approved for the west side of the building. Grand Island High School will be holding a car show on April 18.
Attending members were generous in donating $100 to the Central Community College Womens Veterans .
A discussion was held concerning the lack of members attending meetings and functions of the Post. Had not the by-laws been amended a few years ago, there would not have been any Post meetings for at least the last three months. This lack of participation will soon have a determental effect on the Post and eventually the Club.
The next meeting will be on April 7 at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The February meeting was held on the fourth.. We had a total eight members present.
Nominations and elections were held for the positions of Senior Vice Commander and Junior Vice Commander. Mike Ponte and Dale Fillinger were nominated for Senior Vice Commander. Dale Fillinger was elected. Mike Ponte Richard Catron and Dan Halverson were nominated for Junior Vice Commander. Dan Halverson was elected. They assume their positions immediately.
The Board reported that the new computer has been installed. They are considering having Tuesday hamburger night year around. They had written a letter supporting the State Veterans Cemetery for Grand Island.
Service Officer reported that names of people not living here are asking that their names be added at Memorial Stadium. A motion was made and seconded that only Hall County Killed In Action names be on the plaque at Memorial Stadium. Motion adopted.
Attending members were generous in donating $100 to Grand Island High School and Central Catholic High School for their Post Prom Parties. Also, they decided to give $100 to the Westside bowling scholarship fund.
A letter was received from our Auxiliary requesting financial help for some of their programs. A motion and second was made to support them with up to $500 per year based on receipts of expenditures.
The Veterans Hospital will be holding an open house on February 25 from 2:00 to 6:00 PM.
The next meeting will be on March 3rd at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The January meeting was held on the seventh.. We had a total nine members present.
The Board reported that they have purchased a new computer system ands Platte Valley Communications will maintain it.
Service Officer reported that work is still being done on the State Cemetary project.
A letter of resignation was received from Robert Real as Commander. This resulted in Senior Vice Commander Mike Ponte immediately assuming the position. At this point. Mike Ponte resigned as Commander. David Pieper, Junior Vice Commander, elevated to Senior Vice Commander upon the elevation of Ponte to commander, assumed the position of Post Commander. This has resulted in there being two open positions. Elections for Senior Vice Commander and Junior Vice Commander will be held at the February meeting.
Quartermaster directed to renew upcoming CD.
Members voted to donate $100 to the Fire Department juvenile fire prevention program.
A message was received from Stacy Stalberg regarding a program at Memorial Stadium on February 14 at 2:00. This is to honor all Grand Island deceased veterans. It is part of the stadium update. Those interested should meet on the east side near the flag pole.
The next meeting will be on February 4th at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The December meeting was held on the third.. We had a total seven members present.
The Board reported that the northeast wall of the United Room will be the Sons wall. Fifty bricks have been sold.
We welcomed a new member ,Casey Cole..
The members voted to donate $150 to the Salvation Army, $100 to the National Home.
Quartermaster directed to renew upcoming CD.
Thank you cards were received from our Patriot Pen contestant and from the veterans breakfast committee.
The next meeting will be on January 7th at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The November meeting was held on the fifth.. We had a total 11 members present.
The Board reported that a new water heater has been installed. Volunteers are needed to help with the renovation of Memorial Hall. This will start after the first of the year.
The Service Officer reported that Don Shuda is working with the State to get the veterans cemetery designated as a State Veterans Cemetery.
The Post received a certificate from the Grand Island Fire Department for our assistance in their fire education program.
Post will donate $100 to the Northwest Post Prom Party, $200 for the veterans breakfast and $175 for flag pins for school children.
There was one contestant for the Voice of Democracy program and one for Patriot Pen.
The next meeting will be on December 3rd at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The October meeting was held on the first. We had a total of seven members present.
The Board reported that the By-Law changes have been adopted. Present officers have been reappointed. Chairman Ponte, V Chairman Lathen, Secretary Palensky, Treasurer Hill. A fund has been set up to purchase new flag poles and flags. The NFL games will be shown in the Club.
It was decided that a printer was not needed for the Quartermaster. The office has one and Bingo has one that can be used.
Post will donate $100 to the Veterans Bus Fund and also will pay its share of the Veterans Day breakfast.
The next meeting will be on November 5th at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The September meeting was held on the third. We had a total of 11 members present.
The Board reported that they received a $200 donation from the motorcade to be used for new flag poles in the Park. Also, they received $10,000 from the County for replacing the park flag poles. It was also reported that the motorcade received the best response at our Club than any on their route. A new impulse sprinkler system has been installed. The open Board meeting will be on the 11th at 7:00 PM at which time voting will take place on the By-Law amendments.
Voice of America and Patriot Pen program had a positive response from the school counselors.
As mentioned above, we had a great turnout for the motorcade
A discussion was held, at the request of the Quartermaster, regarding the need for the distribution of copies of the monthly financial report at each meeting. It was decided not to change at this time.
The next meeting will be on October 1st at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The August meeting was held on the sixth. We had a total of eight members present.
The Board reported that three of them attended the County Board meeting. If the County gets possession of the land west of the Club, the Club will lease it from them. Also, they are seeking someone to take Rich Boerson’s position keeping Bingo’s accounts.
Voice of America and Patriot Pen are on schedule.
The Army Motorcade is due to arrive the evening of the 27th.
Members voted to purchase 10 wreaths for Wreaths Across America.
The next meeting will be on September 3rd at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The July meeting was held on the second. We had a total of eight members present of these six were officers.
The Board reported that the flag poles are old and getting worn. Looking for ideas. There are now 45 engraved bricks on the Memorial Walk. The WIFI system has been replaced. The south wall of the lounge will be the Poppy Certificate Wall.
There will be a veterans benefits meeting on the 17th in the Liberty Room at 6:00 PM.
On the 20th of July Stuhr Museum will be holding a 100 anniversary of WWI.
The Auxiliary won $75.00 at the Department Convention for their Poppy Flag entry.
It would be nice to see more members attend the Post meetings.
The next meeting will be on August 6th at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The May meeting was held on the seventh. We had 9 members present.
The Board reported that new crash bars are being installed on some of the doors. Viet Nam wall is coming this month. Ron Callihan is the new maintenance man and Don Kemerling is his assistant. 40 bricks have been sold on the Memorial Walk.
Shelia Zelazny from St Croix Hospice spoke about their benefits for veterans who choose to select their services.
Commander Real received 240 American Flags. These flags will be given away on Memorial Day at the Park.
Thank you cards were received from Grand Island High School and Northwest High School for out supporting their Post Prom Parties.
Heidi Cooper sent a card, and photograph, informing us of her winning the VFW scholarship for the coming year.
It was reported that the Veterans Hospital will become smoke free in October.
The next meeting will be on June 4th at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The April meeting was held on the second. We had 10 members present.
The Board reported that they are seeking a part-time maintenance man and possibly a replacement for our full-time maintenance man. Drink prices have been increased on those using canned pop or juice.
Members voted to donate $100 to the Auxiliary for toys for flood victims.
Second call for nominations for officers. None received. Motion and 2nd to cast a White ballot for present officers. Carried.
Officers for the upcoming year are: Commander Robert Real, Sr. Vice Commander Mike Ponte, Jr. Vice Commander David Pieper, Chaplain Ron Callihan, Quartermaster Richard Simpson, Three year Board member Mike Ponte, Surgeon George Olsen, Judge Advocate Ron Hitch.
GI School Foundation was contacted and the problem about the scholarship was resolved. The student was given the wrong information by the wrong person.
There will be a scholarship recognition day on April 24 at GISH east gym at 10:00 AM.
The next meeting will be on May 7th at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The March meeting was held on the 5th. We had 10 members present.
The Board reported that the floors had all been stripped and waxed. The coun ter-top in the waitress station is to be replaced. All insurance policies have been updated.
Members voted to donate $100 to GISH Post Prom Party.
The Surgeon discussed the lack of ability to get the names of members who a re sick or in distress. This is because of the HIPPA rules. It is suggested that if you know of anyone being sick please contact him, George Olsen, at 308-384-2835 or cell 308-391-2522 or
Fist call for nominations for officers. All renominated. Second call and election at the April meeting.
A letter is to be sent to the Grand Island Jr. ROTC for their being chosen for the national contest.
GI School Foundation is to be contacted concerning the granting of scholarships.
The next meeting will be on April 2nd at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The February meeting was held on the 5th. We had eight members present.
There was much discussion concerning how our representatives to the Club Board were following directions from our members. There seemed to be no particular concern or any real problems.
The Board reported that the land west of the Club has been surveyed staked. On February 11 the Club is going to have the floors cleaned and help is needed to move the tables and chairs. Then on the 14th help is needed to move them back.
Members voted to donate $100 to GICC Post Prom Party, Westside Bowling for scholarship and to the fire department for their fire safety program for children.
Also, they voted $50 to the Veterans Hospital Volunteers for their Valentine Day party.
The next meeting will be on March 5th at 7:30 PM.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The December, 2018 meeting was held on the fourth. There were 11 members present.
Minutes and financial reports for November were approved as presented.
The Board reported that they are working on acquiring the land west of the Club. The Club will be closed all day on December 24 and open from noon to 6:00 PM on December 31. Two tall tables and 8 stools have been purchased for the lounge.
Thank you cards were received from our Patriot Pen winner and the Veterans Breakfast committee. A community service award was received from the Fire Department for our participation in Fire Safety.
The members were in a holiday mood and voted to donate $100 to Christmas Cheer, Salvation Army, Wreaths Across America, Gulf War Memorial and Northwest High School Post Prom Party
Due to New Years Day falling on the first Tuesday of the month, January’s meeting is postponed. The next meeting will be February 5, 2019.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The November, 2018 meeting was held on the sixth. There were 10 members present.
Minutes and financial reports for October were approved as presented.
The Board reported that the sprinklers in the park have been installed and that 21 new trees were planted. Happy hour prices have been revised.
Two Voice of Democracy and two Patriot Pen entries have been received.
The Sons of the American Legion requested a donation to cover the expenses for a band that they are arranging for. Members voted to donate $500 to help.
Commander Bob Real reported that the Veteran Home in Kearney will not open until sometime in January 2019.
The Adjutant discussed the possibility of changing meeting times from evenings to daytime. No action was taken.
A motion to donate $100 to Northwest High School Post Prom Party was tabled pending finding out if the students are charged to attend.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on December 3, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The October, 2018 meeting was held on the seconded. There were only six members present. Four officers were absent. This getting to be a problem.
Minutes and financial reports for September were approved as presented.
The Board reported that new sprinklers will installed in the park to eliminate the water wheels. There will be a band in the Park for Memorial Day. Bob Lathen was installed as Vice Chairman of the Board. Ron Hitch is a new Board member. There were only four guests at the Open Board Meeting.
As of now only one Patriot Pen essay has been received.
The Post passed its annual review.
Motion and second to donate $500 for the Vietnam Wall was approved.
Commander Bob Real has been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure. We wish him well and a speedy recovery
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on November 6, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The September, 2018 meeting was held on the fourth. There were only 10 members present. A number of officers were absent.
Minutes and financial reports for August were approved as presented.
The Board reported that the new freezer has been installed and the old one donated to Central Catholic. More trees and sprinklers will be added in the park. The annual open Board meeting will be on the 19th 0f September.
A thank you card was received from the Veterans Hospital Special Services Committee for our donation to their programs.
A discussion was held about conducting a drawing at our meetings for prizes to get more members to attend. No decision was made.
Military branch flags will be added with the American flags on memorial occasions.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on October 2, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The August, 2018 meeting was held on the seventh. There were only 9 members present. A number of officers were absent.
Minutes and financial reports for July were approved as presented.
The Board reported on that a new freezer has been ordered; NFL football games will be televised, maybe.
Veterans Service Office has a budget of $226 thousand for the coming year. There are 22 applicants for the fourth flight.
The schools have been notified of the VOD and PP programs.
Members voted to donate $50 to Auxiliary for a rest area at the State Fair on Veterans Appreciation Day. They also voted to donate $50 to the VA Volunteer Services for their continuing programs.
Thank you cards were received from the Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society. Also a thank you was received from the Auxiliary for our donation to them.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on September 4th, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The June, 2018 meeting was held on the fifth. There were only 10 members present.
Minutes and financial reports for May were approved as presented.
The Board reported on the water line break that closed the Club for a portion of Tuesday, June 5.
Members voted to donate $200 to the Veterans Home for Fireworks and $500 to Relay for Life.
Members voted to cancel the July meeting due to its proximity to July 4th.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on August 7th, 2018 at which time the new officers will assume their duties.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The May, 2018 meeting was held on the first. There were only 9 members present.
Minutes and financial reports for April were approved as presented.
The Board reported that the kitchen door has been replaced. 31 bricks have been sold. A Naco cheese unit has been ordered for the Lounge area.
Members voted to donate $200 to our Auxiliary for their veterans Easter party.
Received a report on our Scholarship program. It is doing well and this year’s receipient is Wyatt Stueven.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on June 5, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The April, 2018 meeting was held on the third. There were 19 members present.
Minutes and financial reports for March were approved as presented.
A group representing Grand Island High School gave an update of the proposed changes to the Memorial Stadium.
Second call for nominations for officers. Bob Real Commander, Mike Ponte Sr. Vice commander, Dave Pieper Jr. Vice Commander, QM Simpson, Chaplain Callihan, Judge Advocate Hitch, Surgeon George Olsen, Three Year Board member Ron Hitch and Scott Schleicher. Election was held. Unopposed nominees were elected by White ballot. Board member elected was Ron Hitch.
The Board reported that the Legion Auxiliary will no longer help at Bingo. Happy hour will be continued during Nebraska football games. Patrons with concerns should talk to the Manager and not try all tell employees how to do their job.
The Club will be used as a polling place for the November 2018 and May 2019 elections.
The Vietnam wall will be displayed May 22-27, 2019.
Members voted to donate $100 to the Junior Bowling Scholarship program.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on May 1, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The march, 2018 meeting was held on the sixth. There were nine members present.
Minutes and financial reports for February were approved as presented.
First call for nominations for officers. Mike Ponte for Commander, Ron Callihan for Chaplin, Ron Hitch for Board. Second call and election will be in April.
The Board reported that the damaged ceiling tiles in the Liberty Room will be replaced. The furnace was replaced. The big cooler will be sold as it is no longer needed. There will be no more gambling pools allowed within the Club. January income was a negative $478.
Members voted to donate $200 to Grand Island Fire Department’s child safety program.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on April 3, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The February, 2018 meeting was held on the sixth. There were 7 members present.
Minutes and financial reports for january were approved as presented.
Election was held for Chaplain. Ron Callihan was elected
The Board reported that new tall tables have arrived for the Lounge. Club had a negative income of $5,600 for December.
Members voted to donate $100 to Grand Island Senior High and Central Catholic for their Post Prom parties. Also $100 to Northwest if they request.
Membership is at 93 per cent.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on March 6, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The January, 2018 meeting was held on the second. There were 15 members present.
Minutes and financial reports for December were approved as presented.
Election was held to replace Jim Ibach on the Board. Candidates were Ron Callihan and Donald Schritt. Ron Callihan was elected.
Nominations were called for the Judge Advocke position. Ron Hitch was nominated. There being no other nominations, Hitch was elected.
The Board reported that new tall tables have been ordered for the Lounge and will be delivered when he matching formica tops are installed.
Members voted to donate $200 to the Sons for the veterans breakfast.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on February 6, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The December meeting was held on the fifth.. There were 10 members present.
A resignation letter was received from Board member Jim Ibach. However, Jim has since died so no action was taken on the letter. Nominations were then opened for his replacement. Ron Callihan and Donald Schritt were nominated. Election will take place at the January 2, 2018 meeting.
The Board reported that the new cooler is in and paid for. The new arch is up in the Park. The tree planting is completed.
VOD and PP reported that there are on students interested in participating.
A letter was received from the national home and one from the City Library. Both organizations were requesting donations. No action was taken on the requests.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 PM on January 2nd, 2018.
Respectively submitted
Richard L. Simpson, Quartermaster
VFW Post #1347
The October meeting was held on the third. There were only nine members present
The Board reported that only five people attended the open Board meeting. A new “smart” TV is going to replace the present Karaoke TV in order to have music at all times. The Club had a monetary loss of over $4,900 in August.
The Grand Island schools have been contacted regarding the VOD and PP programs.
A report from the Grand Island schools showed that our scholarship fund is sufficient to fund our scholarship for the next year.
Motion & 2nd to donate $100 to the VFW Veterans Bus fund. The motion was approved.
The next meeting will be on November 7, 2017 at 7:30 PM.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The August meeting was held on the first. There were nine members present.
District #11 Commander Kenneth Yount was our guest.
The Post received certificates for our participation in the Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy programs.
The Board reported that the new cooler had been ordered and that it should be here the middle of August. Veterans traveling through will be allowed to park in the northwest area of the parking lot. However, no trucks will be allowed. There will be a steak feed on August 12. The annual Open Board meeting will be on September 20 at 8:00 PM. The Club showed a loss of $975.00 in June.
Service Officer reported that the 3rd Hero Flight was full and that they are working on the 4th flight.
The next meeting will be on September 5, 2017 at 7:30 PM.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The June 2017 meeting was held on the sixth. There were only nine members present.
The May minutes were accepted as read. Financial report approved.
Board reported that the north well has been replaced, as the west door. SJ Louis Construction will finish grading the west lot when they are in the area. Pedro Rivera Construction has donated labor and concrete for the new entrances on the east as well as the curb on the west drive and concrete posts by the new sign. Financially the Club had a $6300 profit for April.
Members voted to donate $500 to Relay for Life.
Members were reminded of the D-Day invasion of France 73 years ago on this date
Due to the 4th of July occurring on the first Tuesday in July, the members voted to cancel the July meeting.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on August 1, 2017 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The March 2017 meeting was held on the seventh. There were 11 members present.
The February minutes were accepted as read. Financial report approved.
Board reported that they met with Justin Everton to get ideas on plantings for Memorial Park. Money from street widening project. They are considering a new door and concrete slab on west side of building. There will be a deposit on room rental fees for cleaning. The Easter egg hunt will be on April 8th. The UVC Steak feed will be on March 18th. Club profit for January was $6,983.
First call for nomination of officers for 2018. All present officers nominated for another term. Jim Ibach nominated for a full three year term on the UVC Board. Second call and vote will be at the April meeting.
Dale Fillinger made a motion which was seconded that the Post should have a fund raiser. The motion passed and Dale was selected for chair the fund raiser.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on April 4, 2017 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The February 2017 meeting was held on the seventh. There were 9 members present.
The January minutes were accepted as read. Financial report approved.
Board reported that they are considering placing a barrier at the west parking lot to prevent people from driving on the grass. Talking about bringing back cheese plates in the lounge. Thinking about another customer appreciation day in July. Financial report shoed a profit of $1766 in December.
Justin Keane will be at the Grand theater on February 14.
Members voted to donate $100 to the Grand Island High School and Central Catholic High School Post Prom Parties. Also donated $100 to the Shrine Circus and Amerian Legion Auxiliary for their Easter Egg Hunt.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on March 7, 2017 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The January 2017 meeting was held on the third. There were 12 members present.
The December minutes were accepted as read. Financial report approved.
Board reported that a 12 passenger van had been accepted for use by the Honor Guard. DAV members are welcome to use the Club. 16 bricks have been sold in the new sidewalk. Electric hand dryers are being installed in the lounge restrooms.
Local VOD winner was awarded 2nd place at District.
Members voted to donate $300 to the Club for a television. and $100 to Northwest High School Post Prom party.
There will be a Christmas party at the Veterans Home on the 12th of February.
Grand Island School system gave a presentation on proposed upgrades to the Memorial Stadium. It appears to be a very expansive program.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on February, 2017 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The December, 2016 meeting was held on the sixth. There were only eight members present.
The November minutes were accepted as read. Financial report approved.
Board reported that Bill Kaiser has been contracted to engrave the bricks in the new sidewalk. There will be an increase in menu prices and some seldom sold items removed.
Financial report showed a $5,300 profit for October.
Members voted to donate $200 to the Children’s Home and $100 to Christmas Cheer and the Salvation Army.
There will be a Christmas party at the Veterans Hospital on the 11th of December and a ceremony on the laying of wreaths at the Veterans Home on the 17th.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on January 3, 2017 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The November, 2016 meeting was held on the first. There were 11 members present.
The October minutes were accepted as read. Financial report approved.
Board reported that the new sidewalk has been named Memorial Walk. Bricks are available for $100 each. Broken concrete in parking lost to be replaced in the spring. They may be installing more security cameras. New TV in the lounge a possibility.
Members voted to donate $300 to the Veterans Breakfast and $100 to Wreaths across America.
VOD and Patriot Pan has three contestants each.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on December 6, 2016 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The October, 2016 meeting was held on the fourth. There were 10 members present.
The September minutes were accepted as read. Financial report approved.
Board reported that they are going ahead with the archway and sidewalk at the south side of the Park. Finances showed a loss of $7,500 in August.
Members voted to donate $500 to the Hero flight.
Commander has calendars for sale. Monetary award for winning owner after drawing.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on November 1, 2016 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The September, 2016 meeting was held on the sixth. There were 12 members present.
The August minutes and the financial report were accepted as read.
Board reported that they designated space on west wall for plaque donated by Glen Decker; Honor Guard given space in United Room for display. Working on bids for archway and sidewalk at south end of Park. Discussed monthly steak feed.
Annual open Board meeting will be September 21 at 7:00 PM.
Jim Ibach elected to Board to replace Bob Real.
Members voted to don ate $200 to the Auxiliary for all of their work and assistance to the Post.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on October 4, 2016 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson
VFW Post #1347
The August, 2016 meeting was held on the second. There were 11 members present.
The June minutes and the financial report were accepted as read. There was no July meeting du to weather.
Board reported that they will be responsible for flying the flags at half mast when required. Thinking of installing lights at the south entrance to the park.
Quartermaster reported that over three hundred dollars has been spent to provide assistance to veterans.
Post received a letter of resignation from the Board of Bob Real. Commander opened the floor to nominations. Jim Ibach was nominated. Second call will and election will be at the September meeting.
There being no further business, closing ceremonies were conducted. The next meeting will be on September 6, 2016 at 1930 hours.
Yours in comradeship
Richard L. Simpson